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View Full Version : I took my little boy to the range.

08-30-2014, 01:31 AM
I took my boy to the range with his savage rascal (he calls it his pow gun) yesterday. I bought it for him for christmas, and I guess I was more excited than he was cause I took him to the range christmas day with it. Its been slow going all year, I didn't want to force him into it, so Ive been taking it real slow with him. We've been 4 or 5 times so far. But had a pretty good breakthrough this week. He can work the bolt and knows to put it on safe when its cocked (only time it will go on safe), he's even pretty good at keeping it pointed in a safe direction, unless he gets really excited. But he hasn't really taken an interest in aiming it until now. Well I started working with him on that and he shot a gatorade bottle 5 or 6 times at 7 yards by himself! I know it isn't a prairie dog at 500 yd but I was so proud I couldn't contain myself. He was pretty proud too, He wrote his name on it and is gonna send it to his grandpa. I swear it says Hootie (his nickname) powed this by himself. Somedays its good to be a dad!

He's 4 by the way.

08-30-2014, 06:39 AM
4 is a wonderful age, kids are still awed by so many things we take for granted. Sounds like he has a good dad also.

08-30-2014, 06:40 AM
Good on you adanymous! Sounds like you and your little man had fun and he made a proud Dad even more proud.

08-30-2014, 09:00 AM
Good for you. Train them right and responsible.


08-30-2014, 09:01 AM
Sounds like he's going to be a deadeye! Great job getting him started early and teaching the right way! I know my kids don't have the desire to go shooting as often as I do so I don't pressure them. I have found that as they get older and have more friends they want to hang out with, if I can include their friends (with their parents) of course, they want to go more often.