View Full Version : Trouble installing Gate Detent Spring Ruger SBH

08-03-2014, 05:28 PM
I'm sort of mechanically challanged... and have never taken a firearm down past the point of general cleaning disassembly. The gate on my Ruger SBH .44 mag is loose, and Ruger sent me a new detent spring, so I figured it's time to jump in and give it a try.

The part I'm having trouble with is with the gate not opening after I install the spring. The spring is in place, resting on the gate indent. At one time, I thought I had it figured out... by pusing the hammer fully in and the moving the trigger fully forward, the gate opened, and closed with a nice snap. Once I screwed the grip frame on, the gate quit opening -- I took the grip frame off, and now the gate isn't opening at all again.

I need to understand more about the gate - what kinds of mechanical limits are built in to keep it from functioning. I know that if the trigger is cocked, the gate won't open. What else could be keeping the gate from functioning? By the way, I popped the old detent spring in to see if it had something to do with the new spring, but the gate still won't open, with or without the grip frame attached.

Thanks - Randy

(Although I've spent hours messing around, and currently have everything disassembled again, instead of feeling frustrated I feel like I'm on an adventure -- and have already learned a lot about how my revolver functions.)

08-03-2014, 06:07 PM


08-03-2014, 06:42 PM
that is one of the three reasons I hate Rugers, the other two are the spring in the triggerguard for the cylinder stop. and the one in the frame for the pawl.

I usually put one together 5 or 6 times before it works. I can do Colt in the dark with the snow piling up at the door, and my eyes blindfolded.

08-03-2014, 07:15 PM
Thanks skeettx - I also found that first link and found the parts diagram helpful.

Funny what someone said
After you've assembled a New Model a hundred times you'll laugh at how easy it is..... I was thinking the same thing -- that someday I'll wonder why it seemed so difficult.

I'd like to do something different during the next reassemble... I just have to figure out what I need to do. I keep thinking, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

I've already told myself that once I get it right, I should disassemble and reassemble it one more time, just because.

08-08-2014, 12:44 AM
It might sound trivial to those experienced at working on guns, but I'm finally comfortable disassembling and reassembling my Ruger SBH. I was unnecessarily worried about being able to put it back together (I'm good at taking things apart), but my confidence was bolstered by a couple of Youtube videos:

Ruger Single Action Revolver Disassembly:
Ruger Single Action Revolver Reassembly:

I even figured out that I can remove and replace the gate detent spring without disturbing the hammer, trigger, etc.

The bad news is that I had to file the new gate spring, and didn't file quite enough the first time to get the gate to move smoothly. When I filed it the second time, I went too far and as bad or worse than the original spring. I will be calling Ruger for another spring, and if necessary will file it very, very carefully.

Funny, I have a new fondness for this gun now :-)

In the meanwhile, I don't want my gate flopping around, but I would like to shoot it this weekend. I wonder if I could use a folded piece of tissue paper to cushion it until I can install another spring...


08-08-2014, 11:16 AM
Small washer, SMALL washer, REAL SMALL washer

08-08-2014, 03:14 PM