View Full Version : Knocking doves down in droves !.

09-02-2014, 10:44 PM
Took mini me out dove hunting yesterday and man did we have a good time. Managed to fill two five gallon buckets with birds in about 4 hours and 125 shells later. For 11 yers old he really took to it and warmed up one of my old JC Higgins real good. A great day and lots of dove poppers to make now !.

dagger dog
09-03-2014, 04:42 PM
No better hunting than a dove shoot !

Fellow lived in Spencer county KY, near Mt Washington used to invite us to one every opening day of the dove season. He planted milo in long strips along the outside of the corn rows.
He would mow the milo rows along with two or three rows of corn about two weeks prior to the hunt.
There was woods for roosting along with several stock ponds for water.

Every one (about 30 people) would gather at one of his barns and would work out a shooting plan for safety, then pair up and go to your station. Long about 5pm they would start coming in singles, pairs, once the shooting started it was flocks, the ones that were missed on the first pass would mix with the ones that were coming in to feed and water, I've seen 20, 25 birds making passes through the shooting lanes, guns blazing.

I always wound up running out of ammo (cause I'm a poor wing shooter) and having to beg my buddy for some of his.

We pulled the breasts off, marinate them in red wine and spices wrap them in bacon and shove a pan full in the broiler, made a great end to the day.

At work the next day we would show off the bruising on your shoulder !

09-03-2014, 04:50 PM
Try using part of a jalapino pepper, wrap with bacon of course, and using italian dressing as a marinate then grill over charcoal. Also very good.

09-04-2014, 12:24 PM
Managed to fill two five gallon buckets with birds !.

Wow, you guys don't have a limit?

09-04-2014, 01:37 PM
I got one...

09-04-2014, 03:11 PM
Limits? Don't need no stinking limits! I think the OP, possibly on purpose, left out the details of the differential limits regarding various dove species. The post was mostly a gloat- not to mention bragging about a fine training exercise for a young hunter as a future conservationist.

Why heck no limit needed if you believe all the doves you shoot at are Eurasian ring necks.

09-04-2014, 08:35 PM
You can pack about 75 in a 5 gal bucket (musta read that somewhere) so 150 birds. With a limit of 15 it goes without saying there were 9 buddies shootin with him....when I was a "mini me" I'd generally wind up cleaning 'em, and no such thing as poppin the breast! Character building I think Daddy called it.

09-04-2014, 08:39 PM
got one here too,and couldn't find it.

09-05-2014, 12:10 PM
When we kill Grouse we---lay the grouse on its back, stand on the wings and pull straight up on the feet. You are left with two wings (with feathers) and two clean breasts. Does that method work with Doves?

09-05-2014, 03:54 PM
When the game warden determines that about 20 of what you thought were Eurasian ring necks are really Morning doves you will learn all about limits.

09-05-2014, 06:48 PM
If you can fit 75 doves in a bucket...you aint shootin doves. Closer to 30 is about all you can drop in a 5 gal bucket. Some of them were ringnecks... slightly bigger than the standard fare dove. All good eating !!. Wife to my son back over my buddies after school wednesday and he bagged another 10 and it worked out about 3 shells per bird for what he touched off. He got a little cocky and was pressing too many long shots. I got in about 6:30 after work to watch him and my buddy do the last bit of shooting. Gotta give the birds a rest for a couple days. Last year was a better haul but last year mini me did'nt do anywhere near as well as this year. Can't wait to make a couple trays of dove poppers !!.

09-05-2014, 08:17 PM
Wow, you guys don't have a limit?

Sometimes in situations like that, the limit is all you can shoot plus one.

09-05-2014, 08:36 PM
Still.... sounds like a good shoot. You can't get in on one around here if you ain't kin to the landowners. When I was a younger fellow, all you had to do was ride around the county on a Saturday and look for one of the many signs out by the big farms. Usually a piece of plywood or some such up by the road that said "Dove shoot $5" and stop and give em $5 and draw you a stand number out of a bucket and go find that same number on a fence post and sit there and shoot til you was happy. Those days are long gone.

09-06-2014, 03:56 PM
We had a great dove season opener....lots of birds, lots of shooting. Unfortunately, quite a few dropped birds were left in the fields, among the discarded trash. That spectacle sure provides a lot of free publicity for the anti-hunting crowd.

dagger dog
09-06-2014, 04:48 PM
When we kill Grouse we---lay the grouse on its back, stand on the wings and pull straight up on the feet. You are left with two wings (with feathers) and two clean breasts. Does that method work with Doves?

Twist each wing out at the socket , stick on finger down into the crawl (crop), hold the body with the head and neck bent back, pulldown with the finger that's in the crawl the ribs will pull loose from the back, the skin splits and the breast will come off.

09-08-2014, 07:25 AM
When the game warden determines that about 20 of what you thought were Eurasian ring necks are really Morning doves you will learn all about limits.

Limits are in place for a reason.If a hunter would look closer at the regs,he may find that if he loose's his license in....say Kentucky,then he loose's all right's in Tennessee and several other states.Last week,across the field,I heard 5 shots in fast succession.The day before there were 2 game officers monitoring the field.Too bad for this guy had he gotten caught without a plug.

09-09-2014, 06:48 PM
Had a great shoot Sunday. Most birds I've seen in 50 years. Just like the old days. I shot and shot. Ended up with the limit............. Game warden was checking licenses and guns at the end of the shoot. Nice young fellow. One of our junior members didn't have a plug in his 870 and he let him slide on account of age. Kind of irked me that he didn't know as I told them 15 minutes earlier that I had a section of 5/16 wooden dowel in the truck if anybody was short a plug.

That was half of a big silage field. The other half wasn't cut yet. Next week is the Salt River hunt which is another biggie.

Hope the cold spell don't move the birds.

Good blastin'/beagle

09-09-2014, 08:56 PM
I wish it would move them my way.The finches have eaten everything it seems,they may have left the zip code.