View Full Version : Think my Chargemaster is getting sick.

08-27-2014, 02:22 PM
The last few times I used my RCBS Chargemaster it seemed fine for a while. Then the beep changed to a shrill screech. Now it gets to that after about 20 throws, and last night while dispensing 26.5 grains of SR-4759 it stopped at 22.1. I kept watching and waiting for the stepper motor to kick in with a little twist. It never happened. I dumped that back into the hopper, replaced the pan, and it dispensed the correct charge. The next five or six were OK. Then it froze up again.
Just a few quirks? Or sign of major problems? :?

I've had this unit for about four years now. I know RCBS will make good when the time comes. I just hate going through the hassle.

08-28-2014, 10:54 AM
I'd unplug,re-set and test. If it does the same thing,get it fixed.

08-28-2014, 11:37 AM
Based on some threads in another forum, RCBS may not repair any electronic items. They may just offer a lower price on a replacement.

One of the better responses recommended taking the system apart, cleaning all the contacts, and carefully reassembling it. Another post mentioned that the system is sensitive to how level the components are, especially in relation to one another. One person plugged his into a clean power supply.

Good luck,

08-28-2014, 11:38 AM
I've had this unit for about four years now.

I believe you're past the Warranty period.

08-28-2014, 12:02 PM
I had the original RCBS electric powder system made by Pact it didn't last long and was sent in for repair, it was just replaced by RCBS that on failed soon after. I own a lot of gear made by RCBS and the mechanical things work well. Everything Ive bought from them that was electrical has turned out to be expensive junk. Ive moved on to other companies. GP Just my opinion mileage may vary.

08-28-2014, 01:42 PM
Call RCBS. Ask about possibly opening the unit and cleaning it out (maybe you have some powder kernels binding it up?)
Do an internet search for troubleshooting the ChargeMaster.

08-28-2014, 02:53 PM
Ding ding ding - SR4759 rings a bell

Is this the first time you have used SR4759 with it?

Does it have a ported tube that is threaded inside to move the powder?

I had the following problem with SR4759 with an AMT/Lyman Autoscale.

It would run and then lock up. If i grabbed the trickle tube and reversed it slightly with my fingers it would go back to working ok. Sooner or later it would do it again. Finally I let it jam and left it jammed. Then I carefully turned the scale upside down and drained the hopper of powder. What I found was the large sticks of SR4759 would stack end to end until they jammed between the bottom of the reservoir and the flat on the edge of the trickle tube. This took 4 or 5 sticks of SR4759 perfectly stacked to accomplish.

The fix was easy. I took a needle file and put an irregular radius on the cutting edge of the opening in the trickle so the SR4759 grains were never 90 degrees to to the side of the reservoir. That Autoscale has never jammed again.

08-28-2014, 07:35 PM
Ding ding ding - SR4759 rings a bell

Is this the first time you have used SR4759 with it?

Does it have a ported tube that is threaded inside to move the powder?

I had the following problem with SR4759 with an AMT/Lyman Autoscale.

It would run and then lock up. If i grabbed the trickle tube and reversed it slightly with my fingers it would go back to working ok. Sooner or later it would do it again. Finally I let it jam and left it jammed. Then I carefully turned the scale upside down and drained the hopper of powder. What I found was the large sticks of SR4759 would stack end to end until they jammed between the bottom of the reservoir and the flat on the edge of the trickle tube. This took 4 or 5 sticks of SR4759 perfectly stacked to accomplish.

The fix was easy. I took a needle file and put an irregular radius on the cutting edge of the opening in the trickle so the SR4759 grains were never 90 degrees to to the side of the reservoir. That Autoscale has never jammed again.

SR-4759 is one that usually travels very well. The Chargemaster has an opening in the tube to pick up the powder, and an Archemides screw to convey it to the drop off. As far as it stopping, I think the stepper motor and the load cell under the scale pan were not talking to each other. Having two separate symptoms at the same time gives me the 'failure is eminent', fear.

Might just take a peek at the innards and see what looks odd or loose. Only thing I can do. One thing's for sure, I'm not springin' for a new one. You can buy just the scale part new and plug that in. Still, it's about $170.

08-28-2014, 11:43 PM
SR4759 works great in my Autoscale because of the very large grains. In fact it is the only thing I have ever used that handles SR4759 well. But I have used 2 different Autoscales and they both had the stacking jams with SR4759. I have only modified one of them since I found the cause of the problem.

08-29-2014, 05:54 AM
I personally don't think you will do any harm in carefull opening it up, as others have said you are well out of warranty period anyway. I opened mine up years ago as the buzzer was driving me mad, it was so loud!! I carefully opened I up and put a few drops of super glue on it.. That has quietned it down nicely. I would check for loose bits or powder build up, I have heard of grains getting under the weight sensor bit and giving funny readings. Also have you done the normal trick with the drinking straw and changed the time/speed setting? These all seem to help

good luck


08-29-2014, 11:07 AM
Reddirt, I don't know about the 'drinking straw' trick to change settings. Can you explain?

08-31-2014, 12:07 PM
Just opened up the unit this morning. Nothing glaring, no loose solder or plug-ins, no powder kernels, nothing. Sometimes I find that just removing and replacing electronic connections makes things better. Will put it to the test tomorrow.

One thing is certain, no warranty work, even if it was a newer unit. I had to break tamper seals to get in.

gray wolf
08-31-2014, 08:14 PM
RCBS will replace it for about 50 Bux.

08-31-2014, 11:45 PM
My suggestion is get rid of it and get yourself a old fashioned scale. This sounds horrible, but with 26 in the Electronics field, that is what I have. I wouldn't buy an electronic scale in the price range most are offered at.