View Full Version : Something to gladden my heart

08-02-2014, 11:02 PM
Took my M1917 back to the range this week. I never got to shoot it, but someone else did and that was just fine by me. My son is 12 and he got a little history lesson this day. Shot some nice groups too. :razz:

08-02-2014, 11:14 PM
Way to go, Dad, you just can't spend to much time with your kids!
Ole Jack

08-03-2014, 04:31 AM
That is so great! Yes, you cannot spend too much time with your kids.

Bad Ass Wallace
08-03-2014, 05:53 AM
Did you dock his pocket money to cover the cost of ammo? :bigsmyl2:

08-03-2014, 08:16 AM
He had a good time, I had a good time...I'll let it slide for now. 8.3 of bullseye with a plain base cast 311284 is probably cheaper than .22 now. If it isn't, it's got to be close.

Uncle Grinch
08-03-2014, 10:17 AM
Like my grandson said...."Pop, this is more fun than Nintendo!"

Keep them exposed to shooting and reloading.

08-03-2014, 12:08 PM
Like my grandson said...."Pop, this is more fun than Nintendo!"

Keep them exposed to shooting and reloading.

Now Thats what I,m talkin about a Kid that would rather do some time in the Field instead of in front of an LCD

08-04-2014, 02:00 AM
Don't spare the cost (and don't burden him with them). Trust me. You're looking at a healthy in mind kid there. :drinks:

08-04-2014, 03:55 PM
I recently took my son and his wife to the range. He has several firearms but no place to shoot where he lives. His wife had never fired a gun in her life before. As a former instructor, I knew to start her with a .22. By the time we were done, she had moved all the way up to the Blackhawk .45 Colt and the AR15. She was also blasting away at flying clays with a .410. Now she wants my son to buy an AR for her! We (they) shot for several hours and had a ball! I fired a total of 2 shots that day! *LOL*

08-07-2014, 08:21 PM
Congrats . . . that's what it is all about! Not only is he learning a little history . . . he's creating some good memories of shooting with his Dad that he'll always remember.

My wife and I never had kids but I can well remember my Dad taking us out to teach us how to shoot - that's been well over 50 years ago now and those memories are the things that bring my Dad "close" to me when I get to really missing him.

You and your son are both very lucky . . you have each other and I'm sure you both learn a lot together. Enjoy!