View Full Version : Shooting Bp in a .43 Spanish Rolling Block

Hog Leg
01-27-2008, 11:12 PM
I have heard that you should not use any kind of filler in a bottle neck cartridge, is this true?

I have been using 3f with cream of wheat filler in my Springfield Trapdoor for 20 years and have gotten great results with it.

I like using cream of wheat instead of wads.

Any advice would be appreciated :)

Bull Schmitt
01-28-2008, 11:54 AM
I have heard that neither fillers nor compression is a good idea in bottle neck cartridges. The theory is compressed material (powder or filler) forms a "solid" that when pushed out of the bottlenecked portion of the case will stretch the brass.:(

Bull Schmitt

Don McDowell
01-28-2008, 04:25 PM
Those bottle neck case do the best with black , when you fill the case to the point that the wad and the bullet seated stay a bit above the beginning of the neck.
I shot Goex Cartridge in the 43 egyptian, but have toyed with the idea of some 3f express just for fun.

Don't sweat the wad, they do a very important job in protecting the bullet base.
Save the breakfast food for what it was intended for.