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View Full Version : Anyone ever shoot their Car or Truck?

07-15-2014, 12:44 AM

I was about 8 years old (mid 1970's). My dad had a cousin who owned several 50's model Cadillac's with the big tail fins.

Dad, his cousin and me went out to the local dump to try out this new fangled rifle with a big fancy scope that dads cousin had just bought, we drove out in the caddy. As I remember the rifle was a Remington in 30-06.

Well my dads cousin was kind of squirmish about taking the first shot with his new rifle so he handed it to my dad, he leaned over the drivers side tail fin and took aim at some cans I set up at 20 yards or so. dad pulled the trigger and blew a nice hole clean through the passenger side tail fin on the caddy.

Dad handed the rifle back to his cousin and said "I think the scopes off" Dads cousin about fainted!

After that dads cousin always took the first shot!!

07-15-2014, 12:54 AM
I sort did that with a 22LR on 64 belair shooting across the trunk and it creased the body work.
took off the top paint but not the undercoat and made a ramp sort of.

Had a friend who got his rig painted and the paint showed unsmooth/ugly - he took it back to the body shop
and they hadn't seen a problem before with it but set up a time to strip and repaint the hood.
In the mean time he and I went out and he was shooting across the hood with his super blackhawk
I pointed out the gases from the cylinder gap could be causing the problem - :oops:

But the worst I ever saw/heard about was two guys going out hunting and both shooting across the hood of the truck.
One guy aiming one way the other aiming about 90 degree's - think X
anyway they were both looking at their respective varmint and thru the scope didn't notice that one barrel
was aimed at the other's barrel - the 22-250 blew a hole clean thru his buddies gun barrel sideways.
I was there when his buddy came in to the gun shop looking for a new barrel :veryconfu

07-15-2014, 12:56 AM
I haven't shot any holes in a vehicle but I hope littlegirl sees this thread.
I'd like to know how the powder burn got on the hood of my new truck...

07-15-2014, 01:00 AM
Yup, laying across the hood of my Blazer. Blew a hole in the bug-guard. Caught a lot of flack for that one.

07-15-2014, 01:06 AM
haven't yet. but I've had a few that tempted me pretty good[smilie=l:.

Russ M
07-15-2014, 01:17 AM
Yeah, I did. Hole in the hood of the '63 F250.

07-15-2014, 01:20 AM
Few years back, deer slug hunting with a guy who was bad about leaving cross lock safety off because of being lefty. Blew a nice hole out the side of his jeep wrangler after laying the gun down across the back and throwing his hunting junk in on top of it.

Never did hunt with him after that,,,,,

Idaho Mule
07-15-2014, 01:20 AM
I blew the antenae off my Dad's '68 Falcon as I hung out the window blasting a snow-shoe hare with a 12 gauge one Feb. night way back in the early '70s. Coat hanger worked from then on. JW

07-15-2014, 01:24 AM
I had a 80 GMC pick up that had a hole inside the drivers door, going out. .45 ACP Winchester Sliver Tip. Blue flash @ night. Loud too...!

07-15-2014, 01:39 AM
I haven't shot any holes in a vehicle but I hope littlegirl sees this thread.
I'd like to know how the powder burn got on the hood of my new truck...

Muzzle blast. Put a nice V shaped scorch mark on the top of pickup cab. Was visible for years.

Saw a car once that the hood looked like someone had a stuck one of the old fashioned can opener into the hood and then pushed it across the hood to the far fender.

07-15-2014, 01:40 AM
Shot the left rear view mirror in the '72 Chevy PU while shooting whistle pigs. Not once but twice:oops:
After the first mirror shot I couldn't see my hit looking through the scope soooooo I shot again, then realized what I just did.

07-15-2014, 01:41 AM
Years ago several guys at work had been on a hunting trip. They were laughing about something when they got back so I went to see what was up.

One of the guys had mounted as a trophy the only kill one of the others had shot- the antenna from his new truck!

07-15-2014, 01:48 AM
Man.... do we really have to go there? Yea but I don't want to tell it.... When I was a kid a client and friend of my father's was at the office one day and I noticed what looked like a .22 cal. hole in the fender of his truck. I asked him if it was a bullet hole.... He said I ask too many questions....

07-15-2014, 01:57 AM
Years ago several guys at work had been on a hunting trip. They were laughing about something when they got back so I went to see what was up.

One of the guys had mounted as a trophy the only kill one of the others had shot- the antenna from his new truck!

That reminds me of the time I'd just shot a fox. I cut the tail off wrapped piece of wire on the base of the tail and put it on the antenna of the '72 Chevy PU. Went to a store got out had a look at the tail it was crawling with fleas. Wasn't in the store 4 minutes came out it was gone. Always wondered if anyone noticed the fleas.:bigsmyl2:

07-15-2014, 03:06 AM
I shattered the left mirror on my kenworth with the muzzle blast from a 30-06 once, shooting from the drivers seat.
My wife shot a hole in the glove box door of the same truck with her 1911. Luckily, a plastic tub full of nuts, bolts, and screws stopped the bullet before it penetrated the firewall. She still has that boolit.

07-15-2014, 03:53 AM
My son was shooting an AR15 and had installed a new wicked looking flash hider. The flash hider partially broke while he was shooting and was deflecting the bullets away from the target. A deflected bullet went through a tire and wheel of my four wheeler before I could stop him.

07-15-2014, 06:05 AM
I had no idea it was so popular to shoot guns in, at, or on vehicles. I've been missing all the fun shooting off-hand from the outside of the car!

07-15-2014, 06:41 AM
I haven't shot any holes in a vehicle but I hope littlegirl sees this thread.
I'd like to know how the powder burn got on the hood of my new truck...

I am sure the entire board would enjoy hearing this story

07-15-2014, 06:49 AM
I haven't shot any of my vehicles, but a buddy told me a story about a mutual buddy, that had borrowed his dad's truck. They were out in the country fooling around, and the buddy blew a hole through the roof of the truck with a .45 acp. They were both very surprised when the gun went off. I would have loved to see the Dad's reaction to finding the hole.

07-15-2014, 07:13 AM
Not me, but one of the guys that worked for me came in very subdued one day. Definitely he was not himself. In the afternoon I asked one of his friends if anything was wrong and he related this story.

The guy and his girlfriend were having a heated argument. To punctuated his displeasure with her, he went outside and unloaded a magazine of hardball into the driver side door of his late model Cadillac ( which the girlfriend had been driving ). Girl called the sheriff who showed up and took statements from both people, looked at the car, etc. The sheriff explained that nothing was illegal; his car, not illegal to shoot out in the country, etc.

As the sheriff left, he turned to the guy and said "Nice group".

They broke up soon after,


07-15-2014, 07:15 AM
Years ago when in our teens we took my friends parents mercury station wagon to a shootin spot in the woods , we parked along the road and put some cans out to shoot , my buddy leaned over the right fender & hood and started firing his scope sighted 22 rem pump rifle at the cans and missed all 3 shots ! then we saw the 3 bullet crease's in the top of the oppsite fender .

07-15-2014, 07:45 AM
Almost, had an accidental discharge in my Ruger 10/22 (Operator error) overoiled the boit, temp was minus 20, and I'd left it with the hammer down.

Got out of the truck, pushed a mag up into it, released the handle, WHAM!

Luckily it only did it once, missed my left front tire by about 3 " but it came no where close to anything or anyone else.

Learned the hard way, oil lightly in cold weather, and wipe clean.

With some continued rabbit hunting the action itself became slower, and slower till it finally locked up in the middle and refused to move.

Once it thawed out, and had a though cleaning all was well.

07-15-2014, 09:56 AM
I have never done it but I have seen it done and have repaired the results a few times. the one time I was in the truck when my friend was going to shoot a groundhog with his 1911 in .38-45. put a hole right through the window wind winder and door. another one I was helping a friend in his body shop. there was this one car belonged to a guy that thought he was a great lover. well we fixed shotgun pellet holes a few times.

now if would have asked about burning the curtains in your room while shooting at a groundhog with a 03.

07-15-2014, 10:31 AM
Never shot my vehicle but I've had a friend that was "sighting in" his deer rifle. He didn't take into account the difference between bore and scope and skimmed the hood of his truck.

07-15-2014, 10:58 AM
Didn't shoot "at" the truck but I did have a FMJ bounce back and leave a nice keyhole in the fender of my grandfather's truck. I thought he would tan my hide and he was just happy it hit the truck and not me. I did pay the shop to fix his truck since it was my fault/dumb luck that it happened.

tomme boy
07-15-2014, 10:58 AM
I had a 81 Chevy 2 wheel drive pick up when younger. Here in the rust belt, trucks did not last long back then. We used to shoot holes in it all the time. SKS, Browning HP, 12 ga slugs, 44 black powder pistol 22 rimfires. All would go threw the bed of the truck except the 44 BP. It would just flatten out and bounce off the first side. Everything else would atleast go through one panel. The SKS would go through one side and right out the other. Slugs would stop on the last panel after going through one side of the bed to the other side.

07-15-2014, 11:01 AM
Yup, twice! When I was a kid I was teaching my girl friend how to shoot. I had her shooting across the roof of my charger and when washing the car I noticed a narrow welt across the viynal roof. She grazed the roof but she really became a good shot so I married her, that was 39 years ago. The other time I had reason to make a quick shot off the hood of my truck on the farm here and something went blurry for a nano-second when I pulled the trigger. Missed the target and could not believe I missed but I did. I often wondered where that bullet went but found the answer in the next rain storm. The one wiper was loose at the stem out of cowel. My barrel was inline with the wiper arm and I shot half of it off, and no damage to windshield or hood! And I used to fancy myself as a safe shooter!!!

07-15-2014, 11:04 AM
My tio was a deputy for Bexar county and while on patrol he saw a rattlesnake on a dirt/gravel road. He started shooting at it with a M1 carbine and had a FMJ bounch back and punch a hole in his ear. The "bowl" part of the ear right next to the ear canal. A 1/2" the wrong way and things could have been real bad.

07-15-2014, 11:42 AM
yep, shot a hole in the door of my firebird. Had it out at a friends farm and was shooting my 30-06, using the door as a rest. Turned a bit and had the muzzle a bit below the edge. Shot , and saw something fly off out of the corner of my eye. It was the door molding.

Took it to the body shop, knew they guys well. Took them awhile to quit laughing. They would always remind me about it when I saw them.

07-15-2014, 11:46 AM
Shooting a car seems about as smart as shooting ones own foot.

Bullshop Junior
07-15-2014, 11:48 AM
I haven't shot any holes in a vehicle but I hope littlegirl sees this thread.
I'd like to know how the powder burn got on the hood of my new truck...

Powder burns and better then bullet holes. I wish my foot only had a powder burn.

07-15-2014, 11:53 AM
I watched a TOW gunner forget to turn his vehicle sideways or strap down his antennae and blow the antennae to shreds on a HMMWV when he fired TOW-2B off the top of it.

I had a friend when I was a kid who used to shoot rabbits out the door area of their field truck. The truck had no doors in it so they would ride around with loaded 22s and shoot rabbits out the door areas as they were driving. That truck had a number of bullet holes in the floor and roof. I never went with them for this reason.

Bullshop Junior
07-15-2014, 11:55 AM
Almost, had an accidental discharge in my Ruger 10/22 (Operator error) overoiled the boit, temp was minus 20, and I'd left it with the hammer down.

Got out of the truck, pushed a mag up into it, released the handle, WHAM!

Luckily it only did it once, missed my left front tire by about 3 " but it came no where close to anything or anyone else.

Learned the hard way, oil lightly in cold weather, and wipe clean.

With some continued rabbit hunting the action itself became slower, and slower till it finally locked up in the middle and refused to move.

Once it thawed out, and had a though cleaning all was well.

Moly powder is much better for cold weather then oil.

07-15-2014, 11:57 AM
I had a Contender barrel in 444 Marlin with a muzzle brake on it. Was shooting over the hood of my neighbors old Ford truck. The concussion blew the inside rear view mirror off the window.
One of my mechanics came to work once with about a 3" hole thru the passenger door from the inside out. He said he tossed his 12 gauge on the seat and it went off. He never did fix the hole but did take the gun to a gunsmith.

Bullshop Junior
07-15-2014, 12:01 PM
Shooting a car seems about as smart as shooting ones own foot.

Had to go there didn't you...

We had a old Nissan car that didn't run that we may or may not have shot in its general direction a few times...

I've never shot a car by accident. Now, if you had asked about blowing a hole in the roof of the house with a 12ga......

07-15-2014, 12:16 PM
Had to go there didn't you...

We had a old Nissan car that didn't run that we may or may not have shot in its general direction a few times...

I've never shot a car by accident. Now, if you had asked about blowing a hole in the roof of the house with a 12ga......
OH do tell !:popcorn: or might this cause :dung_hits_fan: :bigsmyl2:

07-15-2014, 01:18 PM

07-15-2014, 01:23 PM
Not me, but one of the guys that worked for me came in very subdued one day. Definitely he was not himself. In the afternoon I asked one of his friends if anything was wrong and he related this story.

The guy and his girlfriend were having a heated argument. To punctuated his displeasure with her, he went outside and unloaded a magazine of hardball into the driver side door of his late model Cadillac ( which the girlfriend had been driving ). Girl called the sheriff who showed up and took statements from both people, looked at the car, etc. The sheriff explained that nothing was illegal; his car, not illegal to shoot out in the country, etc.

As the sheriff left, he turned to the guy and said "Nice group".

They broke up soon after,


HAHA! :holysheep

07-15-2014, 01:29 PM
I watched a TOW gunner forget to turn his vehicle sideways or strap down his antennae and blow the antennae to shreds on a HMMWV when he fired TOW-2B off the top of it.


The TOW gunner is now in first place in this thread. :grin:


07-15-2014, 04:35 PM
Speaking of muzzle brakes, a friend of mine had a .300 Win Mag rifle that he was shooting off the hood of his old VW Rabbit. The rifle had a very effective, very loud muzzle brake. He touched off a round too close to the windshield and shattered it; it looked like a giant spiderweb.

07-15-2014, 04:44 PM
I worked for TDCJ several years, saw some perimeter patrol vehicles drug off to the mechanic shop with a fatal transmission injury.
These were trained correctional officers!

07-15-2014, 05:19 PM
my granddad did when I was little, shot across the hood of an F250 and put a nice hole in the hood

07-15-2014, 05:29 PM
on a range rat shoot,forgot the scope is 3" above the bore. Wondered what the ricochet sound came from

07-15-2014, 05:44 PM
O YEA, my wife shot my old truck trying to hit a rabbit.
Since then I have just so I can say "I did that". LOL

07-15-2014, 06:00 PM
In 04 I was in Baghdad, had a friend who was 11M (mechanized infantry). I was helping them clean and pmcs their Bradley in the motor pool when we heard; POW...ZIIIIIIP...BANG!!

Another squad was working in another Bradley and managed to fire a TOW, striking a HEMTT (Think big rig) right in the cab. It was inside the safty range and never armed. No body was hurt. I have no idea what they did with the truck.

07-15-2014, 07:21 PM
an ex brother in law had a cheap .38 derringer in his jacket pocket when he threw it into the back seat of his patrol car. BANG! He had a friend at a body shop repair the roof of the cruiser that night, hush hush.
After that, he gave the derringer to me. He never did like me that much....

07-15-2014, 07:51 PM
I watched a friend shoot his crossbow off the hood of his chevy 1/2 and when released the bolt it went up at about a 30 degree angle from his target. He target was a tad down hill and the crossbow had a scope and he forgot about the scope offset. The bolt was tipped with a fixed blade broadhead that left a furrow about 2 foot long in the hood of his truck.


07-15-2014, 08:11 PM
I had a really clean 1969 Mercury Cougar XR7, Cobalt Blue with a White Vinyl Top ....... Sighting in a 300 WinMag across the roof ...... no impacts but several tears and soot trails from muzzle blast, my new Bride was not HAPPY ...... :razz:

07-15-2014, 09:01 PM
Ok, guess I'll fess up. My then future brother by law and I were spotlighting jackrabbits, somewhere in southern Utah, 1974, in my new '73 Cheyenne 4x4 pickup. We'd put a serious dent in the population, and around 3am, decided to head to town for a cup of coffee.
I was shooting a Rem mod600 in 6mm. With the barrel/muzzle outside the drivers window, cycled the bolt 3 times, nothing ejecting. Should have pulled the trigger with barrel out there. Pulled the gun inside, rested the muzzle on the transmission tunnel, and pulled the trigger.

Let's just say, I've never heard another sound quite so loud in my life, before or since. Nor have I before or since, heard quite the same sound, as putting (trying to put) that tranny in gear, once we'd collected our wits, and changed our undies.

It was a long walk back to town, and a hefty tow bill to get that truck back in, then the cost of the new tranny. Manufacturers warranties don't cover 100 gr Speer hollowpoints in the tranny, I found out.

07-15-2014, 09:08 PM
The story about the trucks and trannies at TDJC bring back a laugh. When we farmed W Texas we did some day and short term hunts on our wheat fields to help keep deer numbers down legally. My then 13 year old son was picking up an unsuccessful very cold hunter from his blind after dark to bring him back to the barn. My son had not gotten behind the wheel yet when the "client" got in the right side and slammed the door. The 7 mag he was unloading just "went off" and blew a hole in the side of the GM 350 tranny about the diameter of a basketball. There were not many donor parts when we exchanged the tranny and of course it was 4wd so not as easy a swap.

The hunter apologized profusely and asked where the closest emergency room was as his left ear was bleeding from inside. I did not invite him back or give him a reduced price hunt and he did not try and pay for the damage. The old ranch truck was not much, but it got from point a to z. Oldest son always checked that all hunters guns were unloaded personally after that and let them all get in the truck first.

07-15-2014, 09:08 PM
Yep, guilty.
Was priming my inline inside my cj5 due to heavy rain, bolt slipped off my wet pinky finger and blew a 50 caliber hole through drivers seat and it lodged in passenger seat frame. I couldnt hear for a couple day and the smoke of the pyrodex in the hardtop smelled for several days.
Btw, in case you are wondering, 150 grns powder over maxiball.
Lesson learned

07-15-2014, 09:11 PM
About 40 years ago I put a 36 caliber ball thru the driver's side floor board of a 74 Impala, should have known better than to try and 'cap' the pistol while sitting in the car.

07-15-2014, 09:13 PM
Used to sub-contract for a local electrician. He refused to use a safety on a gun, said it slowed him down too much. He was out at the farm and had a bolt action (.280??) something or other laying in the bed of his truck when a group of deer started across the field. He reached in to snatch out the rifle and touched the trigger. Ford F-150...1980's or so. I got to help replace the rear fuel tank. It had a hole the size of your fist going in...bullet fragments all through the tank. Same feller shot one of the windows out of his enclosed tree stand the same way. I don't hunt with him. Audie...the Oldfart..

07-15-2014, 09:19 PM
I never have!
One co-worker borrowed a new Ford Ranger to try out his new AR. Another co-worker was standing in the bed spotting with binoculars. No hits anywhere near the target. All 30 hit the top of the cab. I have the guilty varmint, but I wasn't there!
A friend with written permission to hunt our land borrowed a truck to archery hunt deer in Tennessee. He couldn't understand why he couldn't hit the little buck that was staring at him from up close. I'm sure glad I don't own any land in Tennessee. He can hunt my land but he can not borrow my truck! Too many arrow holes in the one he borrowed!
My Dad, also known as "Pops" in "In Remembrance" shot the bed of his truck while sighting in a rifle. He was so embarrassed when my little sister figured out what the dent in the top of the bed was! He never did live that one down!
My Dad rescued an out of state hunter that shot his 4x4 pickup with a 30-06. My Dad told the story of how the poor guy was suffering from hypothermia when he found him. I thought the tale was a little tall until the guy stopped in to visit and told me how he was suffering from hypothermia when my Dad rescued him. The 4x4 required a lot of re-wiring to work. A 30-06 really messes up a wiring bundle!

07-15-2014, 09:39 PM
Reminds me of a shift rotation from day shift to mid nights. The new patrol Lt. insisted that Sgt. give us a stern lecture about the correct procedure for clearing our 870 shotguns as part of pre-patrol equipment check. One of my fellows found the Lt's car hidden in the garage with a large portion of the light bar missing. Excellent learning demonstration but a bad place to try to cover up the obvious.

07-15-2014, 10:15 PM
Technically the OP asked about people shooting "their" car. Seems we have lots of stories about people shooting someone else's car but not their own.

maybe we are a bit sensitive about speaking of shooting our own car? Or house in Juniors case.....

07-15-2014, 10:21 PM
So this one time, many years ago... (younger and dumber)

I was out spotlighting jackrabbits, and went to reach for my 17HMR, which was laying on the passenger seat of my Toyota, with the muzzle at the floorboard.

I've since learned the finer points of making SURE that an arm is unloaded, and making SURE to keep the booger hook off the bang switch. That was LOUD!

Another time, my buddy and I were sighting in a new scope on a Rem 788, 308. Buddy was leaning over the toolbox on my truck for a rest. I looked at him, and told him, don't shoot my truck...

SOB! I TOLD you NOT to shoot my truck!

He bought me a new toolbox, I gave him the one with the side blown out...

07-15-2014, 10:27 PM
I have not shot a car, but the best I have done is my filing cabinet while deloading a pistol.

07-15-2014, 10:34 PM
I suppose I just never lived because I can't recall ever using any part of a vehicle as a rest.

07-15-2014, 10:39 PM
I was 17 and driving my $100 tank of an 69 Olds Delta 88 out to a friends house for some deer hunting. I live in a slug only zone so had my 870 with. About a mile from his house I heard a loud bang, cloud of smoke them the engine started rattling. I drove it the last mile without oil, got it in the yard it was so hot it wouldn't turn off so we used the shotguns to put the engine out of its misery and used the tractor to push it back into his scrap yard. Once back there he wondered what would happen if he shot the roof while standing on it... he still has a couple pellets embedded in his ankle. I backed off and told him he was stupid for trying bird shot. Slug would have went through, most of that bird shot bounced everywhere.

07-15-2014, 11:04 PM
1975, I had bought my new Sears Winchester 30-30 the day before. Went hunting early the next morning. Being smart, I didn't load the rifle until I was at the hunting spot. Reading the instructions, it said to chamber a round and then hold the hammer back with my thumb, pull the trigger then slowly let the hammer down. Ok, got it. chambered a round, what was that next move? yeah pull the trigger.... Boom. I was standing just inside of the drivers door of my 63 Chev. truck with the muzzle on the floor. nice hole in the floor but it didn't hit anything important. I still have that rifle but I've learned lot since. then.

07-15-2014, 11:28 PM
Close. Twice. Leaned over the side of a pickup bed to shoot over the (down) tailgate at a rabbit. 4" 357. No idea what I was thinking. Ears haven't stopped ringing since. On a hog hunt at the Nail Ranch the guide told me to rest my 35 Rem T/C Contender (with brake) on the hood of his truck. Wouldn't do it. I was winded from chasing a pig but I later told him about muzzle brakes and windshields.

07-15-2014, 11:34 PM
We had a secretary at the tractor dealership who had a reputation for being a bit wild back in 1960. One Monday she said her car was overheating and asked if we would check it out. Dad assigned the task to me and I found the little Nash Metropolitan had the fan belt missing. While waiting for a new belt, I found a bullet hole through the front fender , and it also had been hit with bird shot. She said she had no idea how it happened. We later heard a local woman had caught her husband with another woman and had shot her car with a Savage 24, using both barrels.

07-16-2014, 12:06 AM
yes I have shot a ford festiva , a ford cargo van and a mercadies benz

no none of them were mine, and all were intentional shots

07-16-2014, 12:24 AM
I know a bit about this. I was with some friends after antelope and deer over around Jordan, Mt. some years ago. On our last morning, I still had one deer tag left, so my buddy and I headed out in his jeep for a trip around a butte above camp.
We spotted a nice muley buck on the butte, so I get out of the Jeep, and take a shot with my pistol. It was over 100 yards, but at that timeI was shooting 4-500 rounds a week at that distance and further.
Anyway, the buck dropped immediately, and I turned around to get my pack. Gene says, "He's up!" So back in the Jeep I hop, and off we go around the butte to cut him off, before he drops into the badlands.
Gene used to drive in the Baja 500, and our rate of progress was invigorating. We rounded the butte, and the buck was moving full speed towards the low lands.
Gene told me to try and stop him before he got into the canyons, so I stuck my Redhawk out the window, and began firing when I could. On about the third shot, the antenna did a vigorous dance, as I managed to hit it, as the deer was crossing in front of us.
We were both laughing so hard that I couldn't shoot again. Gene locked up the Jeep, jumped out with his Sharps, and finished the game.

Another friend and his son were hunting antelope, and the boy rested his rifle over the pickup box to take a shot at a critter. Missed the first shot, as he also did with the second and third. Couldn't understand it. Then they saw a very nice group on the other side of the pick up box.

The top vehicle shooting incident I personally am aquainted with, was my buddies Hank and John. John had a 6# Civil War cannon, that they were shooting out at Hank's ranch. They were looking for a more interesting target, so Hank drove his wife's beat up old Toyota car out in the pasture.
First shot, nice cannon ball size hole right through the back doors.
Needless to say, Patty was somewhat put out at this event. She kept the car though, and drove it for a few more years, towels stuffed in the holes in cold weather.

07-16-2014, 01:08 AM
Had a little Ford station wagon and was shooting rabbits along the road, using a 32rev. top break. reloaded closed it and BANG. couldn't find where it hit the winsheild until next morning. Went thru right under the bracket for the rearveiw mirror.
A friend shot a 30-30 thru the floorboard of his pickup one time. Never asked any questions. Had a friend and I go shooting out in the groves, at armadiloes. He layed the 270 across the work box and boom the arm. exploded, but out of the corner of my eye I saw something move in the corner of the bed of the work box. I stop him from firing again, the 2 gallon gas can had rupture and gas was run out of it into the workbox bed. We also found a straight light green line in the paint on the opisite side. Looked like you straightedged a line in the paint. We quit using the box as a bench.

07-16-2014, 01:40 AM
I believe the entire forum is waiting to hear from littlegirl to have her explain what happened to her father's truck. The whole world waits and wonders young lady.

07-16-2014, 02:07 AM
Yes, 2002 Suburban.

Southern Son
07-16-2014, 03:33 AM
I have only been there for one near miss. My old dual cab Hilux, I was driving, my best mate in the tray using the elevation to spot rabbits. He wanted to try my big rifle, a Remington 700 300 Win Mag, and there were thousands of rabbits. We spotted one in the middle of the track I was driving along. My mate neals down in the tray of the ute, lines up Bugs using the roof of the truck as a rest. When he lit off the round, I felt like someone had let off a grenade in the cab of the ute. My ears were ringing, my vision went burry and I actually felt sick and dizzy. My mate had lost sight of the rabbit in the scope during recoil and when he looked after the shot, the rabbit had disappeared (300 winny mag did that to rabbits), so he yells out to me "Where did it go? Did I get it?" Of course, I cannot hear him, even if I did, I had no idea of what the hell had just happened to me, let alone the rabbit. We didn't shoot over the roof of the cabin after that.

07-16-2014, 03:38 AM
Was Elk hunting in Dolores Co and was below the dam at the reservoir looking up about 800 yrds to some private land where the elk would cross onto public. A guy pulls up and unloads a bmg 50 and asks if we mind if does a fouling shot. He had never shot it before outside of his range and was his first time actually hunting with it. He couldn't get an angle from ground so he sat it on the hood of his truck and pulled the trigger....peeled paint all the way across the hood about 18 inches wide at one end and blew his windshield into oblivion. He looked over and said well its gonna be a cold drive home and left.

07-16-2014, 04:09 AM
We had a number of Vietnamese refugees/boat people/migrants/whatever who somehow found their ways all the way to the Northwest Territories back in the '70s/'80s. Quite a change from the jungles to the Arctic!

A group of young men among that demographic in Yellowknife were messing with a semi-auto AK rifle, and , being from Vietnam, figured they "knew ALL ABOUT" the workings of the AK47.

They made some "unauthorized alterations" to the workings of the rifle, and four of them jumped into a Pontiac Firebird to take the modified rifle for a test run.

Getting to the intended shooting area, and still inside the car, one of the geniuses in the front seat inserted a full 30-round mag.... and dropped the bolt closed.

The rifle proceeded to EMPTY the thirty rounds of 7.62 in one long uncontrolled burst in the front seat area of the car!

Amazingly, none of our heroes were injured (except their hearing and shorts) but the car...... the windshield, the entire dash, the transmission, and the rear of the engine ... all were thoroughly Swiss-cheesed.

Then the RCMP got into the act too, and charges resulted just to add insult to injury.

An AK in an unexpected full-auto escapade like that must be a very squirrelly critter to try getting a grip on, indeed. It would be an entertaining few seconds that probably seemed a LOT longer than they actually were.

The car was junked after this occurrence.

07-16-2014, 07:16 AM
Have not shot the car thankfully. I did learn a good lesson one night when spotlighting foxes with the .243. I was standing on one side of the ute (pickup in the US), shooting across the top of the empty ute sides from one side to the other. Luckily I remembered about the scope height and did not shoot the tray side however with the shot the noise reverberated back to me from the empty ute tray sides like a giant sound box. Deafening.

07-16-2014, 09:56 AM
Once shot a hole through the floorboard of a beater station wagon to get the water to drain out after a storm when the window had been left open. Same wagon had a couple of bullet holes in it from a night at the dump shootin rats. (my buddy swears that it was an accident, but his laughter left me less than convinced)

Bullshop Junior
07-16-2014, 10:22 AM
I suppose I just never lived because I can't recall ever using any part of a vehicle as a rest.

Ive used every part of my truck at one point or another.

Someone in the past user my car as a rest. It finally hit me what that funny looking v groove in the hood was after reading this thread.

07-16-2014, 06:16 PM
Another time I was shooting Ground Squirrels on a 35,000 acre property that I was allowed to hunt in exchange for keeping trespassers out. I was leaning across the right side of windshield frame of my Suzuki Samurai, aiming a scoped Ruger 10-22 at a Ground Squirrel on the hillside to the left of the Samurai. At the shot I heard metal impact and saw some dust rise from the windshield frame, the Squirrel was still standing there looking at me ..... :sad:

Investigation revealed a entry hole just to the right of the rear view mrror and an exit hole on the left side of the frame in what was the door jamb if the top and doors had been on. I took a ball peen hammer and flattened the edges of the exit hole to prevent injury and went back to slayin' Ground Squirrels ..... :bigsmyl2:

dagger dog
07-17-2014, 06:42 AM
Many moons ago I was setting in my buddies parked car having a cold one after work, he told me to throw the empty can in the back floor board as he was saving the cans.

I did what he requested and told him the cans were floating and that he must have a water leak.

He reached over dropped the glove box door pulled out a Ruger MKI pistol, racked the slide and shot a hole in the rear passengers floor, stating " that should let it drain".

Found out my 357 mag, 160 gr. FMJ hand loads will shoot through both front doors side to side including the console , but will only make it through the aluminum bell housing and stop on the flywheel shooting at the trunk lock when shooting end to end, on my 1973 Mazda RX3.

07-17-2014, 08:18 PM
Yes, but it was almost dead by then. Big ol' bleeding hole out the side of the block, and dieseling badly. I was just putting it out of the rest of its misery at the time. I loved that old Datsun Truck. But it really was time to put it down.

07-17-2014, 09:00 PM
Almost, only it wasn't my car. I was not in first grade yet. It was probably 1958 or '59. Dad and I were out in the desert and drove down into a caliche pit which was a popular place to shoot. He handed me his gold plated High Standard snub nosed .22 with the imitation ivory grips. He told me to point it out the rolled down window of the El Camino before cocking it, too late, just about the time I cocked it. I was horrified as the hammer slipped out from under my little thumb. By the grace of God the hammer wasn't far enough back to ignite the priming compound but it did leave a nice impression of the firing pin in the rim of the cartridge. It wasn't Dad's vehicle either. I still have thoughts today of the consequences had I actually shot through the door and window of his company car! Back then everyone carried something for rattlesnake control and companies never raised an eyebrow.


Silvercreek Farmer
07-21-2014, 05:14 PM
Several years ago I was standing out in my yard when I heard a shotgun blast at my neighbors, followed by the sound of birdshot hitting the roof of my car (no damage though). I didn't know them well, but I knew they were decent folks, so I went over (unarmed) just to tell them to be careful. They didn't answer the door, but I figure they got my drift, because there hasn't been any trouble since.

07-22-2014, 02:43 PM
Neighbour was Rabbit shooting with a friend and they had just finished and he was packing his stuff whilst his buddy closed Farm gates etc.His friend had left his shotgun against the hedge whilst he did the chores.My Neighbour saw a Rabbit got his gun out and shot at and missed the Bunny but he was spot on target with his friends gun leaning against the hedge.The chap now has a customised Remington that has a nicely peppered stock.

07-22-2014, 02:55 PM
I felt like shooting my car last Sunday when the exhaust dropped off and I had to hunt for some wire to tie it back.New exhaust tomorrow at 10 am.Thats going to cost me an Arm and a Leg.

07-22-2014, 03:58 PM
Hopefully no liberals read this thread and start spreading rumors about dangerous, irresponsible gun owners shooting their cars :popcorn:

07-22-2014, 04:16 PM
shot the trunk lock of a 68 Caddy Eldorado so I could get it open. 44 mag 240g SWC
I think I might have also shot a few into the fender with a 30-30.

07-22-2014, 04:26 PM
I've never shot a car unintentionally. I have tested ammo on them and shot into them during vehicle take down training.

07-23-2014, 09:18 AM
I used to work with a guy, weird Harold. He did two tours in Nam, and got shot (that is another good story) while there on his 2nd tour.
Now one day he had had enough of his oil pan gasket leaking on his 1976 Chevy truck, and decided to change it. He said that the old gasket came off just fine, and the new one went on just fine, however, that last bolt was a problem. He worked trying to get that bolt in for over an hour, when he got fed up, went into the house got his shot gun, came out and just peppered the bejusus out of that truck. The wife and kids were screaming and crying, and Harold calmly told them not to worry, that the truck was dead, and it would never bother anyone again.
A side note is that he drove Fords from then on. I also took note that Namvets can get a little touchy at times!

07-23-2014, 08:14 PM
I did this once with a '69 LeMans. It had one of those tops that look like a ragtop, but aren't. Anyway, I spotted my sworn enemy (the PA groundhog) sneaking along a fence row about 50 yards away, so I laid the .22 on the roof and squeezed. Yea... tore the fabric for about 4 inches, missed the pig and got a very long lecture from Pop about the difference between groundhogs and Pontiacs.

07-24-2014, 10:33 AM
I used to have an International Scout 80 (sure miss that beast) and had a friend shoot the passenger mirror. He was hanging out the passenger window shooting gophers and one popped up towards the front of the truck. He swung his .22 forward to take the shot and his bullet went through the passenger mirror. Shattered the mirror, and starttled him. His scope was just above the mirror with a clear view of the gropher but the barrel was lined up with the top corner of the mirror and just about touching it. Talk about tunnel vision; looking through the scope he had no clue that his barrel was so close to the mirror.

That Scout was a great gopher hunting machine. It was a capable 4-wheel drive and could get you anywhere. With the top removed you had the ability to shoot in all directions. It had no stereo - where a stereo would normally go, a bread pan was bolted to the dash and we kept it filled with loose .22 ammo. Many a summer day we spent cruising the fields blasting grophers (aka prairie dogs or ground squirrels).

07-24-2014, 02:07 PM
I had a stinking 1978 Ford Fairmont Station Wagon, worst car I ever owned, had to put it down and stop my misery . Have never owned another Ford. That had to be one of the worst cars ever built. By the time I killed it, 03-A3 Springfield , 30-06 did the job, just about everything on it had broken, fell off or stopped functioning. And the car wasn't that old.
Not a Ford fan

Bullshop Junior
07-24-2014, 03:43 PM
I felt like shooting my car last Sunday when the exhaust dropped off and I had to hunt for some wire to tie it back.New exhaust tomorrow at 10 am.Thats going to cost me an Arm and a Leg.

You can order kits online that all all clamp together. I usually weld them because it makes me feel better. The last kit I got was like 180 bucks and I had it put on in about a hour.

07-24-2014, 06:23 PM
Jr. You remind me of joe btfsplk.

Bullshop Junior
07-24-2014, 07:03 PM
Jr. You remind me of joe btfsplk.

I'm not sure what that means...

07-24-2014, 07:32 PM
I'm not sure what that means...

Joe was was a character in 'Lil Abner that always had a black cloud over his head and bad luck.

only us old farts remember this stuff...

07-24-2014, 07:59 PM
Yep, many of us had a lot in common with Joe.

One of my favorite groups that Mr. Capp created in Li'l Abner was "S.W.I.N.E.".... letters which stood for "Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything".

Much of what he created still rings true today.... VERY true. He would have had an absolute field day with Obama and his gang.

07-25-2014, 03:29 PM
Remember how to pronounce "Btfsplk"? Place tongue between lips, clamp lightly, and blow air and slobber out, otherwise known as the raspberry. Speaking of shooting vehicles, I was punching paper on my homegrown range, tractor was parked off to the side. Couple of days later #1 son was mowing pasture and came back complaining of tractor running hot. Sure enough a 35cal cast slug had richocheted and was in the radiator. Cost me $65 IIRC. GW

07-25-2014, 03:38 PM
It cost me £115,fitted so not too bad.Can,t be arsed to work on Cars anymore.

07-25-2014, 04:37 PM
This is what it looks like when you don't blow the antennae off :) I am the one calling in on the radio what is going on as the APC tries to run away from us and you can here me calling in target destroyed as well. This was a few days prior to the guy shooting the antennae off:


Stephen Cohen
07-25-2014, 05:29 PM
During one of our floods some 35yrs ago, I was informed by State emergency service that the road to town was clear. It was 4am cold and raining heavily, I rounded the corner and drove right into flooded bridge, fortunately the car sunk as it hit guide rails. I was able to wind the car out with starter motor, and after some time get it to run and get home, where I had a brain wave idea to let water out of the car, enter 308 rifle and 1 shot in each floor pan. I later leaned there are rubber plugs in floor pan.