View Full Version : Does anybody know where to buy Where to buy Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4)?

01-27-2008, 12:16 PM
I'm looking for quantities of a gallon minimum. We use it a great deal in our reblueing work for blueing removal and rust neutralization before polishing. We have been buying the small containers (couple ounces) but we'd prefer to buy by the gallon or larger.



01-27-2008, 12:35 PM
Any of the chemical suppliers. Usually in 55 gallon drums, unless you can find someone who will distribute smaller. Not likely on the wholesale market. This usually means that you need take your container to the supplier and he will pump it out of his 55 gallon barrel. Food companies, especially sodie pop bottlers have tank cars full of the stuff. Fertilizer companies too. ... felix


01-27-2008, 12:59 PM
we used to buy it through Sigma - Aldrich.

01-27-2008, 06:17 PM
The science supply houses (VWR, Sigma etc.) sell small (gallon) containers of lab grade and purer stuff for $$ plus hazmat.

The industrial companies sell food grade stuff in 30-50 gallon drums for a better price. Trucking and hazmat still apply.

If you need numbers let me know.


01-27-2008, 09:47 PM
Isn't that the stuff the brick layers use to wash off the excess mortor off the brick when they are done ?

If it is , you might be able to pick it up at a brick yard or where they sell brick and block
Just have to check the concintration and purity


01-27-2008, 11:26 PM
Depending on how strong you need - Naval Jelly is jelled phosphoric
acid. I don't know how big a container you can buy.


01-28-2008, 01:31 AM
about muratic acid


01-28-2008, 06:18 PM
Cant you get it at hardware stores, I may be wrong (I am a girl after all) but isnt that what they use to wash off coils in air conditioners?

01-28-2008, 08:18 PM
Lowes, or Home Despot. Plastic jugs of a gallon size. In the masonry supplies section.

01-28-2008, 10:08 PM
I use Naval Jelly and then grit blast the parts with 200 or finer grit.

When I need acids from a supply house they can sell you 2 liters or more of what you seek. I have tried Muriatic acid, but I also turn Muriatic Acid into Ferric Chloride by putting Muriatic acid in a plastic bucket, throw in some nails and let it stand for a week or so, until the nails dissolve.

You can buy larger quantities of Phosphoric Acid from any chemical supply house. It depends on how much you want to buy and molar strength you need. If you buy a barrel full, you may have to have a lot of safety equipment on hand before a supplier will give you a barrel or drum full. Acids can be very dangerous, the vapor will take you out, a spill can do a lot of damage. You may need to keep a lot of TSP on hand to neutralize any spills or left overs. Do Not Flush This Down the Drain! You may not have any pipes left after many flushings, if you have a septic system, it may get really messed up.

I have a separate building I keep such things in, the building is well posted with hazard/hazmat signs. It has vents, fire extinguishers, and neutralizing agents. My local fire department is aware of this building, so they know if there is some wrong what they can and can not do.


01-29-2008, 10:10 AM
Phosphoric Acid is what we used in the body shop as metal prep. Came in qt and gallon jugs.Try your auto paint supplyer.
All the acid used in masonery work I remember was Muriatic.

01-30-2008, 03:23 AM
Muriatic acid (masonry cleaner) is not the same as phosphoric acid.


01-30-2008, 08:15 PM
Most of the commoner chemicals,acids, etc., have two names, the "folk" name and the professional chemists' name. "Muriatic Acid" = Hydrochloric Acid; "Oil of Vitriol", (and sometimes, just "Vitriol") = Sulfuric Acid; "Azotic Acid"= Nitric Acid; "Azotes of Potash" = Potassium Nitrate; "Tincture (or "Spirits") of..." means a solution of ... dissolved in alcohol or water; and so on and on...

"Aqua Regia" ("Royal Water") is a mixture of Nitric and Sulfuric acids that will actually dissolve gold. Some of the old apothecaries' formularies (I have one of my Grand-Dad's) are a real "hoot" to read.

One I have never been able to pin down is "Sweet Spirits of Niter".


01-30-2008, 09:42 PM
any bottling co that makes diet soda has phosforic acid.that is whats in diet soda.
I know as I was in cott bottling co in syrup rm.and as inspecter.[smilie=1::coffee:

01-31-2008, 01:52 PM
phosphoric acid--used in food processing--retired Kraft foods employee


01-31-2008, 04:52 PM
Try Lime-A-Way or Milk-Stone. Lime-A-Way available at any resturant supply house, used to clean ice machines evaporators, coffee pots, remove lime stains off appliances etc. Milk-Stone at any Ag supply house, used to clean and sanitize milking systems. Roughly 8-10 bucks a gallon.

02-24-2008, 03:54 PM
Hi Dave,
You probably have all the info you need by now but here is one other (from the mfg. web site)


This is available from SOME Lowe's and SOME Home Depot stores. This product is used with ceramic tile among its' many other uses.

02-26-2008, 02:16 PM
One I have never been able to pin down is "Sweet Spirits of Niter".



02-29-2008, 09:47 PM
Years ago, when I was doing a little hot salts blueing, I used easy to find muratic acid as a blueing and rust remover. HomeDepot and Lowes both sell it by the gallon, as do all masonary and pool supply outlets and many hardware stores. I diluted mine 50/50 with water (adding the acid to the water slowly, not the other way around).

It removed blue almost instantly and ate rust pretty quickly too. In fact, it was the only way I knew to completely remove rust from deep pits.

The cleaned parts were flushed with running water and then soaked for 15 minutes or so in a warm bath of water and baking soda to kill the remaining acid. It's not as easy to flush chemicals away as most folks think and any remaining traces of acid will cause the metal to flash rust.

The acid fumes will also cause rusting so it needs be done outdoors and away from any ferrous parts of machines. The fumes will also damage mucus membranes so avoid breathing it and keep it out of your eyes. I used an electric fan while working outside under trees!

Other than that, muratic acid is perfectly safe. [smilie=1:

03-01-2008, 03:29 AM
I bought it at NAPA auto parts. They sell it in a gallon as a rust remover.

03-06-2008, 03:51 AM
I get mine from Home Depot. It's sold as a bathroom cleaner. Zep Shower, tub and tile. About $4.00 for a gallon.

03-09-2008, 10:32 AM
For Floodgate:

Sweet spirits of nitre is the old name for ethyl nitrate spirits according to information contained in the Dixie Gun Works catalog.


03-09-2008, 01:09 PM

