View Full Version : Really new guy question

01-27-2008, 08:31 PM
OK - I've collected lots of stinky wheel weights and I'm getting ready to melt them down into ingots. First stupid question: When they're melting down on the fire, do I need to worry about temperature? Could this mix boil? Second question: Once melted down and the crud skimmed off, I intend to stir in saw dust as a flux, then dedross again. Now can I pour the ingots? Is it really this simple?


01-27-2008, 08:38 PM
No way you'll get it to boiling with any type of normal melting method. When the clips, float to the top, you're ready...skim them off. Be sure to do this outside as grease, the occasional tire stem, Skoal and all kinds of stuff get in the melt and they produce some really obnoxios smoke and fumes.

Once you've fluxed....pour in ingots, cool and dump.

Yeah, it's that simple./beagle

01-27-2008, 08:39 PM
That's a smart question. Keep the temperature under 700 degrees. If there any zinc WW in there, they will float, and you can skim them off. Let the alloy get hot enough to melt zinc and you can ruin the batch.

Yeah, it's that simple. Let the sawdust float a while before you stir it in. If all the moisture is not driven off, you can get a nasty explosion when you stir it in.

01-27-2008, 08:42 PM
The last pot of the last batch I smelted I lit the smoke coming off the WW.
Got rid of virtually all the smoke.

01-27-2008, 08:47 PM
WOW - thanks guys - I can't wait to get started - probably next weekend I'll melt down my first ingots. I gotta tell ya though - the raw WW's already smell like the skunk is still on em'! Phew! Can't wait till my neighbors get a wiff of the witches brew I'll be making.....