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View Full Version : Need Suggestions for Good Evergreen Windbreak

07-21-2014, 03:20 PM
I have been doing a lot of searching online and haven't found anything that will meet my needs specifically.
Where I am at it is not uncommon for a storm to bring 60+ mph winds like what happened last week. A lot of my garden was laid over or up rooted, so the need for a good windbreak has risen.

Here is the problem I am facing finding what I need. I have power line run on three sides of my property (two of which will be where this hedge will go) so I can't have anything that grows more than about 12 ft. Also on one side of the property is my water and sewer lines they are maybe 10 ft from where I want to plant. I know there are arborvitae that grow about this height but are just so slow growing.
I was hoping someone would have a suggestion for a faster growing evergreen that is somewhat none invasive that would meet the height requirements.

Thanks all

07-21-2014, 03:31 PM
I'd call the county extension
or SOIL CONSERVATION district office and see what they suggest.

I had Hesperocyparis arizonica (Arizona cypress) but it was over 25 feet talk when it died
(I cemented around it which cut off the water supply due to slope of concrete [smilie=b:)
it would be good but you'd have to trim it to keep it at 12 feet

Other thing to due is look around your neighborhood and see what they are using.

other thought is two pronged approach .... something quick and something long lasting...

I am needing to plant a lot of fast growing trees for my east texas land. We have a large area to plant in (75 acres) that is all farmland. We are wanting to establish some shade/windbreak quickly (3-5 years) grown from bare root stock (to save money since we will be planting so many) that we can use for firewood 10 years down the road. I know that they will be "trash trees" hence using them for firewood later down the road, when my "good trees" (slower growing) will be getting a little size to them. Our "good trees" will be mostly natives. They will not be planted close to where we are building our home so it should be ok. We also have a well nearby.

I was looking into some kind of poplars and maybe evergreens. I understand that the poplars have to have a lot of water to get them to grow quickly though.

Green Ash is a fast-growing firewood/wind-break tree. That's what I was going to plant for that purpose.

Eastern Red Cedar will be the most dependable conifer you can plant for that area(and all of Tx). 18" annual growth is typical, more can be achieved with regular watering. The ever-green color is appreciated in the winter.

Hackberry, Cottonwood, Bur Oak, ERC, and Green Ash are probably the big 5 when it comes to quick-growth, drought- resistant, no-care dependable trees for central Texas.

Followed by Arizona Cypress, Sycamore, Shumard Oak, Cedar Elm, and Pecan. Some make good firewood, others leave something to be desired.

some links I found with google





(from someone in Flagstaff about windbreaks)
I would go with Blue Spruce, White Spruce, or Black Hills Spruce. Blue Spruce and Ponderosa Pine are native there.

Should be plenty of moisture at your elevation. I live in Flagstaff, AZ at 7000' (18-20" moisture) and Blue Spruce is excellent here, along with Ponderosa and Austrian Pines. Blue spruce here actually will outgrow the local pines....depending on the plant source. So make sure you buy from a reputable local nursery with good healthy stock. The above mentioned trees should do fine with no additional watering after establishment.

07-21-2014, 03:54 PM
Thank you Art!
not really much around here that others are growing just elms and poplars both of which are highly invasive and will find a way into my utilities this is kind of a new realm for me.

07-24-2014, 02:23 AM
Good luck with your search and let us know what you come up with... :bigsmyl2:

07-24-2014, 10:36 AM
Is a fence an option?

07-24-2014, 10:47 AM
When I worked of the Colorado Forest service we recommended eastern Red Cedar planted on 10 foot centers and staggered in 2 rows. Trouble is unless you use 5 gal container they take some time to grow enough to make a wind break. But then in Colorado our growing season is less then in AZ.

07-24-2014, 10:56 AM
Plants are way too sensitive to local environmental issues to get a wide view from a worldwide forum like this. As mentioned, talk to your ag extension service in your county. They won't try to sell you something, won't tell you to plant something that needs 400 chilling hours to bud, or uses an inch of water per week.

07-24-2014, 12:27 PM
I have to agree that the best place for information would be your local extension agent. They should be able to come up with the best solution that would be applicable to your situation and location.

07-24-2014, 02:51 PM
Thanks all, no a fence is not an option there is a 6 ft block wall on one side but my property is raised for drainage purposes so my side ot the fence is less than 3 ft. One thing about our area is almost anything will grow here from every type of evergreen to most fruit trees excluding citrus. But I think I'm going to go with some kind of dwarf veriety that has the height capped at around 10 12 ft. This way it will not impose on the electrical service.

07-24-2014, 03:40 PM
Many plants are sensitive to micro environments (including soil environments). Even the generic plants recommended by nurseries or local gov agents may or may not work in any one location. Use them as a guideline then just drive around the neighborhood and look for plants that seem to do well and fit your criteria- water requirements, N,S,E or W facing, against a wall or free standing, etc. Sometimes the best ones can be native to the area or a closely related species. Don't fight nature, observe and work with nature.