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01-24-2008, 03:59 AM
...............But sometimes I just do it to myself. Re: It was the GFI issue in a 2 wire 1951 house. So I bought a grounding clamp. Grabbed my Sportsman's Guide Swedish military surplus ditty bag ( I use it to transport small batchs of tools on away from home jobs). Tossed in the clamp, flashlight, pliers, 5' of bare copper ground wire, file, tape, couple wire nuts, hammer, wire stripper, standard and phillips screwdrivers, some plumbers tape, and a jiffy box.

Went around to the crawlspace access, pulled the screen off and tossed the bag in. Then I stood there looking aorund like I may never see the sky again and smoked a couple cigarettes thinking what a rat bastard this is gonna be, and a chubby boy like me really shouldn't be crawiling aorund under the house.

Listening closely it was apparent nothing was getting done, and there was nothing to do but get on with it. So under I went. During the remodel the *(&^%@# plumbers had put a #$@&*( freaking cleanout right the &*(%^!@)_ near the access, and it's a cast iron puppy mother to get around. I sure didn't remember where I'd cut into the existing circut having been so &*^%^#$ far away.

So here I am at the junction box I'd put up. So what had I forgotten? Ah yes, cut off the *(&%^$ POWER! You think I was going to crawl all the way out to do that and then have to crawl all the way back again? Nope, wasn't going to happen. Luckily for me I had put in a nice big gang box instead of a 14 cent outlet box to house the splice. Got the ground wire wire nutted in and then run over to a water pipe and installed the clamp.

After getting out from under the house I had to change clothes as that dirt hadn't seen water since 1951, and every step I took caused a billow of dust. Took the GFI tester and plugged her in. OPEN GROUND! What the................!!!!!!!!!!! No way! I had even filed the water pipe bright where I'd put the clamp. All the connections were secure. And since I was dealing with only ONE WIRE, I couldn't have screwed that part up.

At that point I REALLY didn't know what to do. Crap or wind my watch?? Hmmmmm, tough choice. I went out to the shop where I can think and had a cup of coffee or 2 and kind of tidied up a bit. Just dithering, ya know? I thought well heck, maybe there was a loose wire in the box with the GFI, or maybe I wired the godforsaken thing wrong. Couldn't hurt to take a look. PUlled the cover and saw right then that I hadn't even hooked the ground wire to it, HA!

I remember that, thinking why should I when the ground doesn't go anywhere? I connected the ground and plugged in the tester. Two lights on the right light, and looking at the thing it says that when the 2 on the right light up it's wired correctly :-). Well halleluiah!!

All I have to do now is to remember to call for a final.


01-24-2008, 09:35 AM
You sure make me feel a lot better.:drinks: If we can't laugh at ourselves all is lost.


01-24-2008, 12:52 PM
Every time I go under my house I swear at the $%*&%$ plumber too. Some things are just universal, I guess.

01-24-2008, 12:55 PM
Listening closely it was apparent nothing was getting done,
I hear that...

Wayne Smith
01-24-2008, 01:18 PM
Every time I go under my house I swear at the $%*&%$ plumber too. Some things are just universal, I guess.

Naw, I swear at the guy who put the HVAC ducts under there, taking up all the room. Getting around them without crushing them or tearing the insulation is a real bitch.

01-24-2008, 05:24 PM
Boy, Buckshot, I could follow right along with you on that one. Like reliving one of my own days. Thanks for the chuckles and I'm happy it worked out for you. Oh, and happy-day-after-birthday!


01-24-2008, 07:44 PM
Hearing you guys talking about crawling in the dirt in the crawlspace under your house. Unless you have a good vapor barrier in the floor joists you are still going to get moisture up into your houses. A friend at work was always complaining about his windows rotting out and condensation on them asked me "Why". I asked him if he had a dirt floor in his basement or crawlspace under the house. His reply, "Yes, but I have insulation in the floor joists and the dirt in the crawlspace is powder dry." I explained to him that moisture is still going up through the joist insulation and causing the moisture problem. He said impossible, the dirt is bone dry. I said as a test put a 3 ft. square piece of heavy (say 6 mil) plastic on top of the dirt inthe crawl space and then pull it out a week later and tell me what was on the bottom of it. He did it, and a week later he checked it, he told me he was shocked at the amount moisture on the bottom of that plastic. He then covered the top of the entire crawlspace with plastic. After the following winter he said the windows never fogged up and his wife was real happy with him.