View Full Version : ToothAche! What did I do to desreve this?

07-19-2014, 09:53 AM
I have had a bad toothache for 3 days. Brings tears to my eyes at times. What did I do to deserve this? Can use your prayers.

07-19-2014, 10:02 AM
Remember, it may not be a toothache...

Every time I have a tooth giving me fits, it is due to a sinus infection.

mold maker
07-19-2014, 10:38 AM
I didn't let mine hurt twice. I told the dentist to jerk that sucker.
He said "Oh NO, I can do a root canal and some oral surgery, for a little over $2300."
Thought of all the ways I could better spend the money, and said "Cant you pull teeth Doc?"
It only cost $65. to get it pulled.
Over the years I got down to 7 teeth above, and 2 of them were loose, from being head butted by my disabled Grandson.
The Dentist pulled them all at one time, and put in a mouth full, of those new plastic store bought kind.,
I bought a Ruger 41 and 2 boxes of ammo with the savings, and those teeth can't hurt anymore.
Kept several extracted, teeth and every once in a while, I mash the heck out of them and mutter, "Hurt now darn you".
I'm all smiles again.

07-19-2014, 10:48 AM
Among other fun things I had two really good deer hunting trips ruined with a tooth ache. Bad teeth tend to run in the family so finally got em all pulled and a set of " Robuckers" put in.
Best darned thing I ever did. Go to someone who knows what they are doing and get good plates.
I sure don't regret it and haven't missed a deer hunt since.

07-19-2014, 02:48 PM
Prayers sent. My wost toothe ache was during Basic Training. Was so bad and infected that they moved me to non deployable status and i was a Restart for Basic. Every time I get the slightest feeling of a tooth ache it is pulled asap. I feel for ya.

07-19-2014, 02:53 PM
As Sweatpea mentioned may be sinus related, happens to me. Otherwise, get some penicillin and you will feel better in a couple days. Been there more than once. Will pray for you.

07-19-2014, 02:59 PM
Sounds like you might have an abcess under a filling. Those hurt like he!!. If cold water gives temporary relief. It probably is to the nerve. You need to see the dentist. If this is what it is, he can relieve the pressure by drilling a hole. You'll need work.

07-19-2014, 03:04 PM
Put 1 regular aspirin between cheek and offending tooth. Let the aspirin dissolve slowly,on its own. Temporary hillbilly fix,but it really works.

07-19-2014, 03:17 PM
The few times that I've had toothaches, I've found that a prescription Ibuprofen (800 mg) plus a half dose of benedryl and an ice pack got me through till I could see the dentist.

Don't postpone going to the dentist. If you have an infection it can spread to other parts of your body. If your toothache is that bad and has lasted that long, it's highly likely you need an anti-biotic.


07-19-2014, 04:14 PM
Try some pure clove oil (the kind you make hard candy from) on a q-tip and bite down on it between the bad tooth and a good one. A very good natural and effective anistetic. Dont delay getting it checked though, it can actually kill you due to blood poisoning and infections.

07-19-2014, 10:38 PM
Vanilla extract works good too. Taste a little better than clove

07-19-2014, 11:36 PM
Cinnamon oil applied as the cloves works as good or better than Oralgel, etc. Ask me how I know.

07-19-2014, 11:45 PM
I have had a bad toothache for 3 days. Brings tears to my eyes at times. What did I do to deserve this? Can use your prayers.

Trader Vic's 151 proof rum is guaranteed to knock that pain down.
Don't swallow, just swish and hold as long as you can. Spit out and repeat.
I know that's alcohol abuse and a waste, but it'll be worth it.
Feel free to swallow it on the days you're feeling better.

Oh yeah, it's flammable too. :shock: [smilie=s:

07-20-2014, 12:04 PM
Thanks everyone, I go to the Dentist in the morning!!

07-20-2014, 12:53 PM
This is gunna sound crazy, and some folks may not believe me, but it's the truth...

years ago, in the mid 1980's I was out atv'in about 150 miles north of L as Vegas on a weekend exploration.. The first night, I was eating a ribeye steak and broke a tooth right in 1/2.... I was a very long ways from anyplace to get help, so me and my buddy decided that we would just pull the tooth.... I grabbed my first version leatherman. We did manage to purchase some ambesol at a all night truck stop, and attempted to pull the thing with the leatherman... Problem was, when you tighten down enough to be able to start to twist the tooth, the metal would start to break what was left of the tooth, so with some duct tape, we wrapped the tips of the pliers with several layers of duct tape we were able to cushion the tip enough to really grip the tooth.... With a bit of wiggling, and a good twist, it was out, and the blood was a flowing...lol...... I had a lot more gall in those days then sense, but with soaking the tooth in ambesol first, it felt better to pull it then leave it exposed... I kept that tooth for over 20 years in my man box.... Both 1/2's....

this is is NOT a fish story...


07-20-2014, 12:57 PM
Extraction is the ONLY solution for toothaches in my book. I've had thousands and thousands of dollars spent on my teeth. No more.
I've had over half mine pulled, all in the back. Soon I am going to the local denture place and have them ALL pulled. I've never met ONE SINGLE person who has had all their teeth pulled that regret it. They get a tooth ache, you drop them in a glass of water, tooth ache solved.

I think about days ahead where they may not be a dentist. How would you like to have a big ole molar cracked and need to pull it.....with no dentist? NOPE, not me bucko.

07-20-2014, 02:05 PM
The few times that I've had toothaches, I've found that a prescription Ibuprofen (800 mg) plus a half dose of benedryl and an ice pack got me through till I could see the dentist.

Don't postpone going to the dentist. If you have an infection it can spread to other parts of your body. If your toothache is that bad and has lasted that long, it's highly likely you need an anti-biotic.


An abscessed tooth can destroy a heart valve and kill you!
Get it fixed.

07-20-2014, 02:19 PM
Back in the 'late '60s, I was working mineral exploration from a three-man camp about a hundred miles out in the bush north-east of Yellowknife NWT. We were a good ninety miles from any sort of road, but had daily radio contact with our office in Yellowknife.... EXCEPT that the office closed down on weekends.

On a particular Friday night, I developed an abscessed tooth... and had to stand the pain until Monday morning, when the radio link to town came up.


An hour and a half after the radio contact, a Cessna 185 was on our beach and then I was on the way to town.

The dentist didn't want to pull it in its infected state so I was on antibiotics for three days , and some very welcome painkillers. That tooth cost my employer some thousands of dollars, even 'way back then.... airplane charters are expensive!

Flash forward... two weeks ago, a broken tooth became painfully infected and was finally extracted. Dentist said if I had delayed another day or two, the infection might have become life-threatening! My jaw was badly swollen, but nicely camouflaged by my beard.

I agree that missing teeth are indeed a blessing, at least in part. No more toothaches from THOSE ^%$#(*&^!

07-20-2014, 10:37 PM
At age 21 i had a crown put on. fast forward 4 years... major pain in my tooth. Kept me awake at night. alternate between cold water with salt and whiskey. pain eventually stops. couple months later pain comes back with a weird bubble on side of gum. eventually get to a dentist. Root canal on it. And he even said it may only last for a couple more years. fortunately i have excellent dental plan at work. it was cheaper to have it done then pulled. Normally I would have just let it go but like people have said dont mess around with teeth. My father inlaw ended getting a pacemaker put in cause he had a bad tooth mess his heart up.

07-21-2014, 12:10 PM
Well you were correct. It was abcess under a filling!
Sounds like you might have an abcess under a filling. Those hurt like he!!. If cold water gives temporary relief. It probably is to the nerve. You need to see the dentist. If this is what it is, he can relieve the pressure by drilling a hole. You'll need work.

07-21-2014, 12:14 PM
Well there went the money for the Savage 99 I was saving for. Seems like there is always something.
Thanks everyone for the prayers. [smilie=6:

40-82 hiker
07-24-2014, 02:23 AM
The few times that I've had toothaches, I've found that a prescription Ibuprofen (800 mg) plus a half dose of benedryl and an ice pack got me through till I could see the dentist.

Don't postpone going to the dentist. If you have an infection it can spread to other parts of your body. If your toothache is that bad and has lasted that long, it's highly likely you need an anti-biotic.


Wife had a bad tooth a few years back draining into blood vessel. The infection spread to liver, blood stream, etc., and she ended up in a level one trauma hospital 30 days to save her life. Get that tooth fixed quickly. Will pray for you.

07-24-2014, 10:03 AM
Had the first part of root canal done on it. No more pain. Dentist will finish up on it in a few weeks. Yes it was abscessed under a filling. Thanks for the prayers. God bless everyone.

07-24-2014, 10:55 AM
Good for you for getting it taken care of. Gum infections are no laughing matter and can very well put you in the CCU.


07-28-2014, 02:22 PM
brass magnet is right-------------- i cant write enough rights for what he said. im a retired 71 year old registered nurse. ive seen and lot of bad joints in the feet and hands and bad hearts in my years as a nurse because of bad teeth. one bad tooth can do a lot of damage to many areas of the body. the bacteria in a bad tooth is so bad that with in 5 minutes of getting directly into the blood stream one can die of a stroke. it is better to go toothless after getting them all pulled that to die or stiffen up young from carring bad teeth in the mouth. my local dentist says that many time when he pulls bad teeth that the patient doesnt have joint problems any more at all, think of what is happening to the heart or kidneys. thanks again brass magnet, you may have saved some ones life, or at leaste a life of stiff bad joints.

07-29-2014, 09:36 AM
brass magnet is right-------------- i cant write enough rights for what he said. im a retired 71 year old registered nurse. ive seen and lot of bad joints in the feet and hands and bad hearts in my years as a nurse because of bad teeth. one bad tooth can do a lot of damage to many areas of the body. the bacteria in a bad tooth is so bad that with in 5 minutes of getting directly into the blood stream one can die of a stroke. it is better to go toothless after getting them all pulled that to die or stiffen up young from carring bad teeth in the mouth. my local dentist says that many time when he pulls bad teeth that the patient doesnt have joint problems any more at all, think of what is happening to the heart or kidneys. thanks again brass magnet, you may have saved some ones life, or at leaste a life of stiff bad joints.

Yes and Brass magnet is a amazing person. I think very highly of him.
I am not a young man. I am in my 60's but I do want to live a very long Happy life.
Thank you Sir for your kindness.

07-29-2014, 11:06 AM
keep walking every day and keep you teeth perfect, they go along way in living longer.

07-29-2014, 04:12 PM
Dealt with that earlier this spring, had a couple causing problems. Went and had them pulled. I was amazed that there was absolutely no pain, before or after. Dentistry has sure changed over the last 50 years!