View Full Version : New (to me) levergun

08-23-2014, 07:34 PM
I picked up a model 66 today, first one I ever laid eyes on.

08-24-2014, 01:40 PM
I picked up a model 66 today, first one I ever laid eyes on.

Details & pic, please.

08-24-2014, 01:44 PM
Fool that I am years ago while in the Corp I was at a gun show with a fellow marine I handled and drooled on a 66 in need of some love but tight and sound, asked my buddy what he thought of it and he said I'll show you and he bought it!!!!! Never have had a chance at another, pics please and enjoy it and use it and build the ultimate loads for it and in my simple mind I'll pretend like we both own it, would that be alright?

08-24-2014, 01:57 PM
I don't do picks, but this is not what you are thinking. lol
This is a poormans model 66. It is a lever, but is an ithica single shot 410.
Working up loads is easy, I picked up a box of 6's and 7 1/2's to try. lol

08-24-2014, 03:38 PM
Got me. I came here to find out what it was I had never heard of :) , But 410s are wonderfully fun for those us without unrealistic expectations. Sounds like fun,and a whold days worth of shells fit in a pants pocket!

08-25-2014, 04:01 AM
LOL I m thinking it will be a fun little grouse gun.

09-11-2014, 08:29 PM
I don't do picks, but this is not what you are thinking. lol
This is a poormans model 66. It is a lever, but is an ithica single shot 410.
Working up loads is easy, I picked up a box of 6's and 7 1/2's to try. lol

Ithica Super Single 66.

09-12-2014, 05:52 AM
LOL I m thinking it will be a fun little grouse gun.

In my youth I terrorized grouse on Chena Hot Springs road and the Nenana Hiway for years with a Winchester model 37 single shot .410.
Some low-life @&%*# stole it.
Funny thing, I got nostalgic and went looking for one, not a 370 or 37A, but a gennie model 37. A good one had grown from a $36.00 gun to a $250.00 gun. That was out of my budget at that time. A few years later I decided to look again. The lastr really nice one I looked at was priced at $450.00. Still don't have one....