View Full Version : Top 10 Quran Verses for Understanding ISIS the Islamic State

09-13-2014, 11:46 AM
Quick 8 minute tutorial


09-13-2014, 12:06 PM
Now That's funny ...Link takes you to starting a new thread ... So I suppose you are saying there is no understanding ...to which I agree

09-13-2014, 12:30 PM
Hahhaaa... I fixed it.

09-14-2014, 04:33 AM
Good to hear from you! So, alla that bad stuff really IS Islam. Not quite my idea of what it takes to be a god BTW.

09-14-2014, 05:14 AM
Thank you Pat. The video was very informative. The last verse exampled, which gives permission to abrogate previous verses in the Koran was especially enlightening.

09-14-2014, 07:29 AM
Inside every Muslim is a murderer waiting for an excuse.

09-14-2014, 08:03 PM
Definitely belongs in the pit but that vidio is excellent and on the money. Sure sounds peaceful to me ! (last sentence not purple due to technical difficulties lol) FB

09-15-2014, 01:01 PM
I may as well add this article in today's news...

Texas Sheriff: Reports Warn Of ISIS Terrorist Cells Coming Across The Border


My thanks go out to Obama and the White house Administration. Congress and Homeland Security.

09-15-2014, 03:10 PM
Yeah, that guy needs to read A LOT more of the bible. His #10 mirrors 'lukewarm christians' as well as the end of days forsaking. Both of which clearly illustrate God only loves believers who open their hearts to him. The bible is full of conflicting and contradicting information. 9 has a mirroring in the bible as well, as do others.

A core importance is to make the link between the Quran and the Bible as the author of one is directly linked to the other.

But then again we've lost so much in varied translations of both over the centuries.

09-15-2014, 03:13 PM
Read what the torah says about "gentiles" or non-believers. Same ****.

09-15-2014, 04:09 PM
A core importance is to make the link between the Quran and the Bible as the author of one is directly linked to the other.

Christianity is the New Covenant, not the Old Testament Covenant from the days before man began to try to improve himself without being forced to do so out of fear.
Islam downgrades Christ to status of a Prophet and the New Covenant is not represented by their take on scripture.

I don't see any real link between Christ and Mohhamed at all. Muslims have been mislead for more than a thousand years.

Theres more than a few who misread and misinterpret the New Testament to justify their own evil desires, Muslims are more akin to them.

09-15-2014, 04:29 PM
The cull in progress should be increased to reflect the worlds disgust at the atrocities committed by Isis.An all nation hammering into the ground where they belong is required.When I had Rats on my land I shot them.

09-16-2014, 04:41 PM
Yeah, that guy needs to read A LOT more of the bible. His #10 mirrors 'lukewarm christians' as well as the end of days forsaking. Both of which clearly illustrate God only loves believers who open their hearts to him. The bible is full of conflicting and contradicting information. 9 has a mirroring in the bible as well, as do others.

A core importance is to make the link between the Quran and the Bible as the author of one is directly linked to the other.

But then again we've lost so much in varied translations of both over the centuries.

The Bible clearly shows that God loves all people, even those that curse him. That does not mean all people will be saved, but all could be or could have been. The Bible does not have any contradictions when properly understood and context is taken into account. Very little has been lost over the centuries or due to translations of the original material. Scholars mostly agree we know the original text of the New Testament material for certain. There is some disagreement concerning the Old Testament over certain minor variances.

There really is no comparison between the Bible and the Koran in my view. The Bible offers the only plausible explanation for things to my mind. The Koran continues all the wrongs and injustices we see on earth into the afterlife.

09-17-2014, 11:04 PM
Islam is a cult/political party created by a child molester. It is more concerned with control over others than anything else. Having had a run in with a muslim guy who thought it was a good idea to try to rape me I only have contempt for them. His excuse in court was that sharia law allows him to rape any non muslim women who are by themselves. A pistol in his ribs changed his mind in a hurry after he grabbed me. That was 8 years ago when Somali's started showing up in rural Minnesota towns. I was illegally carrying and the cop did not even blink an eye or even ask for my permit. Fact I stopped him with a pistol never came up in court either. Just that I prevented him from dragging me into the family restroom at a walmart in a town 45 miles away.

09-18-2014, 06:14 AM
Read what the torah says about "gentiles" or non-believers. Same ****.
Care to post a few quotes?

When what we call the Old Testament was written there were no Christians, the only "Gentiles" around back then were idolators, animists, and demon worshippers. Not easy to warm up to folks who practice human sacrifice, burying or burning children alive, and subjecting captives to ritualised sodomy and skinning them alive not necessarily in that order.
There was plenty of animosity towards Christians in Israel in the decades before the dispora, but only towards Jewish Christians. The Jews at that time were a beaten and occupied nation and had no power to persecute any non Jew even in their own country.

09-18-2014, 07:13 AM
Yeah, that guy needs to read A LOT more of the bible. His #10 mirrors 'lukewarm christians' as well as the end of days forsaking. Both of which clearly illustrate God only loves believers who open their hearts to him. The bible is full of conflicting and contradicting information. 9 has a mirroring in the bible as well, as do others.

A core importance is to make the link between the Quran and the Bible as the author of one is directly linked to the other.

But then again we've lost so much in varied translations of both over the centuries.

You must be a christmas goose.

09-18-2014, 12:02 PM
I'm afraid the trash means cash for to many- over 92 million of our deadbeat citizens now, so I wonder if it ever will get taken out again.

I've got an old friend who was an engineer for oil rig manufacturers back in the 70's and 80's.

He sent me this comment...

You know I spent some 17 years somewhere overseas with 5 years in Arab countries. So I know these cats like the back of my hand. I watched the shah fall in Iran while I was in Saudi. I was told that BP backed this move to gain more influence on the oil fields. Who knows? I still blame The Russians with Al Qaeda. I think their invasion of Afghanistan was the foundation of Al Qaeda and most of this Jihad mess. Oh I realize we were there as a paranoid country fighting Communism.

Me being a Christian, I still have a problem understanding those who believe Islam. By the same token having lived there I too understand the influence one can get on a child from birth. I've always said IF we as Christians devoted 1/4 as much time teaching The Bible as Muslims do The Quran, we'd have a different society here. What terrifies me is how passive we are to their coming here and building mosque everywhere. We are in a lot trouble but do not seem to have time to listen or understand. If it ain't an Ipad or cell phone, we don't want to know.

All I can do is tell my kids the difference.

09-18-2014, 10:03 PM
Local charter school has banned cell phones from the building. Kids have to turn them into the principal and if a parent texts or calls the principal decides if it requires immediate attention or can wait for lunch or after classes. School uses Ipads but all social sites are blocked, ebay, craigslist, everything is blocked except the schools site and the K-12 online school they are a part of. Kids are taught to respect elders, swearing is a half day suspension, they are strict but they also have a waiting list of students who want in. They do have bibles in the school, and are more than willing to bring in other religious texts if a student asks for them. No formal classes are taught but the local churches do offer an after school bible class that many of the kids attend. The churches take turns teaching so no one viewpoint is taught. They even did a 2 week after school class on Islam and how the Koran was taken from the bible and corrupted.