View Full Version : Anyone familiar with the JOMO iTron 702040/41 PID Controller?

08-09-2014, 10:41 PM
I'm reading the manual and it might as well be written in gorfian or clingon for what I can make of it.

It looks like for a power supply , you just hook up whatever you have ac/dc voltage from 10 to 250. That seems crazy to me.

08-10-2014, 09:58 AM
These were sold a few years ago on a fundraiser here by a very generous gentleman. I snapped up several and use them on my pots, sizers, and had one in my espresso machine. I even have one if the basic temp displays on my home brew kegerator!

The voltage is specific to you particular model. Look at the decal on your unit for a long model number and refer to section one of the manual. Read it like a car VIN #,,, digits in the 15 and 16 spot will tell what voltage it is.
16 = 10-18 v dc
22= 20-50 v ac/dc
23= 110-240 v ac

I asmit they can be a little intimidating to read and set up, but they are sweet when running.

08-10-2014, 10:06 AM

08-10-2014, 12:04 PM
I was reading the pdf manual but missed that tiny little tidbit of very needful info.
mine are the same ones that were sold here a few years back but I just now got into trying to mess with one since my Auber were in use.
I'm guessing by the vague diagram that pins " N" and "L1" are where the 110 connects?

08-11-2014, 07:57 AM
Yep, they're your input voltage connections.