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07-24-2014, 10:23 AM
Was putting together a 6MM BRX AR-15 build for a long range rifle class that I want to take this fall. Was also hoping to use the rifle for a Hog hunt in October as well. I ordered a lower reciever and got the call it was in. This is where it goes south.

I filled out the 4473 like always, listed my SSN etc. Never had any issues with getting the "proceed". Never been in trouble with the law etc. I pay my bills on time and go to work everyday to support the millions on welfare.

Guy came and found me in the shop to tell me that the purchase was put on hold. A NICS supervisor reviewed my information and determined they needed to investigate me further. FFl told me I can come back in a week and if they have't sent a denial I can take the lower with me. He asked me a pile of questions basically trying to find out if I was lying on the form etc. Told me the last guy that was denied had warrants out for his arrest. Of course this got me pretty upset. Basically told me I had committed a felony.

I walked in as a law abiding citizen and walk out looking over my shoulder waiting for the FBI to come and arrest me. In researching the next steps I can apeal etc but I find nothing about what to do between now and getting cleared.

Should I transfer my firearms to an FFL or a Family member while this goes on? Basically they are telling me that for whatever reason I am not allowed to posess a firearm. I don't want to get in trouble any more than I already apear to be in. Was going to go talk to the Chief of Police in my town this afternoon to see if he could find out what they are looking at.

My credit union pulled up my credit history and nothing was on there that was out of ordinary.

Didn't get much sleep last night and dont want to wait a week with this hanging over my head.

07-24-2014, 10:37 AM
I would not worry to much about it. There are several data bases that they check on the NICS and if one of them is off line you will get a delay. Did you put your SSN on the 4473 it's not mandatory but if not you will normally get a delay. If your name is someone with the same name that may have gotten in trouble you will get a delay until they sort out who's who hence the SSN may help in that. I know folks that have TS clearances and sometimes they get a delay. I'd check back in a couple of days and see if it comes back. Forgot how many days that if they do not respond it would be a go ahead seems like 3 to 5 days or so.


tomme boy
07-24-2014, 11:41 AM
Someone else with your same name probably has a warrant or is a felon and they are making sure you are who you are. This happens all the time.

07-24-2014, 11:56 AM
I did list my SS# on the form. The FFL dealer kept telling me that the SS# drives it down to just you so I must have something going on etc. I live a pretty simple life and stay out of trouble. Only got sent to the principles office once while in school=)

Wish I was one of those people who could let things slide and not worry. I have never been delayed or denied a purchase and I own a fair amount of firearms. Last purchase was in October last year and everything went fine. This has really thrown me for a loop. Was horibly embarrassing to have happen. FFL was looking at me like I was a virus.

07-24-2014, 12:08 PM
The FFL must not be that experienced if he's never seen that happen to a law abiding citizen before; I know a LOT of people who have had a pending status on a purchase, but got their firearms anyway, after they delay. Some blamed it on the FFL they were buying from, but that's rarely the case. It's usually a similar name/same name, or even a similar SSN that triggers some flag. It's like the "Do Not Fly" list; if you share anything in common with someone on that list, you have a chance of being thoroughly investigated.

07-24-2014, 12:17 PM
I've seen an officer in uniform get a delay or Condituonal. Fun shop owner same thing. Sometimes it happens. I've bought 10 or more guns in the last two years and u still get nervous even though there is nothing to find.

07-24-2014, 12:21 PM
Betcha a dollar they entered your SSN in wrong.

07-24-2014, 12:39 PM
Hope it is something stupid but at the same time I want to know what the cause for this is. I am just glad that I found this out with a $100 lower instead of the $175 SBR lower I almost got. Would have been out my $200 transfer tax. But I need/want to know because I do want to build an SBR but not if I am going to loose my $ and not get the lower.

07-24-2014, 01:10 PM
The same thing has happened to me several times, though my guy doing the xfer sure didn't act like your guy did. Every time it was due to my address, SSN or some other info being entered wrong.
In the previous state I lived in, for whatever reason, I would get delayed EVERY time. The ffl couldn't give me a reason, nor was one ever offered. I always just went back after 3 days and completed the transaction. Within 2 months of moving to where I'm at currently, I purchased a revolver. I was super surprised when I wasn't delayed.
I wouldn't worry if I were you, let them play their games and waste their time with your delay---if you know you are good to go they will come to the same conclusion sooner than later.

07-24-2014, 01:20 PM
Mr. Sharps, I would not worry too much....having been in L.E. for over 35 years what I believe happened is there is a person of interest with the exact same name or a name so close that they, L.E., have to sort it out....I've been out of L.E. for a little over 2 years....it is the typical govt screw up..... This happened quigte often when an officer/deputy stops a motorist or while at a call they check and individual and a "sound a like" comes back and they bring them in to sort it out.....I dont believe that you will be bothered.....IMHO

07-24-2014, 06:58 PM
Your dealing with govt agencies, why would you worry if you haven't been in any trouble. They will eventually get it sorted out.

07-24-2014, 07:21 PM
I know several people that have had this happen. As others have already said don't worry about it. It would appear that it is time to find another ffl though. Doesn't sound like someone I would want to give my hard earned money to.

07-24-2014, 08:26 PM
Happened to me twice(My name is rather common), both times my gun dealer asked me who I pissed off in government this time? He knows I am very active in second amendment stuff and in getting Obama impeached. Sure I am probably on a no fly list by now considering I have publicly stated Obama needs to be impeached, then a trial for treason, then a firing squad!

07-24-2014, 08:51 PM
Happens fairly often and in your case it won't amount to anything. NICS is a good reason for having a CHL here in TX, they don't even have to submit it. Since you buy guns regularly I'm betting it was a data entry error. Your FFL sounds like an idiot, he doesn't have any business playing detective and should know better.

07-24-2014, 10:31 PM
Dont sweat it .. i get delayed every time . But the only differance is i know why.
I have an outlaw relative with the same name who has domestic violence convictions and who knows what else

07-24-2014, 10:58 PM
First off, CALM DOWN. This does happen occasionally to good people.

The Gun club I'm a member of has FFL's that the members can buy from. One member, has the same name as a bad guy. HE'S not the bad guy, but he gets delayed EVERY TIME.

I was personally in the office when our FFL was calling in his NICS, and yes, he was delayed again......he said the 4th time in a row.

It was kind of a running joke between the FFl and him. He always gets his gun.

If your FFL has never had this happen, well, he must not do many checks.

And if he got on your case about it, I would find a different FFL.

07-24-2014, 11:18 PM
I've been denied 15 times over the last 3 years.. Always was cleared for purchase within 2 to 3 days... I finally had a lawyer go and sit down with the local ATF office and they got things corrected... My last gun purchase a month ago went through with no wait, no denial or delay... The local GS that I buy mostly from knew things were screwed up when it came to me, I was in LE for 38 years and never had a problem buying firearms until I retired..

07-24-2014, 11:27 PM
Never been delayed until the last two purchases. Said prob somebody with the same name. One lasted 3 days the other two. Don't sweat it. By what you say you just got a delay. That's all.

07-24-2014, 11:47 PM

I can certainly understand how this experience would make you feel uneasy. After all, you know you are clean so why don't the Feds? Given the current repressive Executive Branch of our government it fuels the uneasy feeling. It seems like many others have had the same difficulties but things worked out without incident. I would not worry too much at this point. I know that is a bit easier to say than do. I pray the Lord Jesus that he will grant you peace in this matter.

07-25-2014, 12:47 AM
He asked me a pile of questions basically trying to find out if I was lying on the form etc. Told me the last guy that was denied had warrants out for his arrest. Of course this got me pretty upset. Basically told me I had committed a felony.

I'd find another FFL to do business with.
Delays seem to be the order of the day with this current regime.
I read somewhere that each delay is recorded as a governmental register of firearms.
True or not, F&F proves wrong doing.
Just remember, a delay or hold isn't the same as a denial of transfer.
It's really common these days. Keep us posted. Find another FFL to do business with.

07-25-2014, 01:02 AM
No big deal.

07-25-2014, 01:47 AM
No big deal, but it is a PITA when you get delayed. I tend to get delayed anywhere from two hours to the limit which I think is still three business days.

The funny part was when I was still on active duty and I would get delayed on a purchase while home on leave; meanwhile when I went back to work and had to open the Regiments Armory I had access to somewhere around 18-1900 small arms. Never has made any sense to me.

I would pick up the lower, and then never darken that FFL's doors again. What you describe is very poor customer service.

If the one that harassed you is an employee, I would tell the owner why he lost a customer.


07-25-2014, 02:59 AM
Don't be so quick to boink the FFL. HE DIDN'T DELAY YOU, THE GUBMINT STORM TROOPERS DID. The guys trying to do his job, doesn't want to lose his livelihood.
Sheeesshhh!!! He may have several reasons for being a jerk, but dealing with 'BaMama's boot heals isn't one of them.
Local GS I won't go in after noon because bloat boi is running the counter. I go in early morning. Don't have to deal with the ***. But the *** ain't the gubmint.
My response here will prolly earn me a delay next time I go in, thanks to the zombies I have not voted for in Washingtoon........ Lee

07-25-2014, 07:15 AM
He asked me a pile of questions basically trying to find out if I was lying on the form etc. Told me the last guy that was denied had warrants out for his arrest. Of course this got me pretty upset. Basically told me I had committed a felony.

I walked in as a law abiding citizen and walk out looking over my shoulder waiting for the FBI to come and arrest me.

I agree, your FFL is an idiot. Geez, did he have a rubber hose too? :shock:

What happened with/to you is very common these days and your FFL should know this if his shoe size and IQ aren't the same number. Same thing happened to me a couple of years ago, I can't even remember how many guns I've bought and sold over many years without a hitch and then the last one they put a hold on me. Huh? Say what? I went back a few days later and picked up my new Ruger. Your right though, it does cause a good deal of worry and grief the first time it happens and that's probably part of the gubments plan.

The gun store owner instead of giving me the third degree just told me not to worry about it, he said it was a huge PITA for him because nearly half of his customers get a hold put on them and rarely is it a problem or a denial. It's nothing more than typical gubment involvement and it doesn't matter if it's guns or anything else.


762 shooter
07-25-2014, 07:35 AM
With enough regulation, everyone can achieve criminal status.


07-25-2014, 08:51 AM
I get delayed about one-third of the time. The real hoot is that the delays can be one to twelve hours! The NICS folks call the FFL and give him the go ahead.

Since he's just 4 doors down the road, it's not a problem.

07-25-2014, 08:56 AM
With enough regulation, everyone can achieve criminal status.


^ this

07-25-2014, 09:04 AM
atf knocked on our door because my wife bought a gun (over the years several in fact)

they said she checked the box wrong for "are you buying this gun for someone else who can't legally buy a gun?" (paraphrased)

they said she checked "yes" then crossed it out and checked "no" then initialed it in the margin.

but she has always walked out the door with her guns the minute they were paid for...18 and counting.

07-25-2014, 09:35 AM
From the FBI NICS website:
If the FFL has not received a final determination from the NICS after three business days have elapsed since the delay response, it is within the FFL’s discretion whether or not to transfer the firearm (if state law permits the transfer). If the FFL transfers the firearm, the FFL must check “no resolution was provided within three business days” on line 21d of the ATF Form 4473.

Your ffl said that it could be up to a week wait, I'd check with him after three days.

07-25-2014, 11:08 AM
Got the call late yesterday that I was given the "proceed" and I picked up my lower. I was curious if I was on a list now so I ended up doing paperwork on a second lower and that check went through fine. Good excuse to buy another firearm I thought...
Anyway I got all of the information for the sale and am going to send a letter off to try and find out what they were looking at. The whole deal left a bitter taste in my mouth for the entire "system". I just got an invite to upgrade my NRA Life membership to endowment level. Told the Wife that after this fiasco I was going to do it. This made me realize just how precarious my rights are. With the stroke of a pen or a mistype of a key I lost everything for a bit there.

I just found this company so they don't know me from the next guy. They have good prices aside from being a small local company which I would rather support than Cabelas etc. I got to speak with the owner and he offered me his card and told me that he apreciated my buisness and to call him if I needed anything. Offered me the loan of some buffers to try when I get the 9mm lower up and running. Going to keep with him I think.

07-25-2014, 01:13 PM
Mr. Sharps, I would not worry too much....having been in L.E. for over 35 years what I believe happened is there is a person of interest with the exact same name or a name so close that they, L.E., have to sort it out....I've been out of L.E. for a little over 2 years....it is the typical govt screw up..... This happened quigte often when an officer/deputy stops a motorist or while at a call they check and individual and a "sound a like" comes back and they bring them in to sort it out.....I dont believe that you will be bothered.....IMHO

While not exactly the same situation, I have experienced something very similar. When I was stationed at Fort Hood, TX, I had a young soldier working for me who would routinely be brought in for questioning by the MPs and the Texas Rangers every 3-4 months. He was always released with an apology after a few minutes. Turns out that his name and SSN were very similar to those of a wanted fugitive. Not identical in either instance, just very similar. And despite what the .GOV wants us to believe, there are recorded instances of two people being issued the same SSN.

To the OP: I wouldn't sweat it. Wait a week and go pick up your gun. Hopefully this won't happen again! Heck, my name is Terry Nichols (same as one of the OKC bombers), and I've never been denied on a NICS check! :-o

07-25-2014, 02:05 PM
That's why I like a CCW for Arizona - they allow you show it and walk without a wait or problem.

daniel lawecki
07-25-2014, 02:17 PM
My friend this year wrote Doug for his first name instead of Douglas. Boy it took a special # and a few weeks to get his gun. Since this happened he has bought several guns no problem.

07-26-2014, 11:49 AM
Glad it worked out for you. I'm wondering if holds are more common these days. Last I heard they weren't unusual but a very small percentage were actually denied. If one FFL is getting a high level of holds I'd wonder a bit about the FFL and his clientele.

07-27-2014, 04:18 PM
There is a form you can fill out and send in. The shop offered it to me. Said if you have a delay fill this out for the big guy (feds) on the hill so he has everything incl ssn and everything else. After they have the form cked on the hill you fly thru from then on. Walk in and walk out with what you want. No waiting/delays.

07-28-2014, 07:33 AM
I work at a Gun Shop part time as needed. Last week I saw more delays than I ever have. Something is going on with NICS. Its pretty much nation wide. I do understand the worry but I personally wouldnt worry about it. I was told by our local BATF contact that filing for a unique PIN or filling out the other form raises more flags than anything. But if you do find out a reason please let us know. Im very curious if the rumors are true about more stringent checks being put in place.

07-28-2014, 10:59 PM
There is a rush on buying Russian made weapons with Obama's sanctions on Kalashnikov and others... Will ask my gun dealer later this week what he is seeing.