View Full Version : Variations in chamber reamers?

08-10-2014, 07:19 PM
Bought one of the Howell conversion cylinders for my Pietta 1858 pistol a while back. Always needed some sort of tool to get the fired empties out of the chambers, 1 might come out pretty easy, another if you thumped it on something, but other needed help. Bought a cylinder hone to try and get them to come out without help. Didnt seem to be doing a whole lot of good. Wasnt the smoothest cut chambers, lots of circular lines, particularly right before the throat.

I have a 45 colt chamber reamer from a previous project. Well it needs to do some cutting before it will go in. Is this just variations in reamers? Or the fact mine has been used twice vs many uses by Howell? Or just a poor chambering job on their part? Only had time to do one chamber so no idea results on shells coming out yet, should get to it in the morning when my son goes to school.

08-11-2014, 01:07 AM
Sounds interesting, take pics and keep us posted.

08-11-2014, 07:11 AM
Tell us about your setup too. Are you working with hand tools, a lathe, etc.? It does sound like an interesting project.

08-11-2014, 09:00 AM
I do have a lathe, a rifle barrel is no big deal, setting it up to do 6 individual chambers is not easy at all. So I just cleaned em up by hand. Guess that reamer I bought has come in handy. Was going to rent one to do the Rossi project, but it was $50 to rent, and had to be sent back pretty quick, I did a second single shot in 45 colt, and now this gun, so sort of paid for itself.

It did remove the machine marks and give a nicer looking chamber. I was hoping the hone would make them drop free, but no luck. Guess you just need to keep something handy to poke the empties out with. Doesnt take much of a nudge.

I have wondered about reamers used in production, gonna imagine they go for lower price, no idea how many chamber they will try to cut with one before they toss it or whatever they might do in high production.