View Full Version : Frankford Arsenal Wet Tumbler -

08-22-2014, 02:24 AM
So, at the urging of wife and kids to get the barrels of brass out of the garage, I finally invested in a wet tumbler.
I compared the Frankford and the Thumler:

Thumler Rebel (17# payload)
One end plate with multiple nuts to open/close the drum.
Brass capacity 4# when using 5# of stainless media. Media is included in the kit.
No timer
Cost for kit with media is 250.00 plus 29.00 shipping

Frankford Platinum (27# payload)
Openings on both ends, a large collar that secures the end plug or a provided strainer. 2 strainers are included.
Brass capacity 8# when using 5# of stainless media. Stainless pin media is included in the kit.
On board timer (3 hour)
Cost for kit (Midway on sale) 179.00 plus 13.80 shipping

The Thumler appears to be better built and will probably have a better service life. The Frankford is less expensive, bigger capacity and a lot easier to use.
Either should work fine and get similar results.

After 10 loads of tumbling and reading a lot about wet tumblers, this is the routine I settled on for the Frankford.
Add 8# brass, teaspoon of ALL laundry detergent, 1.5 gallon water, tumble for 30-60 minutes to remove mud. No mud? Skip this pre-wash step.
Drain, install strainer caps, rinse well until mud is gone and water runs clear. The strainer caps make this a snap.
Refill with water, add stainless pins, add teaspoon of detergent, add teaspoon of Lemi-shine or dry citric acid. This is to remove the tarnish. Tumble for 2 hours.
Install strainer caps rinse through into bucket, pour brass in media ball, separate pins from brass by running ball half submerged in water bath. The pins all fall into the bucket, easy enough to rinse and drain the water off them.
I spin the brass in the media ball a few rounds to get the excess water out of the cases.
No oven drying for me, I drop the brass in a vibratory tumbler with walnut and Nu-finish and let the tumbler dry and polish the brass. This takes about an hour.
Brass that I was ready to scrap is now saved. I sold enough of it on the first day of cleaning to pay for the tumbler.

Obligatory pictures, very impressive results. Brass is all from same batch.
114220 114221 114222

08-22-2014, 05:36 AM
Good report on your Franklin Arsenal Rotary Tumbler (FART).

Looks like you're getting great results. I use the Thumlers model B. It's a 15 pound drum. My recipe is 1/4 TSP Lemi-Shine, a coulpe ounces of auto wash & wax and a gallon of water with 2 pounds of braass. I tumble for 4 hours for impeccably clean brass.

I also use the "spin dry" method for drying the brass - no ovens, heaters, dryers, dehydrators, etc., are ever needed.

Here's a before and after snap.

Happy Tumbling -



08-22-2014, 06:12 AM
I have the rebel 17, which is large enough for me. As cleaner I use just a little bit LemiShine (because it came with the tumbler, isn't really necessary) some standard dishwashing liquid. I plug it in using a timer switch, that is set to let it run for 30 minutes three times with 15 minutes pauses. I'm satisfied with the results.

After tumbling I put the cases in the oven at 110°C for 15 minutes, turn of the oven and open the door, and as soon as they cooled off enough to be touched they are dry. But just in case I put them in a cardboard box and load from a second box, so I always got dry cases.

08-22-2014, 06:22 AM
How about a pic or 2 of the FA wet tumbler?

08-23-2014, 09:18 PM
I just went wet tumbler a month ago, after reading all I could get my hands on and talking to everyone I knew. I finally went with the Custom Built BigDawg. Which is made by a member here. You can also get a detailed spec from him and build it yourself if your talented enough.. I am NOT. so I had him make it..
I have two drums so this recipe is for the small drum. 7# Media, 5# Brass 1.5gal.Water 1TBS Dawn dish soap, 1/4 tsp Limshine, Now, you can run your brass in less time but I'm picky and like my Primer Pockets and the inside of the brass to all look new with no residue at all. so 3 hours is the ticket. You can get perfectly beautiful brass in 1 to 1.5 hours and it will probably be cleaner than any Vibratory tumbler could ever get it. But after making such an investment I want it perfect..
This is a pic of my Tumbler and the very first batch of 45acp brass... Oh yes Drying,,,I just lay them out on a towel on the floor the night I clean them just like the batch of 38 or 357 brass in the pic below and their dry the very next day..

08-24-2014, 03:13 PM
How loud is the FA? I'm currently in an apartment and the vibratory tumbler I have (HF) is too loud. I also like the idea of getting a wet tumbler.


08-24-2014, 03:20 PM
Nice write up thanks.

08-24-2014, 04:05 PM
It is as noisy as a vibratory unit. Luckily, I have a garage where things like that don't disturb the tranquility of the household.

08-24-2014, 04:16 PM
Pics, sorry, my camera is not the best out there.



08-24-2014, 08:36 PM
It is as noisy as a vibratory unit. Luckily, I have a garage where things like that don't disturb the tranquility of the household.


08-24-2014, 10:52 PM
I've been wet tumbling for years with the Thumlers model B. It works great but my only complaint is the small capacity. So now I'm debating between building by own Bigdawg model or buying the Frankfort Arsenal. How would you compare the two durability wise? I'm worried about the plastic construction of the FA. I already have a motor laying around so that would save me about $100 on my own build.

08-25-2014, 03:24 PM
jgieske, If you have the skills to build a Bigdawg that's what you should do.
One, You'll have the capacity you want and TWO, you'll know how to replace any part that should ever need replacing because all the parts on a BD is from either a local hardware store or Auto store. and you built it...

I want to be clear about one thing..I'm not bashing the FA. Several of my friends have them and they work great for them. No worries if you buy one. I've never heard a bad comment on them..

08-25-2014, 05:39 PM
Thanks for the reply. I was leaning towards the BD anyway. You make good points.

08-26-2014, 03:46 AM
@ Weaponologist:

Do you remember who was offering the BigDawg? I'm interested in the specs.

08-26-2014, 09:10 AM
He goes by BiggDawg here. http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?107444-Homemade/page10

He also has a website under Biggdawg Tumbler.. You'll find Spec's in the Home Made Section also.

08-26-2014, 10:36 AM

08-26-2014, 11:14 PM
I have one, my only complaint is I wanted to buy an extra drum and the lady on the phone said they were so far behind they wouldn't offer them until they got caught up the tumbler work flawlessly

08-26-2014, 11:24 PM
I have one, my only complaint is I wanted to buy an extra drum and the lady on the phone said they were so far behind they wouldn't offer them until they got caught up the tumbler work flawlessly

Did she give you a price on the extra drum?

08-28-2014, 08:07 PM
You can get the prices from his site http://www.biggdawgtumblers.net/
I guess the way I got 2 drums was I ordered it on his Menu for less of a better word. You can order what combo you want by number mine was Kit #1.5 on the list.
but I did have to wait about 8 weeks for everything. he told me he was getting hammered for his Tumblers. and after getting one I see why.

08-29-2014, 10:12 AM
For those that have the Thumlers model B .I use 5# of brass,5# of pins,5# of water 2 table spoon of dawn dishwater detergent 1/4 tea spoon of lemon shine . Turn it on for three or four hours . Separate the pins from the brass, I use a Rcbs media separator then pour the brass on an old bath towel and use a hammock motion to dry the brass or lets just say dry the out side of the brass , then either laid it out in the sun or if no sun laid it in a dry place like inside my house under a ceiling fan over night will dry it out . I find that if I rinse with water,it leaves spots. But I do rinse the pins with the water hose every once in a while . I always deprime my brass before cleaning when I do these steps the brass looks like new brass. Good Luck SMILEY

08-29-2014, 05:14 PM
How about a pic or 2 of the FA wet tumbler?

Here are a couple pics of my FA tumbler114867

08-30-2014, 09:18 AM
Do they make a 240 volt version?

08-30-2014, 11:02 AM
I put a little white grease on the O ring end seals. Makes the end caps tighten easier and helps stop the leaks. They leak a little if the ends are not on tight. Otherwise, works as it should.

09-01-2014, 02:46 PM
NExt year they will release a 240v version, they are testing it right now

03-28-2015, 01:26 AM
Any news on a 240 volt version? Any idea who sells them or will ship overseas?
Midway USA doesn't.

03-28-2015, 07:26 AM
Good write up on the FA tumbler. I purchased my thumler's tumbler model b about two years ago and completely satisfied. I would have purchased the FA tumbler if it had been available due to the large capacity of cases you can tumble. Example; I can only tumble 230 9mm cases at a time which is what's recommended on the case load chart that was provided.

My tumble routine is now 2 table spoons of ArmorAll ultra shine wash and wax (recommended by members here) and 1/4 teaspoon lemi shine. Tumble decapped cases for 3-4 hrs, drain, rinse in warm water, use cabelas media seperator, place cartridges on towel, place in food dehydrator for an hour and then sort by headstamp and store.

The cases inside and out along with primer pockets look brand new. The best thing is the cases do not tarnish as they did using Dawn dishsoap.

03-28-2015, 08:58 AM
Example; I can only tumble 230 9mm cases at a time which is what's recommended on the case load chart that was provided.

hunter49 -

I have the same Thumlers model B that you have. As you say, the directions that came with my Thumlers said to use 2 pounds of brass per batch. I followed these directions for several years with great results. Recently, however, I've been experimenting with using larger batches of brass in the drum.

Specifically, I doubled the batch size from 2 to 4 pounds of brass. Instead of filling the drum with water, I added only enough to go about a couple inches or so over the brass. So, less water and more brass. Like you, I use auto wash and wax (a couple of ounces) snd 1/4 TSP Lemi- Shine. I also tumble for 4 hours and use 5 pounds of pins.

Even with the larger amount of brass, the Thumler's motor is not at all straining. Thr motor starts the drum rotating without having to nudge it to start. No over-heating/motor issues.

The results are just as spectacular as when using a smaller batch of brass. So, the experiment seems to have yielded good and useful information, for me at least.

See pic of tumbled brass in a larger batch.

Happy Tumbling -


http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg578/Bayou413/IMG_20150221_182103_zpsvs258he5.jpg (http://s1244.photobucket.com/user/Bayou413/media/IMG_20150221_182103_zpsvs258he5.jpg.html)

03-28-2015, 09:51 AM
220 volt is available


03-28-2015, 01:17 PM

Thank you for the useful info and the brass looks great, I will definately give that a try.

03-28-2015, 02:34 PM

Thank you for the useful info and the brass looks great, I will definately give that a try.

hunter49 -

I'd be interested to hear how larger batches of brass work for you in your Thumlers.

Thanks - Bayou52

03-28-2015, 02:58 PM

I will keep you updated and will be doing a batch tomorrow doubling the cases up as you suggested.
Thank you

03-29-2015, 09:25 PM

Update on doubling brass in thumlers tumbler, I just completed a 4-hr tumble as you suggested and am quite pleased with the results. I want to thank you for your suggestion.

03-29-2015, 09:45 PM
Just noticed that Cabelas has both the Franford and Thumler's discounted on their website. Frankford is $169.99 and Thumler's is $174.99.

03-30-2015, 05:19 AM

Update on doubling brass in thumlers tumbler, I just completed a 4-hr tumble as you suggested and am quite pleased with the results. I want to thank you for your suggestion.

Hi, hunter49 -

I'm glad you had a good result on your doubling of your Thumler's capacity. My tumbling batches generally aren't of large quantities, but this will help speed things up a bit whenever I do have somewhat of a larger batch.

Happy Tumbling...


08-29-2015, 05:28 PM
They're on sale at cabelas right now for 149.99.

This tumbler will make snotty range brass shine like new! I've done about 1500 cases in the last 24 hours since I purchased it.

08-29-2015, 05:45 PM
If anyone is interested, Midway sells an extra FART drum for $69. If my tumbler ever dies, I'll use the FART drum and make a metal framed drive unit. It would be the best of both worlds. Rod

08-29-2015, 10:52 PM
Just noticed that Cabelas has both the Franford and Thumler's discounted on their website. Frankford is $169.99 and Thumler's is $174.99.

And the FART includes the stainless steel media...and it has a timer.

I think that's a heck of a deal.

I have both the Thumlers and the FART. While I don't know what the service lifetime of the FART will be, it's a far better system IMO. I hate those wingnuts on the Thumlers tumbler, and the Thumlers drum is harder to handle for me.

At the price Cabelas is selling the FART, I can't imagine why anyone would choose a Thumler's Tumbler, unless it's because they want to tumble rocks too. It was all I could do not to buy a second FART! :)

Pee Wee
08-30-2015, 05:35 AM
I just got the Rebel 17 for $215.00 and have been very satisfied with it. I did a thousand rounds of 38s for 2 hrs. They look like brand new brass inside and out. 500 rounds of 223. same result. I purchased a dehydrator from harbor freight for $20.00 and brass is dry inside and out in less than a hr. I had a bigdawg style washer that was cumbersome and a pain to use. rinsing the brass was a chore with a hose in the yard, trying to hold the drum up to rinse out the brass some before putting in the spinner, the cap, I always had to have a tool to put on and take off. It just was a pain. With the rebel it holds as much or more, no tool for opening and closing, they have replaced the wing nuts with nice round knobs, Its much quieter. You can barley hear it running. (which the wife likes) the entire inside of the drum is rubber. I just set it in the work sink and rinse, throw in spinner, take to dryer and done. I love it.

L Erie Caster
09-02-2015, 04:12 AM
I have been using the Rebel 17 for over 2 years now and am happy with it. But I might have gone with the FART if it had been available at the time.