View Full Version : George decided to grace the Sunshine state!

08-31-2014, 07:16 PM
I was sitting here on Saturday morning drinking my morning cup of coffee and watching the morning news when my dog jumped up and started growling as if someone were outside. I looked out the window and saw no one so I told her to hush and lay back down. Well she kept growling and as I got up and approached the front door I noticed movement outside the door, and before I knew I knew it a small white box was heading straight at me and a dark figure was running down the drive towards the gate. The box missed me by inches and landed on the living room floor, meanwhile my dog had bolted out the door and was chasing the dark figure down the driveway. I called and called for her to come back and eventually she showed up at the door with a piece of dark blue fabric in her mouth. If anyone sees a dark figure missing a small part of material from their trousers please let me know as I think George has fell victim to the bite of my dog. George was kind enough to leave me some of the prettiest .225 Winchester brass, a like new set of .225 Winchester dies, and a set of lubesizer dies. I would really like to apologize to George for the dog bite and thank him for showing up here in the Sunshine state.