View Full Version : Exfiltration op "Britannia" a success

09-04-2014, 11:54 AM
Wow. Just got back from an exfil op. Nasty weather inbound, varied from heavy rain to light rain and some good flash-flash-bang-bang from lightning. Inserted to the primary, and no sign of the target. Did some zone recon, nothing. Stopped at the farmer's house, and there were some old retrobates there for the first day of Illinois goose season, which sorta fizzled due to the heavy rain and lightning this morning. They had seen my little Brittany about ten minutes prior at the top pond.

Old man and I hopped into the Batmobile (no atomic batteries, cool sounds, or neat-o words like "Start!" popping up) and we motored up to the sighting area. Nada. Old man got a call soon after I dismounted that the little one was sighted in the farmer's yard, headed in our direction. I doubled back, and lo and behold, this wet looking Brittany is coming at me. Dropped to my knee, held out my arms, and she came in. Put the lead on her, but she was already very sure that she wanted to get into the car.... Never heard her whine before today. It musta sucked being outside in that storm....

Old man drove back up so I could pick up the thoroughly drenched towel and jacket that we left out last night, threw away the soaked dry dog food, and got back up to the car (well, Nissan Rogue, to be precise). Old man had her combed out and had fed her some before she got wound up over me being gone. Put the driver's rear seat down, rearranged her foam pad, and we then got on the road. She was standing on my lap (as usual) and we all saw the five turkeys running over the gravel road before we cleared the farm. Yes, you CAN use dogs in the Wisconsin Fall season. No use in Illinois, but...

Finished feeding her, she sat in my lap until we cleared Davis, IL, then she went back, curled up, and mostly stayed that way until we got home.


Usually, she stands on or sits on my lap as she desires, but this morning, she was a little pillow until we were a few hundred yards from the house. Then she stood up, shook herself, and (after we stopped!) went right into the house to get some warm chicken strip lovin' and some pandering.

Over at Monroe, WI there is little deer cover close to where we set up for doves. She runs out and about, then comes back. Sat next to us on Tuesday, made seven retrieves, didn't loose any birds. But outside Davis, there are quite a few deer - we pushed two deer out this AM about 75 yards from where we set out the towel and food... Lesson of the day - leave her leashed until our dove set-up is complete. Then she is less likely to find something while we are distracted...


09-04-2014, 12:14 PM
Great report!

09-04-2014, 07:33 PM
Glad that girl is safe and sound, and dry.
Ole Jack

09-04-2014, 08:34 PM
Great ending, way to many just disappear and are never seen again.

09-05-2014, 08:13 AM
A very happy ending indeed. No one needs that kind of stress in their lives.

gray wolf
09-05-2014, 09:21 AM
Great story and a wonderful ending, thanks for all the details.
OH, and a beautiful Dog.