View Full Version : RCBS mold handles $3.62 each!

01-23-2008, 03:12 PM
While browsing thru MidSouth Shooters Supply's web site I ran across the price of their RCBS mold handles. $3.62 each! Just to find out if I could, I ordered one along with my other stuff and sure enough, she came in last night.

Don't know for sure why but I'm assuming it's a typographical error on some computer programmers part. The regular price in their paper catalogue is $30.62.

If someone from their company monitors this forum I've just given it away.

Right now they don't have any in stock, but who knows, maybe it'll stay like this for awhile!

01-23-2008, 03:24 PM
If they have em in stock I'd order about a dozen of em!
you know when they come in stock again they'll check the price...

01-23-2008, 05:21 PM
I got a nearly 400$ set of rocker arms for my Barracuda the same way for 90 odd dollars. I called twice to check the price before ordering. They had 7 sets, I should have bought all I could. The next catalog came out, and well, not 90$ any more.

01-23-2008, 05:38 PM
We shall see...they are on backorder now, probably because someone here ordered every one they had!. I placed an order for 10 and if it works forum members here will have RCBS handles available at a discount.

01-26-2008, 06:53 PM
I ordered several
I just checked my Back Order
The handles are listed on it at $3.62 each , as I already paid for them with a credit card

But they must have figured out their typo
As the RCBS handles are now listed at $36.18


01-27-2008, 07:53 PM
I understand the urge to take advantage of something like this but I have to ask if anyone thinks this is honest. It seems to me that us shooters should be above being unfair like the other segments of our society. I've always felt like "whatever goes around comes around". If you do things dishonestly it will come back to get you sometime. Maybe no one will like this comment but I'd hope my "brothers of the gun" would be more honest than to take advantage of something like this. You can rest assured if you ever have any dealings with me that you'll be treated honestly and fairly. I'd rather be overcharged and cheated than be the one who is doing the cheating. We owe it to our sport and each other to be good honest people.

01-27-2008, 08:09 PM
I didn't, I don't need anymore steenking handles. I think every man has a full time job worrying about his own soul.

01-27-2008, 08:13 PM
I agree with lovedogs. heard yesterday morning of a lady that worked at a convenience store and every weekend she was lowering the price to penny's a gallon. owner finally figured it out no she faces charges of theft of $50,000 worth of gas.

01-27-2008, 08:42 PM
Sounds like the scam at Walmart several years ago. They had .22LR in bricks with the UPC sticker for the box on the outside of the bricks. #2 son would ask for bricks and they'd let him go to the front and check out as he had other stuff.

Now, .22LR for $.99 a brick is a hell of a deal./beagle

01-27-2008, 09:16 PM
there's a difference in paying the advertised price and Making your own price.

If it's advertised and a good price I'll buy it.

I won't 'scam' for a better price.

01-27-2008, 09:28 PM
Cudo's to lovedogs...enough said

01-27-2008, 09:37 PM
Here's my $.02
I will not scam or steal

But if a mojor online company offers me a product at 10% of normal price
I will buy it , even if I am 99.99% sure they messed up the price

They offered a product at a price and I took them up on the offer


01-27-2008, 09:50 PM
Here's my $.02
I will scam or steal

But if a mojor online company offers me a product at 10% of normal price
I will buy it , even if I am 99.99% sure they messed up the price

They offered a product at a price and I took them up on the offer


And the next price will be 25 % higher to recoup the loss.:-D

01-28-2008, 07:49 AM
I agree in general with Lovedogs' comments, however, I'd like to point out that all that comes around didn't actually "go around" at the start-go. Ever notice that? Too bad, eh?

01-28-2008, 02:07 PM
Now if I had one of those sets of handles at that price, I might actually buy that .358 mold I have been looking at for 3 months.
No way otherwise.
day late, dollar short. . .
woe is me


01-28-2008, 08:14 PM
Don't the Lee 6 cavity handles work for NEI, Lyman and RCBS moulds as well? They're only about $12.

02-03-2008, 10:48 AM
Midsouth has corrected the error. :(

02-09-2008, 10:55 PM
I could of used a dozen at that price.

Boomer Mikey
02-14-2008, 01:28 PM
I guess I'm an old boy scout,

Midsouth has treated me very well over the years in providing reasonable prices alowing me to obtain more bang for my dollars spent with them.

Like Midway, Sinclair, Track of the Wolf, Buffalo Arms, and Brownell's the people at Midsouth are shooters too.

I think the mindset is like the shooter in competition that will take any advantage to be a winner.

Some of us would rather place last than cheat the rest of you from a well deserved victory.

Boomer :Fire:

02-14-2008, 02:35 PM
Did Midsouth honor the orders at 3.62 or did they claim obvious price error and reneg on the online price?


02-14-2008, 07:56 PM
They are now $31.55.

02-14-2008, 08:03 PM
Kind of like when I went trough the drive through bank a few years back and took out $1500. for a road trip to Texas to buy a car. The young guy at the window actually gave me $1600.00 and I went back through the drive up window and sent the whole envelope back and asked him to recount. He thanked me and said I likely saved his job. I had another incident where I got a DUI about 15 years ago. They sent me to take some tests at a place called Diversion Services, it asked a bunch of questions about honesty, one being if I found a wallet on a street corner, would I turn it into the police, take the money and turn it in, or take the money and throw it away. I answered honestly, I would turn it in with everything intact. The Psycho-pathagest running the show went through my test and commented that I'm a darn saint and a liar. I told him to go F-himself and walked out the door.

02-14-2008, 08:27 PM
They honored the orders just fine until they caught the mistake and corrected the price. I don't know how many they sold at the incorret price, I only bought one, that's all I needed.

One or ten, it still is taking advantage of a good supplier. Hope you're proud.

02-14-2008, 08:44 PM
Pride ain't got nuthin to do with someone elses mistake.

02-14-2008, 09:55 PM
I'm pleased to see that there are some honest people left. No matter what the legal stance is I am a better man than to take advantage of someone's mistake. The people who write the laws are honest?? You gotta be kiddin'. I like to think about it like... what would I want someone to do if I made a mistake? I'd appreciate someone pointing it out and being honest enough to not take advantage of my mistake. And I bet all of you would like someone to be honest with you instead of taking advantage if you were the one who made the mistake. I would rather lose money than be the one taking advantage of someone else. It's just who I am. I sleep better and make fewer enemies that way. It feels better when someone applauds your honesty than if they call you a thief.

02-15-2008, 12:31 AM
I once found a camaflage shirt on the after season sale rack at Wal Mart marked 3.98. I took it to the cashier and asked if the price was correct, as the others like it were 16.95 on sale. The clerk called a manager who adjusted the price to .98. I asked what was she doing? She explained that their policy was to knock 3.00 of mismarked merchendise. I still have and use the shirt. DALE

02-15-2008, 01:02 PM
For me it depends. If the store has dealt fairly with me in the past or it is my first time there and there is a mistake in pricing, I will tell them. BUT if that store has refused to make right a problem that I think they should have---the gloves come off! Case in point: several years ago wifey bought an electric kettle from a large chain store. WE did not need to use it for several months. The box had never been opened. When we opened it up the body of the kettle was cracked. After that amount of time we did not have the sales slip but the box and the kettle both had the store's distinctive stickers on and the kettle was obviously new and had not been used. The store refused to do anything about it so I was out 15 dollars. Several months later I was in the same store and I noticed they had 500 round bricks of .22 long rifle ammo marked 2.75---I bought 5. The store don't owe me 15 dollars any more.

02-15-2008, 02:17 PM
Just a few days ago I sole my copy of "The Paper Jacket" book to a fellow on this site. I shiped the book before I got the money. Just today a got a PM saying the check is in the mail. I trust other shooters, least I did till I read this Post. Thank you WonderWolf. Your a honest man !!

02-15-2008, 02:45 PM
I contracted with a bank to help build a loan processing system for them. I noticed that one of the bank's offerings was a private participation in a portfolio of long term govt notes. I joined the group. When my expertise was delivered and I was about to leave, I cashed in my participation. The interest received was way out of line because I knew of the govt note yields. I went to the computer programmer who wrote the code for that particular portfolio and other's like it and showed him my "check". He immediately got extremely nervous. We went to the bank pres and explained it all. The pres said the check I had was golden cash and that it was mine entirely. State banking law. I helped the guy fix his program, and the pres offered to extend my contract salary for the heads up. I refused the additional payment, and instead repaid the entire overage by paying cash into their Christmas party fund. I felt good about the whole thing, and have had several outstanding work references from them that paid many, many, many times over that returned amount. ... felix

Red River Rick
02-15-2008, 02:52 PM
I trust other shooters, least I did till I read this Post.

My sentiment.


How many of the member's here would have ordered handles from the Handle GB if the price was incorrectly listed at $2.20 instead of the correct $22.00.

Let see a show of hands.


02-15-2008, 03:44 PM
My sentiment.


How many of the member's here would have ordered handles from the Handle GB if the price was incorrectly listed at $2.20 instead of the correct $22.00.

Let see a show of hands.


Not a chance Rick. This would be theft from a hardworking individual. Sleep would not come easy if I pulled something like that.

That being said.....it can feel almost justified to take advantage of a huge Co. that makes it's money by scamming and ripping off 1000's of people as a daily practice.

Case in point.......just tried to order a Lee 2cav from Midway,...$20 this is $3 more than Lee factory sales,,Oh well....continue....$3 Special handling fee:confused:...What the %#@!!....
Now the shipping...$12...any one knows that you can ship a box full of 70lbs. of crap anywhere for $9. Talk about a ripoff/scam. One can just about feel OK about getting some of your money back after being treated like this for too long.

Sorry for the rant. I'm no thief, but at times just a little discouraged. All of the good people here that I have dealt with have been very Honest and Generous. Thanks Gentlemen!:drinks:

Red River Rick
02-15-2008, 03:55 PM

I've dealt with a lot of the members as well and have had nothing but "Excellent" dealings with all of them. Your right, they are a great bunch of people. And 99.9 % of them are all honest and generous. But that 0.1% are the one's that bother me.


02-15-2008, 09:26 PM
on anothe site there is quite a rant about midway and there shipping fees.
I deal with midsouth/graf and natchez.also CDNN and center fire.never had a problem and good people to talk to.----:coffee:---[smilie=1:----:Fire:

02-15-2008, 10:09 PM
I woulda cause I wouldn't know if that was right or wrong price, sounded good to me.

02-16-2008, 10:19 AM
I woulda cause I wouldn't know if that was right or wrong price, sounded good to me.

Ahhh...., very profound Blammer, now we understand.

02-16-2008, 12:05 PM
One or ten, it still is taking advantage of a good supplier. Hope you're proud.

Ahhh...., very profound Blammer, now we understand.

Hey- This isn't a major crime spree here. If you want to come aboard throwing stones, better prepare yourself and put on some heavy armor... :roll:


02-16-2008, 02:58 PM
Nicely put.


02-16-2008, 05:57 PM
Hey- This isn't a major crime spree here. If you want to come aboard throwing stones, better prepare yourself and put on some heavy armor... :roll:



With all due respect, you like many others that frequent a certain site or sites, and I assume you are here quite a bit based on your post count, all depend on others in the community for a number of things that make the site enjoyable to visit and share hobby intrests, etc.

Have you posted something for sale over in the swapin and sellin section? Have you purchased something that another member has posted there?
We all depend on honesty!

Some guys here only have a small collection of molds.....and others have tons of them. If the mentality of some is followed, the guys with "tons" ...well its ok to take advantage of them.

To all,

Rest assured, at least someone here was "honest"......I was tempted to cut and paste a copy of the e-mail I recieved........a member here recieved a thank you from Midsouth for pointing out the typo after reading the post here that started this thread.....the mentality of some here makes me think of the looting that goes on during some black-outs and times of unrest.

if the shoe fits........

02-16-2008, 09:19 PM
I think it'd be a really cool idea if we all slowed down and read the other guy's post with an attempt at understanding before launching our keyboards over the horizon.


02-16-2008, 09:30 PM
I am in Lovedogs corner on this one.

02-16-2008, 09:46 PM

With all due respect, you like many others that frequent a certain site or sites, and I assume you are here quite a bit based on your post count, all depend on others in the community for a number of things that make the site enjoyable to visit and share hobby intrests, etc.

Have you posted something for sale over in the swapin and sellin section? Have you purchased something that another member has posted there?
We all depend on honesty!

Some guys here only have a small collection of molds.....and others have tons of them. If the mentality of some is followed, the guys with "tons" ...well its ok to take advantage of them.

To all,

Rest assured, at least someone here was "honest"......I was tempted to cut and paste a copy of the e-mail I recieved........a member here recieved a thank you from Midsouth for pointing out the typo after reading the post here that started this thread.....the mentality of some here makes me think of the looting that goes on during some black-outs and times of unrest.

if the shoe fits........

Oh Please.

I doubt there is one guy on this forum that is pure and virtuous to be able to throw insults at another member for something like this... :roll:

Just yesterday I was in the big city couple hours from home, backing up in a tight parking lot with my truck and I hit some kind of sign. The sun was in my eyes and I saw the sign wiggle.

No big deal I thought and I pulled out, went down cross the street a few blocks to another vendor I had to buy something at, parked and walked in the store.

Few minutes later a guy walked in and asked me if I realized I had hit a couple of bikes while backing up. I told him no, and that I would drive back over in a few minuets. At the same time for a split second I thought damn... just my luck while I was in a hurry and why did I have to stop here? They would have never known who I was, but I knew I had to go back.

So happened there was a couple there who's only mode of transportation was their bikes. I had bent the front wheel of one of them like a pretzel. I explained how I couldn't see the bikes as my truck was to high and blocked the view.

I helped the guy take off his wheel and I ran it to a bike shop, had them install his tire on a new rim, and was back in about 45 minutes. I then gave them a $20 for dinner to boot.

The moral of the story is at first thought, I didn't want to go back, but as I thought it through I did.

Taking a shot on an order to save a few bucks again isn't a moral crime, and maybe not the best thing when you think it through, but I don't think the same guy would stiff a fellow member here on an order.

02-16-2008, 11:41 PM
I didn't mean to start a controversy here. And I'm not one to cast stones or judge,either. But sometimes if we talk about things like this it causes all of us to think about these things. If we need to do better then it has all been worthwhile to be reminded of that. We can all use a little improvment. And, likewise, we can all use a pat on the back when we do good. I appreciate all the honesty displayed here and am proud to be associated with some of America's finest.

02-17-2008, 12:37 PM
Oh Please.

I doubt there is one guy on this forum that is pure and virtuous to be able to throw insults at another member for something like this... :roll:

The moral of the story is at first thought, I didn't want to go back, but as I thought it through I did.


You are right, I will agree that noone is pure.

I think the whole point here is what you wrote, in the quote I pulled out above......"I didn't want to go back, but as I thought it through I did."

Thank You Pat!

I for one, am glad you shared that story with us, things like this happen everyday, and I hope others see the value in thinking through the actions they make/take like you did.

02-17-2008, 01:45 PM
I bet your feeling of not wanting to go back came from your thoughts of how they percieved it. Not knowing whether or not you realized you hit the bikes. If you had realized it, I also bet you would have stopped and taken care of the problem immediately instead of heading down the street. I guess you can put my outlook on things this way, you screw me once and I won't forgive and forget. No second chances, I'll never bend over in front of you again!

02-17-2008, 01:57 PM
Yes- if I would have known I had hit the bike I would have stopped.

When I learned after, my main thought was Damn... do I have too?... what a pain in the ass. Not that I was trying to think about how to get away with it. It was just another hickup added to the day.

As a result, It only cost $40 for the wheel. I was happy that I could make them whole again without that much trouble.

02-17-2008, 02:05 PM
You probably came out lucky on the deal. Since you were apparently unaware you had hit the bike, they could have claimed injury and sued you, and you honestly would not have been able to dispute their claim.

02-17-2008, 02:20 PM
Yes you're right and then I would have went to battlestations.. :mrgreen:

He was a nice guy and even said they shouldn't have chained their bikes up there.