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08-22-2014, 11:29 AM
Darn, I was doing so good. Been on Allopurinol 300mg a few years now. Don't know what I did different, but my gout has flared up BIG time. Tomatoes are in, and I've been eating them like candy. Purine levels in them are low, so don't think they are to blame. Also am drinking diet Mountain Dew lately, normally it's diet Coke (Zero). Bought some Angus roast beef from the deli, but that's not unusual. Can't nail down the cause, or what I've consumed that's different. The seasonal fruits and melons I buy should not be a problem, and they are the only things not consumed all year long. Got some sugar snap peas... maybe.

Any gout sufferers out there with known food triggers? My biggies are liver, asparagus, bacon.:confused:

08-22-2014, 11:38 AM
Beer triggered mine, quit drinking beer it went away. It's different for each person I think.

08-22-2014, 11:51 AM
Try eating cherries

08-22-2014, 11:54 AM
It's your deli meat (out of what you listed)

Lots of info on gout concerning diet on the interweb.

08-22-2014, 11:58 AM
I have had one flare up. Nothing I have ever done hurt as much as it did and I have been knocked around a bit. I wish you a speedy recovery and hopefully finding the cause so it can be avoided in the future.

08-22-2014, 12:01 PM
Try some of this, it don't work for everyone but it was a miracle for me. If it doesn't work, it is still some mighty fine syrup.
http://tasteatreat.com/cherryconcentrate.html (http://tasteatreat.com/cherryconcentrate.html)
Weather also seems to affect me.

08-22-2014, 12:01 PM
Mine flared up last night. Eat a hamburger from local chain. Asked for no salt on fries but burger was salted. Now will be laid up for a few days. Got get some cherries.

08-22-2014, 12:02 PM
Try eating cherries

Odd that you mentioned that. I've been munching on Rainier cherries and Michigan cherries for weeks. Then they dried up last week, switched to white seedless grapes, now I have a flare up.
I have heard cherries are good for gout too.

08-22-2014, 12:35 PM
A prescription medicine called "Indomethicin" works miracles for my gout. I carried the stuff all the time in my "work bag" for years, and when I felt the beginnings of an attack a dose of the stuff PREVENTED the attack.... it just never develops into a full-blown occurrence. Wonderful stuff, at least for me.

Come to think of it, I haven't had an attack in years, but man alive.... those who've never had gout should:

1) thank their lucky stars, and

2) hope they never do get it

because the pain is simply indescribable.

08-22-2014, 12:47 PM
I have a friend the suffers occasional Gout flare ups.
his trigger was Bailing Hay on a hot day.
I think the excessive sweating dehydrates the body and concentrates the uric acid.

He hates taking prescription drugs,
He has had luck with Cherries...but his newest cure is Celery Seed Extracthttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000CQQLFA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

08-22-2014, 12:49 PM
My triggers were chocolate cake and beer. A large jug of cherry juice really helped speed up recovery.

08-22-2014, 01:01 PM
Any diuretics are bad even coffee. If it makes you pee alot don't do it. Drink lots of fluid, Cherry juice is great, I tend to drink diet V8 Splash as it has carrot juice which is also good for it. Organ meats are bad, chicken isn't as bad but not good, shrimp triggered my last flair up, was in my knee, never had it there before. I'll never eat shrimp again, that was miserable.

Warm water soaking of the affected area will help the crystals dissolve back into the blood. Drink lots of fluid to flush the uric acid from your system.

08-22-2014, 02:43 PM
Even a bed sheet touching the affected area causes me pain. Miserable affliction.

08-22-2014, 02:50 PM
Eating cucumbers have been proven to reduce the pain associated with gout flare ups.

08-22-2014, 03:30 PM
Got my shoes on (no socks), made a fruitless trip (pun intended) to find some cherries. Drove to the super duper mega local produce place. No cherries, they sold out early. Drove a painful 8 miles back home. Gout is in my right big toe, naturally. So, braking and accelerating is a memorable experience. Decided to limp into the Kroger around the corner from home. No cherries. I did get a jug of tart cherry juice and a couple small bags of tart Montmorency dried cherries. At first they didn't smell too good, like something from a bait bucket I left in the trunk a month ago ( not really, but... ). They taste OK, yeah I ate em' anyway, pain is a powerful motivator.
Just gonna wait a bit. First door knockin' salesman that makes me get up and go to the door is gonna get an earful!.

08-22-2014, 03:38 PM
I have had it in toes and last year the left knee got hit a couple of times. Having it in the knee is more brutal than toes. Other than what has been mentioned above, drink lots and lots of water. I have been more active since last years knee attacks and drink a lot of water. I think both those help. I am not on any of the gout meds but when the knee event hit I did take prednisone for a few days.

08-22-2014, 03:48 PM
I got told spicy foods, and my wife is Thai, another reason for divorce?[smilie=w: I almost always feel it and for some reason the Indomecithin(?) they give me seems to set it off. I won't take it, everytime I do I have an attack. Doc says impossible....I just know I havn't had an attack that's kept me from walkin for a few years. Mostly alcohol or high protein foods like beens and such set my misery. I was asked years ago by my daughter's teacher why I was limping and told her gout. I told her I wanted to cut my foot off, chainsaw type. She said her husband having an attack told her the same thing and that she always thought he was exaggerating. Poor fellow, no sympathy from her till now.

08-22-2014, 03:57 PM
I had a flare up about 4 years ago. We discussed diet, drinking, and medications. My diet did not warrant concerns as related to gout and I do not drink. My medication was suspect. Many high-blood pressure medications have HCTZ (Hydro-chloro Thiazide?) as a diuretic. I have been off Lisinopril/HCTZ since the flair up and have been off allipurinol for a year now without any flare ups.

It would probalby be safe to say not everyone gets gout from the same causes. That was my trigger.

08-22-2014, 06:24 PM
I (knock on wood) haven't had a flare up for a while now. Cherries and cherry juice along with the other so called home cures don't do any good. I've found out that I have to drink 2 quarts of straight water a day or I get a dose of it.

08-22-2014, 07:09 PM
Maybe 10 years ago I used to get gout 3 or 4 times a year. Dr. Put me on Allopurinol, 1 a day, knock on wood, I haven't had it since.

Drinking plenty of water has many other health benefits as well.

08-22-2014, 09:36 PM
No gout but fibromyalgia flare ups. Never have figured out the trigger. Docs keep saying I should have gout but never had the symptoms.

08-22-2014, 09:43 PM
I use black cherry juice concentrate from the health food store, black works best

08-22-2014, 11:57 PM
It's almost midnight, pain has gone from a 10 to an 8. Just had corn flakes and skim milk with a banana for dinner. Chugging water, took two Tylenol at 6 PM. More cherry juice and some dried cherries. Kept foot elevated. Took my allopurinol at 8 PM. Walking is a bit better now. I can bend my toes a bit now, and swelling and temperature of joint is down. Should be better in the AM.

Oddly, my last attack was after I switched to whole grain breads. Stopped that, got better. Doc said, that too is bad for gout. Yesterday, for the first time in ages, I had shredded wheat for breakfast... yep, whole grain again. Weird. I do take a diuretic, Amiloride. Doc never said anything about that. Have to ask him next time I see him.

Thanks for the commiseration guys, and for reminding me about the cherries.

08-23-2014, 06:37 AM
I should mention the last bout with it ended up with me being off work a full week. The medicines had zero effect. I couldn't walk and ended up crawling like a little kid. The cherries Like I mentioned in a prior post didn't do anything except put money in the grocers pocket. I even asked the MD. about cherries and he laughed and said what I already had discovered. He said they don't do a thing. Been thru all the internet recipes and tried all of them without any good results.

08-23-2014, 07:21 AM
A prescription medicine called "Indomethicin" works miracles for my gout. I carried the stuff all the time in my "work bag" for years, and when I felt the beginnings of an attack a dose of the stuff PREVENTED the attack.... it just never develops into a full-blown occurrence. Wonderful stuff, at least for me.

Come to think of it, I haven't had an attack in years, but man alive.... those who've never had gout should:

1) thank their lucky stars, and

2) hope they never do get it

because the pain is simply indescribable.

I have the same drug and have done the same thing for years.

08-23-2014, 07:27 AM
Your lucky. I must have had a severe attack because indomethicin didn't help me. Simply had to wait a week before I could get my shoes back on.

08-23-2014, 08:54 AM
Cherry juice does seem to speed it up for me.... but I will guess that the cure is like the trigger....... 'different for everybody. I can eat all the beans I want.... tons of em! But chocolate cake on the same day as a beer and I can't walk for a week (thank Goodness mine have never exceeded a week).... but my cousin can eat a forkful of beans and be down for 2 weeks. My buddy can eat 1 shrimp off a cocktail tray and be down for 2 weeks. Neither of us are bothered by the other person's triggers. Cherry juice helps them. But I know several others who have different triggers, and cures.

08-23-2014, 11:23 AM
Well, here I am again. Pain this AM is intense, back with a vengeance. Feeling desperate, almost can't think straight. Will call the doc first thing Monday if not getting better. Putting it under cold water for a few seconds now and then helps, temporarily. Tylenol is doing little or nothing. Thought I was improving last night. Not!

08-23-2014, 12:15 PM
I'm feeling sorry for you brother.

My friend who I previously offered his advice to you in a previous post, stopped by last night and he is going through a flare up now as well, it started on tuesday, he hasn't had a flare up for a couple years and he credits the Celery seed extract, which I mentioned in that previous post. His cure was to take this everyday as a preventative, well he stopped taking it about a month ago, now he regrets stopping. Maybe it was just a coincidence?

Interesting tidbit, Celery seed extract has a diuretic effect, natural and gentle as opposed to most medications. I commented to him that others on CB said a diuretic was Bad. He said, you have to keep drinking lots of water and he believes that gentle and natural diuretic action helps flush the system of uric acid...in conjunction with drinking lots of water. I am no doctor, and neither is my friend...but I think that would be a good question for your Doctor when you see him on monday.

08-23-2014, 12:15 PM
If you can get some prednisone that will get you out of pain within hours -- at least it does for me. I would not have survived the attacks on my knee without it.

08-23-2014, 03:51 PM
I think the key to it is drinking water. The other little cures are just coincedence according to MD's I have consulted. I spent probably $50 on cherrys and dark cherry juice ..no effect. Prednisone no effect other than making me sweat. My Dr had me take more water pills. I'm convenced once you get it runs its course and our over it.

08-23-2014, 06:16 PM
My better lookin' half was first afflicted with this curse about 10 years ago. Docs put her on a Blister-pac of Alipurinol and it seemed to tame it some. After several more bouts they put her on a daily dose of it. Black Cherry Juice does work well for her, so she keeps some on hand and tries to drink some daily.

I have never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Gout, but about 2 years ago the Doc put me on a daily dose of Alipurinol because of high Uric Acid. Guess I have been LUCKY ..... [smilie=w:

wallenba, you have my prayers, sympathy & just plain good thoughts. I hope it gets better for you.

08-23-2014, 07:04 PM
Sincerely hope you get over it ASAP.

08-23-2014, 07:18 PM
Ask your Doctor for a MedrolPak (methylprednisolone) with refills for a flare up.

Colchicine has been around forever, is effective and was inexpensive, but:

(from wikipedia)
Oral colchicine had been used for many years as an unapproved drug with no prescribing information, dosage recommendations, or drug interaction warnings approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_and_Drug_Administration) (FDA).[8] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colchicine#cite_note-MSJuly2009-8) On July 30, 2009 the FDA approved colchicine as a monotherapy for the treatment of three different indications (familial Mediterranean fever, acute gout flares, and for the prophylaxis of gout flares[8] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colchicine#cite_note-MSJuly2009-8)), and gave URL Pharma (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_Pharma) a three-year marketing exclusivity agreement[9] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colchicine#cite_note-accessdata.fda.gov-9) in exchange for URL Pharma doing 17 new studies and investing $100 million into the product, of which $45 million went to the FDA for the application fee. URL Pharma raised the price from $0.09 per tablet to $4.85, and the FDA removed the older unapproved colchicine from the market in October 2010 both in oral and IV form, but gave pharmacies the opportunity to buy up the older unapproved colchicine.[10] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colchicine#cite_note-10) Colchicine in combination with probenecid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probenecid) has been FDA approved prior to 1982.[9] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colchicine#cite_note-accessdata.fda.gov-9)

I can only encourage forum members to contact their legislators to have the medication restored to the generic, inexpensive class!

Indomethacin is a potent antiinflammatory that can be very effective but can increase the risk of ulcers, it is usually safe for a 7 day period, always follow the advice of your Physician.

Organ meats are the worse, chemotherapy for cancer can also affect uric acid levels.

08-23-2014, 10:55 PM
Spent most of the day on my back watching episodes of Dr. Pol on Netflix. Got bored after a marathon Heifer palpating hour. Got up to go to the reloading room just to fiddle around. God said "go back and watch tv!". I got the message when a dummy 45-70 405 grainer rolled of the desk and just missed my offending toe. Just came in here to check in with the guys, now, to bed. Goodnight.

08-24-2014, 06:52 AM
I get it in the big toe on right foot.I think it is starting to develop in my thumbs. I can tell when it is coming on,so I take 800mg ibuprofen,that settles it down.But I have catch it before it s full blown.I was told that fish will trigger it too.

08-24-2014, 11:16 AM
I get it in the big toe on right foot.I think it is starting to develop in my thumbs. I can tell when it is coming on,so I take 800mg ibuprofen,that settles it down.But I have catch it before it s full blown.I was told that fish will trigger it too.

Yep, some species more that others. I'm allergic to scombroid species (trout, salmon, mackerel, tuna, mahi-mahi, and a few others) I can eat most white fishes. Some veggies are triggers too, asparagus was involved in my first ever attack. I think most any kind of meat. There are charts which show the purine levels of foods.

The skin around my big toe and ball joint on the side of the foot are like a taut balloon, red and swollen. I used my infra-red thermometer I use to check my mold temps on it. There is an 11 degree difference between the left and right toes. Silly I guess, but my mind is idle. Nothing to do, because I can't do much.

Pain affects the brain. I sent a PayPal payment to GunLoads because the subscription notice came from them. Then I got another PayPal notice later telling me that the automated payment kicked in. Oh well, it's going to a good place. I'm in day five. Longest flare up so far.

Lance Boyle
08-24-2014, 11:20 AM
I get it periodically too. I was on allipurol for a few years until I moved and haven't found a new doc yet.

Big toes, a knee and an elbow once. Lost a few weeks of work before I got on allipurol. Now I feel an attack coming on I'll pretty much stop eating and just drink water.

My first episode was during the holiday season; too much shrimp, lobster, prime rib, and red wines and desserts. I thought I somehow broke my big toe during the night and didn't remember it. (I did consume a fair amount of wine)

The cherry juice did nothing for me. I tried fresh bing cherries too. A real mild onset and I'll change up diet and guzzle water with some ibuprofen. If it gets bad I'll go to the indemethicin which I'm about out of.

FWIW as my doc described it, indemethicin does nothing to fix the problem with the imbalance in your blood stream/joints, all it is is an anti inflammatory agent. The allipurol does cause you dump the purines into your urine and out of your blood stream.

For me it's lots of red meats or pork bbq :-(, and seafood that triggers it, throw alcohol in the mix and it's a likely thing instead of a possible thing. Bean soup or baked beans is as bad or worse than the meats for triggering an attack for me. I have had days where I walked around the house using a kitchen chair as a crutch. Thankfully in the last few years I've only had minor attacks that I was able to fight off quickly.

prednisone is another way to go instead of the indemethicin, I have some stomach issues too and I've gone from gout to gut pain. A PA friend of mine that works with my doc put me on the prednisone when I had both maladies at once likely from the indemethicin triggering the gut issue.

ETA you do really want to keep from having the attacks, you are getting some permanent damage in your joints from the crystals that will give you grief when you age into the arthritis zone.

Lance Boyle
08-24-2014, 11:23 AM
Try water dropping your bad toe.:kidding:

08-24-2014, 11:28 AM
I found this on the net. One of it's sources is the Mayo clinic. Interesting apple info http://www.symptomfind.com/health/how-to-relieve-gout-pain/

I peeled and cut up a few golden delicious and put them in my mini crock pot. Tasted good. Not helping... yet.

08-24-2014, 11:42 AM
Try water dropping your bad toe.:kidding:

Ha Ha. I can still see the humor in my suffering. Don't have to use a chair. I have a few canes. One is an heirloom the other is one I got years ago after trying to kick start my old Triumph Bonny. The pedal on the kick arm kicked back hard and slapped the bottom of my foot. I had sneakers on, and did not protect me much. Whole bottom of my foot was black and blue.
I can take Tylenol but not aspirin, I'm on blood thinners for another problem. Tylenol does not work as good on inflammation as aspirin I think.

08-24-2014, 12:03 PM
Man I feel bad for you. I remember how bad mine hurt. My doc put me on prednisone and that got me up and around pretty quick.

08-24-2014, 01:46 PM
I to feel your Pain, I have been eating dried tart cherries in my morning oatmeal for years. I also consume apples regularly usually 2 a day. Just read this: http://www.symptomfind.com/nutrition-supplements/gout-foods-to-avoid/


08-24-2014, 09:51 PM
Got any doterra oils dealers in the area? I have used their lemon oil and white fir oil in combination to take care of flare ups with my gout. I can't help but drink lots of water and pee it back out because I have kidney stones too. I agree with the many above that cherries or cherry juice seems to help out too. Even dried cherries seem to have a positive effect for me. Sometimes you have to try a variety of things before you find something that works well for you specifically.

08-25-2014, 12:34 AM
Jimbo2, what is doterra oil?

I've been eating cherries and drinking cherry juice a couple of days now. Little change until this afternoon. I added blackberries and blueberries, recommended by the info I noted earlier in post #40. I can now walk on the side of my foot with little pain. It's still tender as all get out.

Evidently these types of fruit are high in anti-oxidants and can help transport the uric acid out.

Rufus Krile
08-25-2014, 12:51 AM
Never had any luck with the cherries. Indomethicin is an NSAID (like Ibuprofen, only much stronger) and a LOT scarier to your internist. I was taking three per day and worrying about liver and kidneys before the Allopurinol finally caught up with the problem. Took 600mg Allopurinol/day for the first year. That was 3 years ago and I've been episode free since then. Even when I was taking it I'd often lay off for a day or two just to let my system clear out. It also has the reputation of weakening joints... don't know if this is true, but now I'm fighting arthritis instead of gout. A trade I'd take any day. What my GP told me was that gout is 90% genetic / 10% diet. I never let up on the red meat.

Lead Fred
08-25-2014, 12:51 AM
The cut off your foot level is .750, mine was at .742 two years ago. .350ish is normal, my last check was .255.

Its all about diet, and what you eat not how much you eat.

As long as your eating/drinking the wrong stuff, your feet will come off later on in life.

I like walking

08-25-2014, 11:25 AM
Spent most of the day on my back watching episodes of Dr. Pol on Netflix. Got bored after a marathon Heifer palpating hour. Got up to go to the reloading room just to fiddle around. God said "go back and watch tv!". I got the message when a dummy 45-70 405 grainer rolled of the desk and just missed my offending toe. Just came in here to check in with the guys, now, to bed. Goodnight.

Last time I tried to do something in the man cave during a flair up I was casting, dropped a hammer on the offending toe, couldn't even see during the entire crawl back to the house, made it inside and passed out on the kitchen floor. I will not do that again... Thankfully my oldest son was with me and shut everything down.

Rufus Krile
08-25-2014, 01:21 PM
Wallenba... I was on Amiloride, too. Doc took me off of it, doubled those allopurinol doses, and put indomethicin in the mix. Seemed to work. Amiloride (or other diuretics) are a defined trigger. These problems often emerge after major body changes or surgeries. I'd experienced on/off bouts for two or three years after breaking a toe but nothing any of 'us' would call major... but then had to have a valve job done and the rodeo was on. Damn pig they used must have had gout! I still came out better than he did....

08-25-2014, 03:16 PM
I to feel your pain,beer an champagne flares mine . I drink lemon juice in water an it helps mine. For some reason Guinness does not make it flare up. I drink it sparingly . Almost forgot high fructose corn syrup .I have had maybe 32 Ozs of pop in a year now since my last flare up. Hope u get better soon Wallenba

Ed Barrett
08-25-2014, 08:44 PM
I started Chemo 6 weeks ago, last week I thought my toe was going to explode. Talked to my oncologist and he said it's fairly common with the kind of drugs I'm on. Never had gout before, had uric acid kidney stones 17 years ago, caused by spending a day in the sun making a training film. I have another 8 weeks of chemo and then I will celebrate with bacon. Thanks for this thread it's really helped me.

08-26-2014, 08:10 AM
Jimbo2, what is doterra oil?

I've been eating cherries and drinking cherry juice a couple of days now. Little change until this afternoon. I added blackberries and blueberries, recommended by the info I noted earlier in post #40. I can now walk on the side of my foot with little pain. It's still tender as all get out.

Evidently these types of fruit are high in anti-oxidants and can help transport the uric acid out.
I can't say for sure but I think you found the answer; anti-oxidants. Some of the different super food places have supplements with very high anti-oxidants may help and help keep this away, Not proven..The doctors; I don't trust with all their drugs, some may help but doctors make money off of doctors apts and keep you coming back.
Here are some places to check
Texas Super foods
Mangosteen is high in anti-oxidants and is rather cheap if you search the right places..

None of these are a quick fix and very tough to prove they work

08-26-2014, 08:27 AM
The doctors; I don't trust with all their drugs, some may help but doctors make money off of doctors apts and keep you coming back.

That would be the same logic as saying the mechanic you take your car/truck to doesn't really fix it, just partly to keep you coming back.

Have you ever had need for a Dr. for a deadly illness? Polio, Cancer, by pass surgery.

08-26-2014, 11:08 AM
Wallenba... I was on Amiloride, too. Doc took me off of it, doubled those allopurinol doses, and put indomethicin in the mix. Seemed to work. Amiloride (or other diuretics) are a defined trigger. These problems often emerge after major body changes or surgeries. I'd experienced on/off bouts for two or three years after breaking a toe but nothing any of 'us' would call major... but then had to have a valve job done and the rodeo was on. Damn pig they used must have had gout! I still came out better than he did....

I was originally put on Amiloride in the early 90's to help lower my blood pressure. After the blood pressure came down, that doc took me off the Amiloride. Funny thing happened next, I stopped urinating and fluid began building up in my lungs and in the sack around my heart.
Lesson is, make darned sure your doctor can get you off your meds safely. I've now got to take it just to urinate.

08-26-2014, 01:28 PM
No gout but fibromyalgia flare ups. Never have figured out the trigger. Docs keep saying I should have gout but never had the symptoms.

(fibromyalgia flare ups)

Have had to deal with fibromyalgia for 15 years now.
The only thing that slows the progression is Dr's Best Benfotiamine.
Started taking 100mg a day 14 years ago now take 1800mg.
Each increase in dosage stops the progression for over a year then need to increase dosage.
On top of dealing with neuropathy..

08-26-2014, 10:10 PM
Today has been a good day (better). The pain is lessening, still very stiff and red. The ball of the big toe still glows like a cat house porch light. The big toe though, is not like an overfilled balloon anymore.
I'm just gonna chronicle my recovery from this day by day, for my own benefit and future reference. Probably not going to be the last time I suffer this.
Been avoiding meat except at dinner. Articles on the net said that turkey is the worst culprit, and beef less so. I would have thought the reverse, go figure. Whole grains too are bad.
Getting out of bed in the AM is still a torture, but soon subsides to a manageable level.
Got a family event this weekend, lots of BBQ to look forward to not eating, other goodies, and little kiddies stepping on my feet I'm sure.

08-26-2014, 10:15 PM
I started Chemo 6 weeks ago, last week I thought my toe was going to explode. Talked to my oncologist and he said it's fairly common with the kind of drugs I'm on. Never had gout before, had uric acid kidney stones 17 years ago, caused by spending a day in the sun making a training film. I have another 8 weeks of chemo and then I will celebrate with bacon. Thanks for this thread it's really helped me.

Ed, I hope the best for you. Do what your doc says and push through that pain.

08-26-2014, 10:57 PM
So far Lyrica is keeping the fibro flareups under control mostly. Also helps with the neuropathy from the nerve damage in my spine.

08-27-2014, 01:06 PM
So far Lyrica is keeping the fibro flareups under control mostly. Also helps with the neuropathy from the nerve damage in my spine.

Does that get into the joints too? Any known causes? Never knew anyone with it.

08-28-2014, 01:59 AM
Tomorrow is day seven. Some improvement today. I can bend the big toe.

08-28-2014, 02:55 AM
Fibromyalgia makes every muscle in your body hurt during a bad flare, makes sitting and sleeping hurt, anyone touches you it hurts... imagine a giant bruise covering your entire body to give you pain but no actual bruising. Smaller flares do seem to hit me the most in my feet and ankle joints, sometimes knees and hips. To test they press all over your body and if you flinch in 7 or more spots you have it. Pressure points are in spots you would not normally hurt, like the outside of my hips, insides of my knees, several back spots... one spot is almost exactly where Spock does the Vulcan nerve pinch on Star Trek lol.

08-29-2014, 10:42 PM
Day eight, a little worse than yesterday. Ate something to aggravate it. Green olives maybe. Nothing seems to be helping. Doctors office closed until after labor day.

kill me:(:mrgreen:

08-30-2014, 08:50 AM
Oh no.

My friend that has it...and is having a flare up, as I mentioned.
He is a veggie farmer and sells produce at farmers markets on wed, thur and sat.
I talked to him on thursday and he said missed the wed market so he could rest a day to hopefully get over the gout. well it was worse on thursday, he said he wished he'd have went to that wed market, cuz he thought resting and laying around made it worse, and moving about seems to help it. I'm not sure why I'm mentioning that, as it seems to go against what is recommended? I presume it just has to run it's course, keep up with drinking lots of water. Good Luck and I'm prayin for you.

08-30-2014, 10:50 AM
Man, you've had to put up with this for over a week now. Have you been to the Dr.? I never had it last that long back in the day when it visited me.

Knock on wood, it never does again.

08-31-2014, 11:27 AM
Day ten now. Woke up this morning, very little pain, skin color looking normal. Just a little throbbing. Got a family BBQ to do, will be on my feet a lot.

Next time, if this happens, I'll now have a base line to gauge my recovery time, just revisit this thread. What I haven't figured out is, why the sudden turn around?

08-31-2014, 11:29 AM
Who knows?.... I know what triggers mine, and what helps it out, but never know exactly when the "blessing" is going to be over.
Thank Goodness that yours is on the mend!

08-31-2014, 09:55 PM
Doterra is a company that produces purified oils - They have no end of various oils for a multitude of problems. My wife uses them for allergies, headaches and colds / flu. The only oils that have worked well for me are the lemon oil, white spruce and the deep blue muscle rub. They have a web site (do-essential-oils.com) the lemon oil is about 12 bucks a 15 Ml bottle, but you only use a drop or two rubbed into the effected area, so it should last a month or two. If you find a local dealer, they can give you a lot more information than I can. Hope that helps. I've suffered with gout for about 5 years or so, and the lemon and white fir oils seem to do more for me than the cherry juice. Keep trying until you find something that works for you.

08-31-2014, 10:38 PM
Disclaimer, I am not a doctor and not in any medical profession, so my advice is just speculation.

The flare had startedm that means the ice picks had formed and are hurting everything around them, and creating more inflammation around the joints where they formed.

You have to drink regular or even purified (distilled water) as much as you can. Your pee should become the color of water almost (sorry for being explicit).
Take anti-inflamatory medicine that you are not allergic too or have no other negative reactions (eg ibprophin or naproxin).
Doctors normally prescribe indomethacin http://www.rxlist.com/indocin-drug/patient-images-side-effects.htm as it is much stronger than over the counter. But I assume you do not have that, so just ask your doctor to prescribe you this so you have it available.
10 days is long and it is very painful to hold. You have to use some anti-inflamatory, do not subject yourself to this much pain and do not wait to take them, start right away.



Gout responds very well to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) if two rules are observed. First, the NSAID should be started as promptly as possible, and second, it should be used at the maximum recommended dose. Many physicians prescribe indomethacin (Indocin), but the other prescription and over-the-counter NSAIDs are also effective. One exception: Aspirin should not be used for gout because it can raise uric acid levels.

Men who can’t take NSAIDs because of gastritis, peptic ulcers, or bleeding can get relief from a closely related drug, the selective COX-2 inhibitor, celecoxib (Celebrex). Joints that are inflamed should be rested, but men can resume their normal activities as soon as their gouty attacks settle down.

As far as why it happened. of course you know red meats.
But it can also happen if you gain or loose weight -- say 2-3% of your body weight, rapidly.

Just a general observation, rapid change in body weight, what type of food your eating, other medicine change -- can cause a flare.
Also if you drink too much coffee or just too black tee or soft drinks with caffeine -- they are dehydrating.
So you should replace your body's fluid with even more fluid -- if you are not one of the folks who constantly have a bottle of water in their hand -- you have to become one.

I had also noticed large portion of watermelon, nuts, corn, sun-flower-seeds (rosted, the way I like them) -- cause a flare, almost always.

Day ten now. Woke up this morning, very little pain, skin color looking normal. Just a little throbbing. Got a family BBQ to do, will be on my feet a lot.

Next time, if this happens, I'll now have a base line to gauge my recovery time, just revisit this thread. What I haven't figured out is, why the sudden turn around?

09-01-2014, 05:58 PM
[QUOTE=worker;2914545]Disclaimer, I am not a doctor and not in any medical profession, so my advice is just speculation.

As far as why it happened. of course you know red meats.
But it can also happen if you gain or loose weight -- say 2-3% of your body weight, rapidly.

Just a general observation, rapid change in body weight, what type of food your eating, other medicine change -- can cause a flare.
Also if you drink too much coffee or just too black tee or soft drinks with caffeine -- they are dehydrating.
So you should replace your body's fluid with even more fluid -- if you are not one of the folks who constantly have a bottle of water in their hand -- you have to become one.

Big clue here. I did just recently lose 27 lbs. I was recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. My doctor put me on Metformin 1000 mg at dinner. He told me I would probably lose weight. I did. It also caused severe gastric problems, so I'm off it now, and just doing the diet and exercise thing. Numbers on the blood sugar are good, low 80's in the AM, 130's after eating. All I really had to do was stop with the goodies and chips and such.

Today, despite yesterday's pig-out session I'm good. Think I'll put this thread to rest. Eleven days.

09-01-2014, 06:21 PM
Dr. put me on Metformin a while back, severe gastric problems is putting it mildly.

09-01-2014, 06:44 PM
All I can say is if you find something that works then stick by it. Having had a number of cases that have lasted as long as a month I'm not a believer in anything. Have had all the medicines nothing helped. Cherries, vinegar, all the home remides nothing helped. Can't say there is anything that triggers it for sure. Even didn't eat for several days trying to get relief and that didn't help. I think it just needs to run its course and when its done you get relief.

09-04-2014, 08:22 PM
Dutch, I used to have flare ups 3 or 4 times a year. A few things I did:
1. For the very worst flareups, and "I gotta get better now to go to work", doc prescribed Indomethicin. Works but is not something you want for first response.
2. First sign of a twinge or swelling, I keep some black cherry extract from GNC. An ounce two or three times a day.
3. Foods vary. I am very careful about asparagus, beef jerky, and summer sausage. YMMV.
4. I also had sugar trouble and was initially prescribed Metformin. Had gastric trouble and doc immediately switched me to Januvia.

Good luck. I haven't had a serious flare in a couple years now, the cherry extract right away does the job lately.

09-04-2014, 09:06 PM
Weird to see this thread. I haven't talked to a doctor about it but I'm sure I have gout issues.
In the spring I figured out my springtime "flare up" problem. A coworker loves to fish and always smokes a ton of lake trout which he shares with me. Holy sheep shirt, I avoid that stuff like the plague (even though it's the best food ever created).
Three days ago we had baked beans with dinner. My left big toe was broken the next day and I had the same baked beans for lunch that day at work. Yesterday I could barely walk and took a half day off. I took a day off in 1989 because I had pneumonia, the last time I missed a day of work.
Page two (I think) mentioned beans and I am amazed.
The effing beans.
The disease of kings??? Kings can keep this problem and I'll be a serf. Moving my toes again is like a wish come true. For you folks that get it in your knees, if I pray again I'll pray for all of you because I've had in my toe and ankle and it was almost more than I could take, and I can take a lot.
Chalk another one up to Cast Boolits, I'll pass on your godforsaken angry little hate filled beans.

02-06-2020, 08:55 AM
Digging this old thread up yet once again. Reason another Gout attack. I am miserable to say the least and have the kitchen 1/2 painted. No left shoe today and none yesterday. I've tried every known self help type cures with absolutely no relief. Been to a specialist and had my medication adjusted and have done fine till this week.

02-06-2020, 11:18 AM
I will say that my attacks in the past have been so severe that I've considered a chain saw, severe pain for several weeks. Every diet adjustment didn't work and finally a doc prescribed Febuxostat. Been at least 3 years no attack and I have to admit more than enough alcohol consumption. This took nearly 20 years.

02-06-2020, 01:38 PM
I believe all the At-Home traditional therapys are all for Prevention, once the Urate crystals accumulate in your joint, causing the inflammation and intense pain of a gout attack, it's too late. Then it's time to see the Dr. and/or just stop most any activity and drink lots of water.

02-06-2020, 05:44 PM
I went to a specialist for slightly less than a year before we moved. We discussed the so called remedies in which he laughed and I did too because we both had tried them all with no success. The nice thing about having a Dr. that has had the Gout too is finally someone that understands that when you have an episode you can't even stand to have air blow on it well maybe not that bad but close. I was told red meat causes attacks along with Coke. I was told to eat some red meat everyday a small amount. Its when you haven't had it in a few day your apt to have an attack at least in my case. Been eating chicken for a while and one day with a hamburger and its Gout attack city. If it wasn't for the added pain and the mess I believe I'd have my legs cut off but then it would choose another appendage to attack.

Greg S
02-06-2020, 06:05 PM
I've been off allopurinol now for three years with one very minor flare up that was due to dehydration. Pounder 2 gals a day x 3 days with is basically a half gallon extra of my daily weekend consumption and work days can be upwards of 3.0 as a preventative measure. I roll with 2 half gallon and two 46 oz Yeti bottles. Not styling or pimping Yeti, it's just hard to drink frozen wate.

Endomethacine is good stuff and takes the edge off a flare up until the Allopurinol can reduce the UA levels. .68 and I'm ready to self amputate in the garage with the skill saw after a week of two. Had episodes last 6-10 weeks and move I to the anklets . Be smart folks, get it treated early cause all those crystals are like lapping compound which causes the inflamation which later leads to authritius.

I think ice is counter productive here also. Warm fluids can have a higher concentration of a solid disowned in it over colder temps. Tried icing a few times over several flare up a d it only seemed to make matters worse. Think disolving salt in water. It reaches a slicer tain sat point that no more will disolving but you warm it up and it'll disolve and as for heat, it'll just cause more inflamation.

My triggers are dehydration and asparagus more than once per week. Tried every home remedy to include eye of newt and jackalope horn to no avail. You have a flare up see the doc and get on Allopurinol to reduce your uric acid and Indomethacin to reduce pain. Double up on first dose of Ino then as directed and you most likely won't be hobbling srou d the next day. Folks who aren't on a prevenation regimen of allopurinol, it'll most like get worse before it gets better hence the need for Indomethacin to get you through the rough patch. Indo is only a pain reliever to get you over the hump, not a profile tic type regime.

Wis you a quick quick recovery. I still carray Indomethacin and allopurinol in my kit in the event of a flare up which, knock on wood has been a long, long while.

I'm not a doctor and am not prescribing any specific treatment, just throwing out there what has and has not worked for a gout flare up in my body.

02-06-2020, 07:33 PM
My last flare up was right before christmas, still don't know what set it off. Already had appt with doc for the next day he gave me a new script.Still don't know what set off my last two flareups.

02-07-2020, 07:29 AM
I was on Nabumetone until they decided that I shouldn't have it because of my heart trouble.

02-08-2020, 05:25 PM
Dealing with a flair up for the past few weeks.
Place I get the Black Cherry Extract, just got some back in stock.
I've tried Celery seed, but I didn't notice anything.
I read someplace that a hot/warm water with baking soda soak helps pull out the crystals.
I fill a bucket and soak till the water get cold.
Doing it right now.
Don't know if it will work, but it does help with the pain.
One thing that I've tried, and others have also, that works well is "Solaray Total Cleanse Uric Acid"
I've tried other brands, but the Solaray seems to work the best.
Don't have any because it's kind of expensive.
Drink water until you can't take any more.
Then drink more when you can.
Some of my triggers are..........
Deli meats
Shrimp, clams, crab, most shell fish.
Caned ham
Gout is such a pain.

Winger Ed.
02-08-2020, 05:56 PM
After reading through this thread, and at this point in history,
I'm learning that getting old certainly has a few drawbacks.

02-08-2020, 06:03 PM
i have had occasional acute gout in the feet for 10 years, and always fixed it with indomethacin. last january i had severe swelling of left hand with intense pain. it was gout. now both middle fingers won't close into a fist, and other fingers range of motion is reduced. doc says it is chronic gout, with no good cure. getting old sux.

02-08-2020, 06:48 PM
Indomethacin and allopurinol did not control my bouts. Feboxistat and my diet is agreeable. Ask your doc.

02-08-2020, 07:16 PM
Got done withe the soak.
It seems to help.
Some of the swelling went down.
Pain is way down.
I can walk way better than this morning.
It's still a little stiff, but much better.
Might be something to this baking soda soak.
Try it.
It's cheap and easy.

02-08-2020, 07:37 PM
I believe my main trigger is dehydration. I had a flare a couple of days ago that I can't pin down to anything. I've been on allopurinol since November, but when I get a flare I take colchicine for 3-4 days to take care of it.

Colchicine is expensive on my Humana plan, but much less expensive with the Good RX discount; don't always assume your prescription plan will give you the best price on all drugs.

02-09-2020, 02:59 AM
So it's been a few hours since my experiment with the baking soda soak.
I very pleased with the results.
Swelling has gone way down.
Slight pain only when walking.
Still feels a little stiff.
Might not work for you, but it did do something for me.

02-09-2020, 03:54 PM
I stick to a fairly strict diet. Daily meat is 4 to 6 oz, dairy equivalent of 2 oz of cheese(helps kidneys process purine better), two slices of bread(gluten causes swelling of joints so gout and arthritis will be worse if eaten in excess). Eat eggs, potatoes, oatmeal, pickles, etc to round out getting enough to eat.

Before doing this when I'd have a flare up, I'd eat a teaspoon of baking soda. That helped. I do break the diet of a feast day.