View Full Version : mountian lion in the neighborhood

08-23-2014, 12:24 PM
mail man said their is a mountain lion in our rural neighborhood. he said do not go walking with out a gun. he was spotted yesterday chaseing a doe a mile from my house. last night he was at our neighbors last night screaming in his yard at 2 am. every body has a gun by the door. shoot, shovel and shut up. cut the ears off in case of a chip and throw them in a empty box car. we have to get rid of him, they dont call them lions for nothing.one was killed 2 years ago stacking a 11 year old girl 3 miles from my place. if the state wants those dam things around they ought to take them home and let them sleep with their kids. the 11 year old girls dog saved her. the dog wouldnt let her walk any more to the only tree in their yard. that dog should get creme de le creme dog food the rest of his life. when the father shot the lion it was only wounded and that shepard cattle dog ripped into that lion and never got killed. some dogs are worth their weight in gold. ive seen a few of those engish shepard dogs around here and they are a lot tougher than any dog. they love killing cyotoes and arent afraid of a mountain lions. they are built like a pit bull with a lot of fur, they love humans also. anyways its back to walking with a gun.mr. lion meet mr. lead.

08-23-2014, 12:45 PM
Ya we have reports of them now & then here in eastern Okla.The good news in they roam & usely
do stay in a area for a very long time, my wildlife game warden tells me.We had reports of one here

a few years back.Being this is a lake community & many deer, there was a big concern.But the cat did
seem to move on.


08-23-2014, 04:38 PM
How dare you live on the Lion's land. You need to move to a city.


08-23-2014, 06:55 PM
I DO live in a [small] city and one jumped out of a tree and obliquely away from me as I was walking ~12 yrs. ago. All I could see was a tawny shape and tail, but it was large enough so that I could feel the ground shake under my feet when it left the tree. Never saw another, which is fine with me!

08-23-2014, 07:08 PM
I DO live in a [small] city and one jumped out of a tree and obliquely away from me as I was walking ~12 yrs. ago. All I could see was a tawny shape and tail, but it was large enough so that I could feel the ground shake under my feet when it left the tree. Never saw another, which is fine with me!

Are you sure it was the lion hitting the ground and not what fell out of your pants?

08-23-2014, 07:14 PM
How dare you live on the Lion's land. You need to move to a city.


dont move to Portland Oregon then ... i think there be more there then in the cascade mountains.

08-23-2014, 08:41 PM
Mountain lions like to eat the family dog and vegetarians out jogging.
I sure feel sorry for the dogs.
If you kill one in defense of your dog, expect to be cited by the DOW.

08-23-2014, 08:54 PM
like the man said. S S S look for a chip or remove collar place on tractor trailer bed and be gone.

08-23-2014, 09:42 PM
What's with a chip? Is it a transmitter or merely and I.D. tag like my dogs have? If it is an ID tag, so what? SSS should do.

08-23-2014, 11:01 PM
I like living in IA; they're not protected here. They've wandered into this area and been shot, and they make great trophies. If only it was as easy to shoot a mountain lion in self defense as it is to shoot some people in self defense....

08-24-2014, 12:12 AM
Several people have seen a very big cat here in northeast MA, about 5 or so straight miles from the ocean. A local farmer found a dead calf up in a tree. Horses go nuts when it's around. Maybe the cat heard that MA was a really liberal state with no guns...
Here kitty kitty kitty...

08-24-2014, 12:28 AM
I saw one while out scouting for deer-hunting locations, watched it for about 5 minutes. It was kind of neat to watch, sort of like watching game tapes of an opposing team. When he figured out I was there and watching him, he left in a hurry.

08-24-2014, 11:35 AM
coffeecup, where in nebraska? im in the north west of the state. im going to call my neighber this morning and see if he is missing any goats as he has about 50 of them. the lion was seen chaseing a deer about a 1/4 mile for his place. they are neat but they only eat meat and are quite aggressive.

Ithaca Gunner
08-24-2014, 11:43 AM
A few years ago there was a rumor, (just one guy I know of claimed to have saw it on several occasions) of one on the ridge. That was enough for me though to swap out my carry gun from .45 ACP to .44 Magnum for a while and keep a rifle handier. I agree, if the state wants them protected, let them loose in the capital.

08-24-2014, 12:06 PM
just called my neighbor and he sleeps with the windows open so he can hear if the goats are being bothered. 2 nights ago he heard a baby cry at the edge of his place. was the lion. also he has about 30 or so cats at his place at all times. he doesnt have the heart to get rid of them and he feeds them all. he is down to about 8 cats he said. the lion has eaten the rest. his dog wont go out after dark, refuses to go near the door. we need to get a bead on this thing. it has to go.

08-24-2014, 04:10 PM
Lions are easy to kill. Most hunters around here carry a .357 magnum to make the kills.

08-24-2014, 04:18 PM
One got hit by a car on the Merrit Parkway in CT a year or two ago. The cat had traveled near 2000 miles from Michigan I believe.

08-24-2014, 04:20 PM
as above ... they die very easy for such a large kitty. in Oregon, when as a kid i knew a feller that chased bear and lion with dogs and when tree'd he would end their life [the cats] with a 22 mag rifle in Winchester lever action persuasion.

08-24-2014, 04:41 PM
Last weekend, on a one hour call in show, KY Afield, show made by KY FW, a caller called in and asked about cougars, do we have them. For the last 5 years they had denied that they were here, this year one of the biologist let it slip that we had a growing population for several years, on live TV! Phones started ringing off. I know several folks who have gotten them on Trail cams and I have seen tracks a couple of times. They claim that these are animals from the animal trade that have gotten loose, and multiplied. Bears here are multiplying like rabbits, we do have a limited season on them, hope to get one this year.

08-24-2014, 04:49 PM
I believe that there have been at least 3 either captured or killed in the Omaha city limits in the past 3-4 years, and in neighboring counties, numerous reports of sightings, and one road kill, not far from the city limit.

08-24-2014, 04:53 PM
i cant figure out why the state and feds are so in love with these things. when you go to the zoo the mountain lion is the most aggressive cat their and the most restless. i was just 1/4 mile south of me to the vets place to give her garden produce and she said she heard the cat in her yard 2 nights ago but didnt want to admit to herself what it was. also she said all the people she has worked with around our place have been says they a loosing cats like nuts. one rancher 4 miles from us lost all his cats in one week.

Good Cheer
08-24-2014, 09:14 PM
"Panters" have always been part of the lore we grew up with. Nannaw and Pawpaw ran upon them coon hunting in the thirties. There was a black one southwest of Texarkana a few years ago. Ran across the highway in broad daylight, speculation being that deer hunting may have put it on the move. Another black one is said to have been in Liberty County a while back.

08-24-2014, 11:18 PM
the latest for the one around here is my closest neighbor 1 and 1/2 miles north of me had 40 head of steers break out of a coral being chased by this cat. they scattered to the hills. he has had a heck of a time rounding them up and the last three are way up in the pines. may never get them back. some thing has to give here soon. he also said he cant find his barn cats, may have all been eaten. i think every one of these greenie wienies who wants to restock these things should take one home and keep it in their house. waksupi is right, they can be dropped with things less than .45/s and .44/s. the hiker 30 miles west of here last summer dropped the one that attacked him with a .357. we keep 2 shotguns by the kitchen door.

08-25-2014, 11:29 AM
A wood chipper make short work of lions and chips :violin:also there is a rendering plant that has a public dump for dead stock goes directly into a grinder no questions ask.

08-25-2014, 11:42 PM
One good thing about such critters running around is that if there are greenies/anti-gun female libs in the area, they change their tune about firearms/hunters real quick about the time one of those big predators eats their favorite pet or one of their children. After that, they want the days of the good old hunter back as quick as they can get them.:)

08-26-2014, 08:51 AM
we have a saying about the east coast greenie weenies that come to the pine ridge reservation every summer for a look see. they get out of their car dressed in LL bean clothes we wished we could afford and the first thing they do is kiss a cactus and pet a rattlesnake. other types come to hunt turkeys with outfits that look like search and destroy back it nam. and elderly native women saw one of those and said, i cant figure them out, if i want a turkey all i do is take the .22 from behind the door and go out on the porch and get one. we have had 4 mountain lions in the last few years causeing trouble around here, 2 have been shot and 1 moved on and one is still here.

mazo kid
08-26-2014, 02:35 PM
A friend of mine had a mountain lion walk right under his deer hunting stand a couple of years ago. This spring, a neighbor lady saw it again in the same area. We have heard what we think is a lion scream at night on a couple of occasions. These animals were supposedly extinct in Wi. but when we were kids farmers reportedly heard/saw them while 'coon hunting back in the 40s. Bears and wolves are also in the area now. I think they probably follow the Wi. River from up nort'.

08-26-2014, 05:25 PM
a neighbor was over for a haircut which i give him every few weeks, said a rancher 3 miles from my house lost every cat on his place and he had a lot of them. he also said he is going to start locking up his goats at night. they have been acting different, eating all night and sleeping all day. they are afraid to go to sleep at night.

08-26-2014, 05:52 PM
What are the laws in the USA if you encounter and kill an aggressive Lion or Bear.Do the authorities treat it as self defence or is there a big legal case to go through.Here in the UK we have no dangerous animals discounting the odd pit bull dog that might go berserk.I wonder how you protect your children in the areas where they might come across danger as they play.

08-26-2014, 06:04 PM
Most States have what's called DLP (defense of life/property) type laws that allow killing of protected species for that purpose. I live with bears seasonally and mtn lions 365 days a year. Personally, I'm much more leery of 2 legged predators than the 4 legged variety.

Sadly, preemptive killing/wounding of imaginary aggressive wildlife is more common than most will admit. Doesn't match the narrative, so to speak.

08-26-2014, 06:44 PM
most people are quiet leary of includeing the law unless it is cut and dried. then the law mulls it over before they let you off the hook. the two shot around here in the last year have been stalking humans. one was a 11 year old girl in her rural yard and she was bing stalked. the dog saved her. the other was a walking along a creek bottom and the cat charged him but he had a .357. S.S.S. shoot, shovel and shut up.

08-27-2014, 08:25 AM
I wonder if state DNRs don't really know how many lions are out there. I don't think they are all tagged and many people might see the same one given the size of there range.

One year I saw one deer hunting and going way back I heard what could've been screams from a lion here EC MN. There was video of a lion in the twin cities south of I 694 on 169 too.

It looked like it would have took more lead on the lion I saw, compared to a running deer, it was fast but stayed more level so at least I wouldn't have to time the bounces.

08-27-2014, 02:07 PM
I always thought those big cats were kind of reclusive. But they are caught on camera here periodically. Seldom during the day time though. Mostly seen and captured on film prowling around near or after sunset on game camera's. No doubt is a animal that can put the miles on when it wants too. Seen here today. A week later 200 miles away. Never knew of one bothering or attempting to stalk humans in this local. Maybe because they have a better than average menu for their liking. Lots of stupid city deer and geese in this area to dine on perhaps is why they don't care too interact with us Minnesotans thank Goodness.

08-27-2014, 02:27 PM
I have always heard the claim that a grown lion averages a deer a week, it doesn't take long for them to thin the deer population in some areas.

08-27-2014, 03:44 PM
Goats are a favorite, of them.Easy to catch & kill & no defense.A friend of mine lost about
10 or so over about a two month time.He thought some one was stealing them.Turned
out it was a big cat.

08-27-2014, 05:48 PM
my friends goats know the cat is out their because they are now eating all night and sleeping all day. my friend is starting to lock them up at night so he can get some rest. heard to day another neighbor saw a deer running like he was running from the gates of hell. the cat was after it. the deer was so afraid it run through his fence and broke it down. iver never seen a deer do that before, just antelope. that was only a mile out of town.

08-27-2014, 06:29 PM
...the hiker 30 miles west of here last summer dropped the one that attacked him with a .357.

Dang! I wasn't aware of the fact that cats could shoot! This changes everything.

08-27-2014, 08:04 PM
my degree is not in english, i have 5 and 1/2 years of college in the medical field which i was very very good at. im sure you will get the last word but what is your degree in? good at looking at the nit in someones eye and cant see the plank in their own i bet.

08-28-2014, 12:16 AM
It doesn't take a college degree to crack a good quip. What Omnivore said was clever and to me, innocent of ridicule. Let's lighten up. He was just poking fun. I laughed at what he said and thought it was witty.

08-28-2014, 02:53 AM
Johnson; just poking fun. I like to play with words. No degree whatsoever, but when I read (or can read if I fool around a bit) that a cat attacked a guy with a .357 it just sort hits my funny bone. I blame Bill Clinton and his bizarre parsing of words. No insult intended. I knew exactly what you meant, but couldn't help taking the opportunity to make a joke. My kids get tired of it, but they do well in English class, partly (or so I claim) because of my ribbing them about such things.

My sister, just the other day, was with me in the line at the grocery store. We had both gotten coffee at the self serve counter and I was waiting to pay for mine at the checkout line, but she said, "I'll pay for mine with my groceries".
"I didn't know you could do that here" I replied, "I'm using cash", and I thought you said you came here to GET groceries."

The guys in front of us were taking a long time to buy just a few items. My sister wondered aloud about why it was taking so long.
"Maybe they're paying with groceries" I suggested.

Stuff like that. I have only a few friends, and they all hate me.

08-28-2014, 06:24 AM
I'd shoot it first and answer the questions later.

08-28-2014, 11:24 AM
im sorry you caught me at a bad time. i grew up with a french and norwegian type of sense of humor in that kind of ethnic group. our sense of humor was very diff. than the german areas next to us. we never laughed at anything they said and they never laughed at anything we said. also we had a lot of cree/s in our area and their sense of humor fit ours and not the germans. i still dont get the german sense of humor, sorry but our sense of humor uplifts and doesnt cut.

08-31-2014, 04:22 PM
After thinking on it, I'm in the live and let live category. I suspect a young, healthy animal would hunt what it naturally prefers. On the other hand, an old, sickly animal unable to catch it's natural prey any more would begin to search for easier to catch alternatives and that's where the problems start. Probably better for the humans and the cat population to put such a critter down.

08-31-2014, 07:21 PM
my daughter is a long distance runner and we have miles of country to run in and my wifle is a long distance walker and the same goes for her. now they have to drive to town to do both. one was seen bounding after a female runner over at slim buttes last year. it is too dangerous for them out their. i wish some one would just get a bead on it. the way it has been going around here as soon as this one is dead another will take its place. the local game warden went to all the ranches back in the pines last week and told them all not to let their kids ride their horse out in the back canyons as it is too dangerous. i feel we are being held hostage by these critters. my friend said it right when he said we are moving from sighting to incidents.

09-01-2014, 08:16 AM
Just wonder how your local deer population is holding up? Might be why they are moving in closer to humans and easy farm animals, then humans except when the humans decide to shoot back.


09-01-2014, 08:20 AM
Its a shame when they put the welfare of an animal above that of a human.

09-01-2014, 11:19 AM
the deer population is down from wasteing sickness and blue tonge and the lions work on them also.

09-01-2014, 10:15 PM
So what you're having is starving, desperate lions whose natural food supply is running low due to disease. Sounds like you might want to help them leave the area by running dogs after them.

09-01-2014, 10:52 PM
A friend of mine had a mountain lion walk right under his deer hunting stand a couple of years ago. This spring, a neighbor lady saw it again in the same area. We have heard what we think is a lion scream at night on a couple of occasions. These animals were supposedly extinct in Wi. but when we were kids farmers reportedly heard/saw them while 'coon hunting back in the 40s. Bears and wolves are also in the area now. I think they probably follow the Wi. River from up nort'.
Nope they are are not extinct. I started seeing tracks about 6 years ago. They stay until the food source gets wise and move on. I think they have chased a few deer around because when I see big cat tracks I quit seeing fresh deer tracks immediately.