View Full Version : New Jersey runs rough shod over single mother

07-21-2014, 06:30 PM

New Jersey - -(Ammoland.com (http://www.ammoland.com/))- Despite the fact that Shaneen Allen possesses a License to Carry Firearms issued by the City of Philadelphia…


Despite the fact that Allen has been trained in firearm safety and passed an NRA handgun safety course…

Despite the fact that Allen voluntarily presented her carry license to the police in conjunction with a routine traffic stop, as per her training…

New Jersey is doing its best to turn Shaneen Allen into a convicted felon facing a State Prison term of a minimum-mandatory 3-5 years with no chance of parole.

What heinous offense did Shaneen Allen — a hard-working single mother of two, with no prior criminal record — do to deserve such a fate?

Last October, she travelled with her Pennsylvania licensed handgun loaded with lawfully purchased, low penetration self defense ammunition, into New Jersey.

That is all.

Allen never pointed the firearm at anyone, never threatened anyone, never removed the firearm from her car or even out of the purse in the backseat. Nonetheless, she is charged with unlawful possession of a handgun and unlawful possession of hollow nose bullets. Atlantic County is prosecuting her fully.

Recognizing Allen’s remarkable facts, the Atlantic County New Jersey PTI Director agreed to accept Allen into the PTI program— however, the Atlantic County Prosecutor is refusing to allow it. The PTI program would allow Allen to avoid becoming a convicted felon and serving prison time.

The Atlantic County New Jersey Prosecutor would rather see Allen serve the mandatory three (3) years in State Prison, and is pushing the matter to trial.

Due to New Jersey’s “Graves Act” firearm laws, if Allen is convicted, the lowest sentence a judge may give her must include a three (3) year prison term with no chance of parole.

Until last week, the Public Defender’s Officer represented Allen, but she has since hired the law firm of Evan F. Nappen, Attorney at Law P.C. to represent her.

When asked for a comment on the case, Evan Nappen, Esq., stated, “New Jersey has a history of racist and sexist gun laws. Women are denied the means of self-defense against larger stronger men.”

“New Jersey’s earliest gun laws banned Blacks and Indians from possessing guns. Apparently, not much has changed. End the madness. Pass the national carry reciprocity law in which gun licenses would be recognized by every state and be treated much like drivers licenses. No more innocent victims of New Jersey draconian, racist, sexist gun laws, that are out of step with the rest of America.”

Louis Nappen, Esq., of the firm, who appeared on Allen’s behalf this week in court, stated, “We will be doing everything we can to zealously represent her, but I see this sort of thing happening more and more. ”

“The ‘feel good’ legislation that turns mere possession into a “Graves Act” second-degree crime does nothing to stop true criminals and turns law-abiding citizens into felons. Ms. Allen is a prime example of this. It’s sad, and wrong.”




A single mother from Philadelphia could be facing up to three years in prison for what she and her attorney say was her effort to be honest with New Jersey authorities.

On Oct. 1, 2013, Shaneen Allen, 27, was pulled over in Atlantic County, New Jersey, for a routine traffic stop. When the officer approached her vehicle, the mother of two informed him that she had a handgun in the car and presented her concealed carry permit for Pennsylvania.

Allen quickly learned that her Pennsylvania gun license held no legal weight in New Jersey when instead of getting a traffic ticket, she was arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a weapon and armor penetrating bullets.
"She voluntarily and honestly told the officer that she had her licensed handgun and gave him her license to carry," Allen's attorney Evan Nappen said.
"She’s a hard-working single mom. It’s really crazy that New Jersey is taking someone who’s got no criminal record and was doing nothing wrong — other than a minor traffic violation — and making it into a felony-level conviction with minimal mandatory time."

Nappen is a New Jersey-based criminal defense attorney whose practice focuses on gun law. He says his client did not know it was illegal to have her .380 Bersa Thunder handgun and the hollow-point bullets in it while driving through the state.
According to the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association, Pennsylvania concealed carry permits, like the one Allen has, are honored in 30 other states. New Jersey is not one of them.

If found guilty, Allen could face up to three years in prison with no chance of parole.

Nappen says Allen purchased the gun through a licensed dealer roughly a week before her arrest because she feared for her safety. She had been robbed twice earlier that year.

According to Nappen, Allen's case is particularly unfortunate because she has two small children, and because an Atlantic County prosecutor denied Allen admission into a Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) program that would have allowed for a more lenient punishment, a period of probation and some community service.

Nappen says he's seen at least a dozen similar cases in the past year. He believes a federal law mandating concealed carry license reciprocity among states might be a fix for the issue.

"People believe that your gun license should be treated like your driver’s license. Right now there’s a national law being proposed that would mandate that all states recognize other states licenses," he said. "It’s still pending, but it's needed for people like this. I’m calling that bill Shaneen’s law."

University of Pennsylvania Law School professor Kermit Roosevelt said New Jersey authorities were well within their rights when they arrested Allen.

"I don't think the law is problematic. Each state has legal authority to regulate behavior within its borders. So, they're saying we have laws, and if you come here, you have to play by our rules," he said.

When it comes to firearms laws, New Jersey is considered to be one of the strictest states in the country.

Roosevelt agreed that a federal law might be a good solution for the future.

"I think, as a general matter, a federal law would be a good idea. When you get conflicts between the states about issues like this, Congress is supposed to weigh everyone's interests and find a reasonable resolution," he said. "In the meantime, it's still up to the states."

A court date for Allen's case has been set for Aug. 5. Nappen said he plans to request a dismissal of all charges.

If you want to help this honest gun owner you can donate to her legal fund thru paypal


07-27-2014, 12:40 PM
I had a little more sympathy until the lawyers she hired threw out the race card. It was not needed

07-27-2014, 12:49 PM
My opinion...stay outta "Dirty Jersey"!

08-13-2014, 09:18 PM
Lawyers being Lawyers they will do that kind of thing - it's in game plan nowadays.

At least it looks like she has enough of a war chest to put up a decent fight and

New Jersey Republican Assemblyman Dancer has just filed “Shaneen’s Law” which

gives Judges full discretion to avoid mandatory jail time and/or give PTI to folks like Shaneen Allen (http://www.ammoland.com/2014/07/njs-racist-sexist-gun-control-claims-yet-another-victim/).

New Jersey residents, please contact your state representatives and ask them to cosponsor this much needed legislation.

The bill is A3608.

August 5th, 2014

A New Jersey judge denied a motion to dismiss charges Tuesday against a Philadelphia mother who mistakenly entered New Jersey, where she was stopped for a traffic violation and found in possession of a handgun loaded with hollow-point bullets.

Shaneen Allen, 27, who is legally permitted to carry a concealed firearm in Pennsylvania, was pulled over in New Jersey's Atlantic County after making an unsafe lane change in the early morning hours of Oct. 1. She told the officer she had a .380 Berse Thunder handgun during the traffic stop.

Superior Court Judge Michael Donio also denied a motion to overturn a decision not to allow Allen to participate in a pretrial intervention program to avoid jail time.

Allen rejected a prosecutor's offer to serve 3 1/2 years in prison, her attorney, Evan Nappen, told FoxNews.com.

"That's exactly what should be the solution here," Nappen said, referring to the intervention program. "So we're looking forward to that jury trial."

A trial date has been set for Oct. 6, said Nappen, who feels his client may find more leniency from jurors.

"I sure do, it's an incredibly sympathetic case that shouldn't have to go to trial," he said. "But I'm confident that 12 ordinary people who understand the injustice here and will correct it."

Allen, who has no prior criminal record, told FoxNews.com last month that she's very concerned about the future of her young children, Niaire, 10, and Sincere, 3.

"I'm very much worried because I have two kids who depend on me," Allen said. "And I'm doing this all by myself."

Allen said she acquired the gun legally just a week prior to her arrest. She was headed to Atlantic City, N.J., in the early-morning hours to prepare for her son’s birthday party, which was being held three days later.

Allen purchased the gun for protection after being robbed twice in the past year, she said, adding that she never even fired it and feels somewhat snake-bitten by the entire ordeal.

“It’s definitely a freak thing,” she said. “I was trying to do a good thing and it turned out so bad — and just like that. I don’t know how to explain it, I really don’t.”

According to Nappen, potential jurors could invoke jury nullification, a constitutional doctrine allowing juries to acquit defendants who are technically guilty, but don't deserve to be punished. It can apply in all states, but attorneys are generally not permitted to introduce the concept to jurors

Let's hope that at least one Juror is knowledgeable.

08-13-2014, 09:50 PM
Hollow nose bullets are armor penetrating bullets?

If they are illegal.. why can you buy them at the LGS?

I feel so much safer living in this State :( NOT!

08-13-2014, 10:16 PM
Things need to change!

08-13-2014, 10:50 PM
Things need to change!

I have donated to her defense fund. You can, too!

08-16-2014, 10:52 AM
Jersey, NY just plain stink. I got out long ago. Must of had a bad feeling it was going to get worse.
Isn't there a continuous journey law that allows you to have a pistol in your vehicle when driving thru non permit states ? I guess the out come could of turned worse if she got her purse to take out her DL and officer saw the gun !
You already know they have no clue what they are talking about when they call a .380 HP "Armor penetrators ". If she had a .40 or .45 guess the drone's,swat,JSP and ATF would of called out !

I refuse to join Comi pay pal, but I will try to send funds to aid her. Heck, it could of been me they stopped !

Everyone say a prayer fer her, she does not deserve this !


08-16-2014, 11:06 AM
Any one know if the NRA is helping her out in this?

Dose she have a legal defense fund setup somewhere?

08-16-2014, 11:33 AM
Any one know if the NRA is helping her out in this?

Dose she have a legal defense fund setup somewhere?

She has a legal defense fund.

I heard about it on Armed American Radio.


Evan F. Nappen Attorney At Law PC is her attorney.

08-16-2014, 01:17 PM
Isn't there a continuous journey law that allows you to have a pistol in your vehicle when driving thru non permit states ?

I believe you are referring to FOPA - the firearms owners protection act. Without looking it up I am pretty sure to be covered by this you have have both the firearm(s) and ammo locked up separately and not accessible to the driver or passengers. This is to allow travel to out of state shooing matches or to go hunting. If she was carrying concealed and loaded and did not have a license that NJ recognizes she is in trouble. Some states will honor other states carry licenses and many do not. Some states will issue nonresident licenses and again many do not. As the tired old saying goes ignorance of the law is no excuse. I hope she has a good lawyer.