View Full Version : blacktail buck / logtruck / 25 MPH

07-16-2014, 05:45 PM
well had a great experience today. i now drive logging truck and in the woods today i scared up 2 blacktail bucks in fine looking velvet. now log truck + deer + 25 MPH is a disaster waiting to happen so i blew the very loud air horn and instead of heading away from the truck ... they both took off running along side the road about 30 to 40 feet off to the side but parelell to the road and suddenly we were racing.

i glanced down to the speed-o to see we were running ...[they were running / i was driving]... at almost exactly 25 MPH. now i knew deer run like the wind but never had the oppertunity to clock them in an all out sprint. i continued to blow the horn as i wanted them to veer off into the woods instead of trying to tackle a loaded log truck ... finally they both veered off into the tree's.

well the rest of the day i wondered about the feet covered in a second so after coming home i got the calk-u-tater out and did some feeble figurin.

near as i can tell ... these 2 bucks were covering around 36 feet per second ...[maybe someone can check my figures for me]... sooo if this is true ... then a runnin buck in season that is moving along at 25 or so MPH ... is gonna require some lead for a shot to connect within a hopefull killing zone. multiply this with the yardage distant the shot is to be and i know for certain that a runnin buck will be allowed to continue on his speedy way before i attempt a shot at him in full sprint.

for myself leastwise ... i am certainly not the shot i once was but even then ... i would/will only be taking a shot at standing or barely walkin game as my luck would injure a game animal and then not only the tracking would ensue but the poor aminal will be in pain and suffer for my un-thought out shot.

just thought id mention a spiffy experience today and my feeble thoughts on "fair chase" for the intended animal to put on the table.

07-16-2014, 06:12 PM
Your calculation is correct (actually, it rounds to 37 fps, but who's counting?). You make a good point; you really have to swing with them to connect a shot on a running deer.

07-16-2014, 06:17 PM
They jump too! I once watched a deer walk up to a chain link anti-personnel fence on a military base. He stopped and looked up at the top of the fence, which had barbed wire facing both ways. Then, without taking a step, he sprang over that eight-foot fence, with all four feet together. All I could think of was "Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a DEER!"

07-16-2014, 06:23 PM
MPH to FPS where A=mph A x 5280 divided by 3600 (60 x 60)
60MPH = 88fps or 1mph ~ 1.5 fps

07-16-2014, 07:55 PM
years ago i seen a deer dash across the road in front of me going full tilt and ran square into the top strand of a barb wire fence ... snapped neck and backstrap n eggs were the outcome. now i know why ... 25 MPH would snap anybodys neck running into a tough barb wire fence. crazy deer anyhew

07-17-2014, 07:23 AM
Years ago I was hunting with a 1894 38-55 and it had a tang sight that I had set for two hundred yards and the normal sights were 100 yards. I was walking near the top of a hill and stopped and sat down to glass the country side. All of a sudden a deer jumped out of a thicket and ran at full tilt from left to right with a slight angle away from me. I took a shot and nothing so I flipped up the tang sight and by this time I had a broadside shot at about 175 yards with old bambie running full tilt. I swung from behind and over took him and led him one full deer's length in front of him and pulled the trigger. Well he went *** over tea kettle and I had hit him in the back hind leg/hip and broke it. So I really needed to hold almost two deer lengths in front of him but I was young and the bullet was slow and rainbow trajectory, I was lucky to hit him at all. It is amazing how much distance they can cover in a short amount of time.

07-17-2014, 10:49 AM
Good thing they didn`t just jump out in front of the truck! BIL had a few of those "happenings" when he was a semi driver. He said the clean-up afterward can be kinda messy.Robert

07-17-2014, 09:49 PM
ya ... wont go into the dastardly moment when the outcome is on a different plane. there are a few trucks round that will have deer and skunk hair in places that are not accessable without a complete dissmantle of everything.

wont go into what it looks like when a motorcycle and rider have a dificulty with a semi trk either ... that really is just nasty!

07-18-2014, 07:51 AM
I once hit a deer riding a motorcycle. To be clear, I was riding the motorcycle. It hurt me more than the deer.

07-18-2014, 09:28 PM
tatum ... LOL ... just cant get the picture of a nice little buck riding a motorcycle.

seriously tho ... i hope you werent too hurt with the accident. motorcycle riding friend of mine hit one and has brain damage for the rest of his life. bad mix of events.

07-19-2014, 12:51 PM
a lil off topic but ...if you've never seen this ..fair warning it's slightly graphic


07-19-2014, 01:07 PM
They can run faster than 25mph. I was going to work one morning, and was driving by some fields where I had often watched two yearling whitetails feeding and I thought umm humm, be nice to have one of them in the freezer come hunting season. Well, this is January, and that morning on the way to work I was probably doing close to 40mph, and these two broke out of the tree line and were running flat out alongside the car! I looked out the window at them and they were pretty much keeping up with me when one decided to take a left, and right into my front turn signal it went. Cartwheeling into the ditch it came to rest just about the same time I got the car stopped. I backed up, picked it up and tossed it into the rear of the Cavalier wagon I drive, called the boss, told him I had some deer damage to check out and that I would be in about break time. All is good so far.

I get about halfway home, and all of a sudden Bambi wakes up and goes to kicking and thrashing around and trying to stand up. It finally laid back down and had it's head lifted and was giving me the evil eye the rest of the way home. I went through this podunk little town where the po po man sits and shoots his radar at oncoming traffic, which btw is the ONLY source of income for this town I think, and I'm imagining his face as some motorist calls in a 911 call for somebody with a live deer kicking in the back of their car, and I look back at the doe and tell her she better not get up and go to kicking..

Got home and backed into the yard, was gonna ease open the rear gate enough to grab it's head and neck and boy at the first click, that thing FLEW out the back, went to running all around the yard, tore up all my garden nets, finally went behind my shed which is a one way in, same way out kinda deal, and I cornered it and did it in with a ratchet strap around it's neck. Freezer time it was! I made it to work at break just like I said I would, and it's been great eating.

The deer would have died a horrible death as it's bladder was pushed completely between the hide and the abdominal wall, I am glad I took it and didn't leave it there on the roadside to come to and go back in the woods to suffer until it died. But yeah 25mph is a trot for most deer, these were running right at 40mph by my speedometer, could have even been closer to 42mph, I wasn't looking at it but they were actually pulling away.

07-19-2014, 01:37 PM
amazing ... the thing is ... after seeing them run so fast i wondered at how many get gut shot or just nicked enough to make em sick every year as folks try for those running shots. not my idea of a humane hunting ethic if i were asked.

you see em evey year at the shooting ranges ... take their rifles out just before hunting and ensure that they can hit a rock or paperplate at 50 yds and off they go. amazing!

John Taylor
07-20-2014, 03:33 PM
Many years ago My uncle saw four deer in a chicken pen along side the road. He stopped to look at them and one of the deer came up close to look at him then jumped strait up over an 8' fence and landed on top of his car then jumped off leaving four dents in the roof.

07-23-2014, 01:16 PM
John ... that is a grand story. wish i coulda seen that buck jump so high ... ive seen em do some pretty amazing stuff but dont think i ever seen one jump 8 feet straight up. i chuckled as i red your uncles account. great!!!

07-23-2014, 02:34 PM
one hunting camp I was at had a "running deer" target. An 8 foot x 8 foot plywood square with an archery deer target attached. It could be run at speeds up to 30+ mph. One of the Sunday contests was to see who could hit it. They started it at about 5mph and each run was faster till no body connected. I managed to stay in the game for 3 runs (about 15mph) before I missed all 3 shots. I was amazed at how WILD some of those shots went! Many of those guys shooting magnum rifles hit the ground or went over the top of the square backer. After 4 runs they went back from 50 to 100 yards, still 3 shots at an even faster "deer"! ONE guy seemed to win year after year, putting most of his shots in the heart!

Old Coot
07-30-2014, 08:37 PM
If you think that those deer are fast wait until you meet our pronghorn antelope. Cruise at 34 to 45 mph and sprint to over 60.

08-02-2014, 12:09 AM
had an encounter with a Wyoming Antelepee ... just outta little America along the Hamsfork river. 30-30 and open sights put an end to his little career. really tho hunting them is just plain ridiculous as just the time ya poke yer head up to see how close you have gotten ... there be nuttin but empty sage brush prairie. not just once but many times ... did a long painful stock ... many times ... and ... nuttin. got that buck from camp one morning as i slipped out for water at dawn. all that huntin and stalking and i killed mine practically in camp with an ol 30-30 along for just such excursions so the scoped 270 could stay outta the dust around camp ... HA. FINE country ... would like to come back and visit someday ... without the oil rig workin tho ... LOL

kailua custom
08-02-2014, 09:54 AM
Way back in the mid 70s I was heading out to Kaluakoi on Molokai in my F-150 doing about 45 mph--enjoying the scenery and a huge buck Axis ran alongside my truck and then sped up, crossed the road , and bailed through a fence then hit the afterburner button and disappeared. They REALLY are fast!Aloha, Mark

08-02-2014, 10:19 AM

Deer meets Porsche.

08-02-2014, 03:10 PM

Deer meets Porsche.

whewwwww man ... not my way to hunt deer ... that was incredible ... wonder the speed of the car at impact?

08-02-2014, 05:22 PM
whewwwww man ... not my way to hunt deer ... that was incredible ... wonder the speed of the car at impact?

No idea of the speed. It reminded me of a gopher hit with a varmint rifle. Just a red mist.

08-03-2014, 11:32 PM
I've not hit one YET here in Southern Illinois, but as I have SLID by them, you could see fleas fist fighting on their backs. ( P.S. the little flea was beating the **** out of the big one..!)

08-07-2014, 09:36 AM

Deer meets Porsche.

I didn't know Porsche made a meat grinder! I usually like to gut, skin and bone before grinding;)