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View Full Version : Ashly the Malamute dog Vet update

gray wolf
08-26-2014, 01:54 PM
Well a 130 miles latter and the 4 of us our home. The Vet surgeon lady was very nice. We have to go back on Thursday, need to be there by 0700 and the means Julie and I will be up at 0:Dark 30 or about 4AM, it's not even light out at that time.

She has to have the two Cyst removed, blood work, knock out drops,
Biopsy, Histopath, Kennel fee, Meds, Anti mess with the operation sight Collar,
and what ever else.

We get to do all that for the tidy some of 800 to 900 $$
No idea at this time how we are going to handle that part.

I have two days to come up with something.

Needless to say I am a tad upset and a little on edge.



gray wolf
08-26-2014, 03:50 PM
Thank you Eric,
We really appreciate the help, Ashly is family.


08-26-2014, 07:58 PM
Don't forget to follow the "gofundme" link and donate a little to help that cute "little" "puppy!"

08-26-2014, 10:33 PM
Tweeted and shared to facebook again.

gray wolf
08-27-2014, 09:14 AM
Thank you Mary for your help.

gray wolf
08-27-2014, 11:26 AM
Thank you to everyone for helping us!

08-27-2014, 06:49 PM
Prays and help sent

gray wolf
08-27-2014, 08:56 PM
Thank you double, Red.

gray wolf
08-28-2014, 02:53 PM
Ashly is home and resting. Pretty woozy from the meds they gave her.
Just wanted to let you all know that part is done. Sam will update when he gets back from town. (short errand run)


PS. God bless you all for helping Ashly to have this much needed surgery.

08-28-2014, 03:49 PM
She is gonna be fine now and I hope you guys are ok.

Lefty Red
08-28-2014, 06:02 PM
Glad to hear!

gray wolf
08-28-2014, 09:36 PM
We are hanging in here. I managed to grab an hour or so of sleep till she woke me up whining. We took a walk, pottied and came back inside. Gave her another pain pill and hopefully when that kicks in we all can get a bit more sleep.
She has a huge incision where they removed the cysts. There were 6 of them. Three up top and 3 hidden under a fold in the mammary gland. All were removed along with some muscle and the gland. Those will be sent off for a biopsy to make sure there are no malignancies. Vet didn't think so but we all want to make sure.

We were able to pay part of the bill today and have to wait till next week to catch up the rest when Go Fund Me releases the rest of the funds and the snail mail catches up to us.

It's definitely been stressful and will continue for a couple days till she gets past the worst of the pain.

Any prayers for our family are most welcome right now. We are all tired and cranky.

God bless.

gray wolf
08-29-2014, 10:58 AM
Thank you Julie for making a couple of post for me and updating it some.
I know that some people in the World would probably say:
All this for a dog ??
I say, Um, yes, all this for a Dog. I guess some people get it and some people do not.
It's not up to me, or any of us to define what's important to others, But we can respect what's important to them and take care of what's important to us.

You know I can look into my dogs eyes and see the love they have for us, I can see it in there faces when they look at me and say:

Thanks for feeding me and giving me a clean place to sleep, and that little thing you do with that old towel when I come in out of the rain, thanks for kinda knowing that I really didn't want to lay around all wet and cold all day.
You scratch my head, I lick your face, You sleep a little better cause you know I can hear what you can't hear and I will wake you in case of a threat.
Dogs are special and they do special things, they love us,
and they don't really ask for to much in return.

Julie gave you all the update of what the vet found, and we are hoping for a nice smooth recovery. The trip back and forth was a little stressful but we got Err done, the old truck hung in there like part of the team.

Men it was a long day for all of us and I just couldn't do the Key board last night.

As most of you know we had a go fund me thing on the net, well you should also know that 99% of what was donated came from this forum along with the Auctions that were offered up and some help through the Mail we got the bill covered.

You all did it again for us when we were in need, You had my back, you helped us through another not so easy time. I hope we thanked all of you folks, Some people don't tell me there screen name so it's hard sometimes to figure it all out.
So if we missed anyone--Thank you--
Thank you all for the kind thoughts, well wishes and prayers for my dog and my family.
Julie, Ashly and Sophia, We don't take up much room around the kitchen table, it's a small group, but the love is big.

Men/ Ladies, thank you for the help you all showed us, thank you for being such a kind group of people.

Julie and I truly thank you all once more.


08-29-2014, 11:38 AM
No thanks needed, but you are welcome.
Give more than you get and you will get more than you need.
This works for the good and bad you do.

08-30-2014, 12:26 PM
Sam, I'm so glad Ashley is healing well.

You don't have to explain to me how your dog's love is displayed. I call it unconditional love, the kind God has for us. Agape love. They will willingly lay down their life for us, many have done just that. Bonding between me and my Arrow dog took maybe a day. The vet recognized it during his first visit just after I adopted him.


Let us know if there's any follow-up expenses not covered yet.

gray wolf
08-30-2014, 01:22 PM
That was very nice of you to post that, Snuff
Ashly has come between a Coyote or two to help Julie and would do it many more times.

Something about K9,s something special, I guess.

In the process of trying to reduce the pain meds now.

As for the cost ? well we are still broke, the gas station guy let me go on the cuff for some gas this morning, so that's good. I am pretty sure that when we get the help that is coming snail mail we can pay the bill.

Thank all of you


08-30-2014, 09:43 PM
Well a 130 miles latter and the 4 of us our home. The Vet surgeon lady was very nice. We have to go back on Thursday, need to be there by 0700 and the means Julie and I will be up at 0:Dark 30 or about 4AM, it's not even light out at that time.

She has to have the two Cyst removed, blood work, knock out drops,
Biopsy, Histopath, Kennel fee, Meds, Anti mess with the operation sight Collar,
and what ever else.

We get to do all that for the tidy some of 800 to 900 $$
No idea at this time how we are going to handle that part.

I have two days to come up with something.

Needless to say I am a tad upset and a little on edge.



Hope very thing comes out OK.

Have to take one of my German Shepherds in Tue to get a golf ball size cyst off his pecker.

Good luck.

08-31-2014, 12:38 AM
Glad she is doing better, pets are family members. I don't have a dog right now just 2 cats and even they show love at times. Both meet at the door when I come home just lie a dog would and need to be petted.

Wise Owl
09-01-2014, 02:51 PM
Short update on Ashly:

She is going well. Things are healing up nicely and if she can make it thru a couple more days of being housebound, we should be past the worst of it. Grumpy but understandable due to the surgery.
Still on pain meds and will be for a couple more days.

Thank you again for helping her to have the surgery. Without you folks, it would not have happened.


gray wolf
09-02-2014, 06:43 PM
Hi all.

We got a donation for Ashly in the mail today but no forum handle on it so we don't know who you are. You live in Washington State and were very kind to our girl. So, whoever you are, thank you from the gray wolf house.

And Ashly of course, who by the way is doing very well for only being 5 1/2 days from surgery.

She is getting back to her bossy self again...grins. Also has enjoyed being treated extra special these past few days.

Julie and Sam

09-02-2014, 07:12 PM
Glad we were all able to help. I(really my wife) has a Beagle we got for free who is now worth 900.00 due to being hit by a car. I only take credit for the 5-7 cats we have. The cats like to sleep on the bed if we let them, I try and keep it down to 2 a night. They only sleep on my side! Even the yellow tabby who always gives her kisses when she gets home from work. Kinda pisses my wife off:)

09-02-2014, 09:46 PM
Cats = good chilly night body warmers

gray wolf
09-03-2014, 09:07 AM
We did it. Well you did it, no, we ALL did it.

I just called the vet and paid the bill in full. (praise God !) They are sending out the biopsy sample today and we should know by the end of next week whether there was anything unusual from it. (praying for negative on that)

Ashly is doing fine now. Friday is when we will probably take her stitches out and then she can be able to do her "thing" again. Play with sister outside and lay on the deck which she has sorely missed doing. Couldn't take a chance on her getting the incision dirty or taking out stitches too soon. She has been an angel thru it all with only a small amount of complaining. I am sure if she could put her woo woo's into human words she would say thank you to all of you who have stepped forward to pay her bill and send prayers.

Sam or I will update on the biopsy results when we get them but so far she seems like her old self already.

God bless you all. You are the greatest group I have ever known.


09-03-2014, 11:38 AM
I love it when a plan works out ! Give Ashley an ear scratch for me.

gray wolf
09-03-2014, 01:08 PM
You bet ! She's been getting lots of those and smoochies from both of us.


PS. Sam is at the range taking a very needed time out from baby sitting Ashly. He really needed to do some bang banging...lol. :mrgreen:

09-03-2014, 08:05 PM
Glad things are going well.

gray wolf
09-06-2014, 12:15 PM
We wanted to update all of your who have been concerned about Ashly. She is doing great. The stitches came out yesterday and she is full of her old self again. Rode to the PO this morning with her head sticking out the back window.

Now we are waiting on the biopsy results from the lab. Praying it comes back negative.

09-06-2014, 12:53 PM

09-06-2014, 01:01 PM
It's great to see a dog having fun!

09-06-2014, 04:31 PM
You're welcome.

Hi all.

We got a donation for Ashly in the mail today but no forum handle on it so we don't know who you are. You live in Washington State and were very kind to our girl. So, whoever you are, thank you from the gray wolf house.

And Ashly of course, who by the way is doing very well for only being 5 1/2 days from surgery.

She is getting back to her bossy self again...grins. Also has enjoyed being treated extra special these past few days.

Julie and Sam

gray wolf
09-07-2014, 09:39 AM
You're welcome.

Well, now that mystery is solved. We have a couple more that should show up tomorrow. The mail up here has been messed up for the past week due to the holiday. If they don't show up tomorrow I will alert those who sent them. Things sometimes get lost in the mail. Our friend had an envelope from a friend that got sent back to the sender mangled two weeks after she had sent it. Sorting machine ate it I think.

---Julie --