View Full Version : Getting Old!!!

08-11-2014, 09:13 PM
When I was in my youth, I was, and I lived my life like a highly tuned race engine.
Going full speed to who knows where. Well, I must of made it, the drive is not nearly as intense as it once was. But today I feel like an old hit & miss engine.
Maybe it's the weather. Maybe that's why the aches & pains feel more pronounced today, causing everything but my left elbow to hurt.
Oh, well. I'll take some Advil and see you in the morning. Good night.

08-11-2014, 10:06 PM
Know that feeling, cold front went through, I could barely move when I got out of bed this morning. 2 Oxycontin and 2 percocet later and I can sorta move...

08-11-2014, 10:23 PM
I feel your pain.

08-11-2014, 10:24 PM
This may sound strange to most of you. The arthritis has gotten so bad in my right hand I am having problems surfing.

08-12-2014, 12:21 AM
A co worker once complained about how it sucks to get old. I told him " Yeah, but it beats the hell out of dying young."

I know all to well about the pains of growing old. At 59 I've had a massive heart attack and 7 by passes. That left me with congestive heart failure. I'm on my second bout with prostate cancer. I've got degenerative arthritis in my left hand and a bone spur in my left heel. Some days the problem is not what hurts, but what hurts the most. And for what it's worth, I'm still damn grateful to be here.

08-12-2014, 12:51 AM

You make me feel bad about my complaining. I'm still running around and being silly at 64. I think I'll get up tomorrow tape my hand and head for the beach. You take care and enjoy your day tomorrow. Surf should be dropping tomorrow, but still 2 to 4 foot and the water is 70!

08-12-2014, 03:36 AM
Yup always beats the alternative even if I do hurt all the time. I know what you mean about hand arthritis, whatever I did in the car accident to my thumb has triggered some form of arthritis, the bottom joint is now really disfigured plus it triggered arthritis in the wrist.

Lead Fred
08-12-2014, 04:02 AM
Pain lets me know Im alive
60 going on 25, Im too busy to be old, Ill try that next year

08-12-2014, 06:32 AM
I have always dreamed of retirement, but now that I am there them golden days are not so golden, when your young you really don't know what it is like when your body get old and worn out, what works hurts and what don't work don't hurt. what days I do feel like doing something I soon run out of gas and have to take a nap! I don't have any physical problems other than being old but I just don't have the stamina I had when I was young.

mold maker
08-12-2014, 08:29 AM
We should be old first, so we have youth to look forward to. We waste our youth, and pay the price when we could enjoy it.

08-12-2014, 08:37 AM
My aches & pains probably wouldn't be so bad except for a life event I experienced back in March 1980.
I was tearing down a barn not only for the siding, but for a few beams that could be used in a project I had in mind.

Long story shortened a bit; before the wrecker truck lifted the section of the barn high enough off of me to get me out, the EMS guys were not in any hurry because they had determined I was already dead. As they did after getting me out because there was not bit of life that they could find in me.

It was when the were loading my body on the gurney that I made a coughing sound with blood coming out of my mouth that they took the opportunity to try to pump life back into me.

When my wife got to the hospital the Dr. told her that she should get our pastor or priest there as soon as possible, because I'd not last another hour.
For the next 8 days, the Dr. had no hope for me as he was sure it was only a matter of time before I was to die.

My injuries were pretty bad, my skull was fractured in two places, both collar bones broken, all my ribs were broken in the front and most were broken on the right in the back, both lungs were collapsed and the right lung nearly destroyed, dislocated shoulder, broken arm, shattered right knee not to mention the small cut on my left thumb.

After 5 months of being off work the Dr. wanted to put me on permanent disability. He said God surely must be with me, because, as he said; when he was an intern working the emergency room, that he'd seen people come in there in better shape than me . . . only they were dead.

I eventually got back to work, but it was not easy to do some of the thing I could do before, but I had a good boss and he worked with me knowing I could and would work if I were able. And over time I got stronger and better and got up to (my estimation) 50%.

A person doesn't go through a life changing event, without some life changing events.

I was on a hunting trip once with a guy and he commented that I moaned in my sleep almost every night. I just told him they were moans of pleasure, but I don't think he believed me. And he was the kind of guy that if I told him what I've just told you he would not believe one bit of it.

08-12-2014, 09:32 AM
Getting old can be fun, it's being old that can be problematic.

08-12-2014, 10:04 AM
Those that do not live with pain cannot grasp the concept. I distinctly remember years ago when the sciatica really got going thinking "oh yeah,,,,,,so thats what Grannies was talking about,,,,,."

Though I have always been good with the Jedi mind trick pain control, there are the pain meds when it gets too much, but the real frustration is the gasping for air and the pouring sweat and weakness which makes any kind of much of anything take five times longer than it should. How do you explain to the young and healthy,,,,,,,,

Believe me, I am Not complaining, (much) I thank God every day in between cursing. I get to spend time with my loved ones and sort of work a little bit, so, so many have it worse. (Hickory is testament to that, among others here. I really feel for BruceB, but great to hear he's making progress!)

Solidarity amongst the infirm! Power to the old farts!! :bigsmyl2:

08-12-2014, 11:55 AM
I too spent my youth going full speed. Had I slowed down maybe I would be in a little better shape than I am now. When you are young you don't realize the toll it will take later in life.

08-12-2014, 01:18 PM
But if you'd have slowed down, you wouldn't have as much to talk about. Plenty of time for slow when you get older (and at that point you don't get the option for fast any more).

08-12-2014, 01:29 PM
I have a standard comeback any more. When askedif I need anything else, I always say " yes, a timemachine."

08-12-2014, 01:34 PM
I used to run like a Honda sport bike. Reliable, high rpm, very fast, decent mileage, low maintenance.

Now I run like late '70's Caprice with a 307. Chevrolet = Cracked Heads Every Valve Rattles Oil Leaks Every Time. That's me. I could certainly use a complete tear down, re-machine, balance and blueprint overhaul.

08-12-2014, 04:18 PM
6 1/2 years ago I was shooting league pool and had a bad bout of what I thought was indigestion. Turns out if was a massive heart attack. Saw the doctor and failed a stress test. They looked me over in the cath lab and said there was nothing they could do for me. Scheduled for surgery the next morning. Surgeon told my wife that I would be in surgery for 4 to 5 hours. I was there for 12 1/2. They did 7 by passes. The heart attack did so much damage that while I was on the table, the wall of my heart split open. They put a Teflon patch on my heart. Then somebody nicked my pulmonary artery. They couldn't get the bleeding to stop. Doctor told my wife that she should call the family together because they may not get to see me again. Another doctor told my daughter that if I survived, that I would probably be an invalid the rest of my life. Lived through that and 11 months later was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of prostate cancer. Now the cancer is back. Well at least if I die, I think I am going to heaven by default. I think the devil still has a restraining order on me.

08-12-2014, 11:38 PM
You guys are making me hurt! lol Sorry to hear the cancer is back DH, I lost a good friend to it a few years ago.

I do what I can each day, some days I don't get much done, others I may get in 4-5 hours fairly hard work. Neck injury has really slowed me down tho that needs to get fixed or if not fixable it gives me more to go after in the lawsuit. Got the report back on the kids cell phone, he was texting when I hit him broadside after he ran a stop sign. I still don't remember much of the actual crash, I saw my hood crumple and remember screaming "oh s**T!" then I woke up to him asking me if I was okay repeatedly. Has really put a damper on my doing stuff the last year in between the head(massive concussion, still get headaches), neck, and wrist injury. This was on top of my already bad low back and torn rotator cuffs in both shoulders...

08-13-2014, 12:01 AM
Dang! You guys make me wonder how I got to 72 with so few problems. I realize I could fall apart tomorrow but I'm thankful for each day. And if I survive whatever comes next, I'm sure I will appreciate those days even more.

I'll say a general prayer for all of you when I thank God for my situation.

08-13-2014, 12:17 AM
By the grace of God I don't have any serious issues as some of you do. At 58 I still go play paintball once a month with much younger guys and hold my own. Problem is recovery takes twice as long. Gettin old ain't for sissys.

08-13-2014, 08:16 AM
If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself...dale

08-13-2014, 11:23 AM
The worst part for me is that back in January I got screwed out my job by an unscrupulous supervisor. What he did to me would be illegal in many states, unfortunately not here. South Dakota is an at will state, so you can be fired at any time for any reason or no reason what so ever. I worked for the school district for 9 years, so he had to follow their procedure for firing an employee. If even a fourth of what he said was true, I'd say what a bastard I am and would have fired me too. Unfortunately upper level management only cares that he followed procedure and couldn't care less that what 90% of what he said didn't happen and he left out important details on the things that did happen.

So now my problem is the long drawn out process of waiting for a decision about if I qualify for disability. Let's see now. I'm 59 years old, I'm unemployed, I have a bad heart and cancer. Maybe I have a problem with objectivity, but it kind of seems like a no brainer to me. What's left for a career for me? I guess I could stand in the entrance at Walmart and say " Welcome to Walmart. Now get your **** and get out!"

mold maker
08-13-2014, 10:05 PM
I'm only 72, and except for some lower back pain and loss of stamina, I can putter along with the younger crowd. I lost the end of my left thumb, and my left index is stiff, but I'm right handed so what the heck.
Thank God I'm still in pretty good shape.
It takes listening to others miseries to appreciate my good fortune.

Dale in Louisiana
08-13-2014, 10:25 PM
If I'd've known it had to last this long, I would've taken better care of it.

dale in Louisiana
(born five days after the Korean War started)

08-13-2014, 11:21 PM
When I was a young man an older gentleman told me that if he ever woke up and something didn't hurt he'd know he'd passed on during the night. Used to think that was pretty funny, nowadays not so much. When I get up in the morning I pop and limp and stumble around for awhile...but I stopped on the way home tonight and walked two miles for physical/mental therapy. I'm on the right side of the dirt so it's all good.

08-13-2014, 11:31 PM
They will deny you 3 times to try and wear you down, people who are overweight, or just have a nasty personality are more important!

The worst part for me is that back in January I got screwed out my job by an unscrupulous supervisor. What he did to me would be illegal in many states, unfortunately not here. South Dakota is an at will state, so you can be fired at any time for any reason or no reason what so ever. I worked for the school district for 9 years, so he had to follow their procedure for firing an employee. If even a fourth of what he said was true, I'd say what a bastard I am and would have fired me too. Unfortunately upper level management only cares that he followed procedure and couldn't care less that what 90% of what he said didn't happen and he left out important details on the things that did happen.

So now my problem is the long drawn out process of waiting for a decision about if I qualify for disability. Let's see now. I'm 59 years old, I'm unemployed, I have a bad heart and cancer. Maybe I have a problem with objectivity, but it kind of seems like a no brainer to me. What's left for a career for me? I guess I could stand in the entrance at Walmart and say " Welcome to Walmart. Now get your **** and get out!"

Down South
08-14-2014, 07:19 PM
Yes, my arthritis is a better weather station than the Weather Channel.

08-14-2014, 07:28 PM
Went for a five mile walk this morning then hit the gym for an hour and will be collecting social security within a year. Maybe quitting smoking in 1977 and exercising on a regular basis is finally paying off for me:)

08-14-2014, 07:35 PM
Went for a five mile walk this morning then hit the gym for an hour and will be collecting social security within a year. Maybe quitting smoking in 1977 and exercising on a regular basis is finally paying off for me:)

Good for you for quiting, seriously I mean that. I quit about 15 years ago, was fine for about 10/12 years, then it caught up with me. Can't even walk 100 yds. without having to stop.

But I'm thankful for every day the Good Lord Blesses me with.

08-14-2014, 07:38 PM
They will deny you 3 times to try and wear you down, people who are overweight, or just have a nasty personality are more important!

I found the exact opposite to be true. Saw a Dr. within 3 weeks of applying, received my first check in less than 2 months.

But then it was the VA.

08-14-2014, 11:26 PM
Took me 3 years to get social security disability, almost bankrupted me in the process. Wiped out my savings, I had to sell a lot of my ham radio gear and other stuff I had collected, sold off most of my silver coins too. Whe I finally got before the administrative law judge he chewed the social security reps butt for 30+ minutes in front of me for denying the claim from the start. Year after that is when they added more judges and staff and changed the process somewhat to speed up approvals. I had submitted 7 MRI's and 3 CT scans of both shoulders, my entire back, and my right knee and they rejected the claim.