View Full Version : This is the Absolute Best Forum on the Internet, and I want toThank Everyone!

07-14-2014, 10:10 PM
I just wanted to take some time out and tell everyone here about my short time on this forum. I have been a member for about a week or so I guess, and in that short amount of time, I have been made to feel at home, I have received a warm welcome from all who I have communicated with. I have been encouraged, inspired, and uplifted, and the reason I feel I have been uplifted is due to the camaraderie here on this forum, this is to me like a home away from home. I remember reading what one member said, he said that he is so connected to this forum that he can't even go to the bathroom without checking the site. Well, I feel that same way. I have just been reading and soaking in all the information that I possibly can on this wonderful hobby, and even though I haven't even cast the first bullet yet, I truly enjoy the learning experience. Basically, I just want to thank each and every one of the folks on this forum for making me feel so welcome, this is truly the best place to be, in my humble opinion.


07-14-2014, 10:18 PM
+1. .

07-14-2014, 11:13 PM
I agree. I have always had a good expirence here.

07-14-2014, 11:53 PM
It is the best place on the internet for cast boolit knowledge!

07-15-2014, 02:09 AM
Good to have you neighbor! Years of reading and learning here.

07-15-2014, 04:38 AM
In this day and age, it's very unusual to find so many good people on a forum.
I am greatful for all the help I have recieved on this site.
Only once, have I had a problem with a member. I was not the only one.
I'm sure that problem member is no longer here.
Just goes to show that like minded people, from different parts, can get along without meeting face to face.
Thank you all

07-15-2014, 06:19 AM

Agreed, I have felt MUCH more welcome here than on most other forums online. Even the debates I have had with a few others have been MOSTLY civil. Great place, great info, and I look forward to spending alot of years on here.


07-15-2014, 06:33 AM
+1 also. I am in the bathroom right now - wait, to much information? :oops:

07-15-2014, 07:48 AM
Well dang if it isn't nice to see someone with good things to say!

Welcome Deputydog. Yes, I agree, this can be a terrific place to learn about guns/bullets/Boolits/casting/reloading.

And the majority of the people here are first class also.

I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I have.

07-15-2014, 09:31 AM
You know, I was just sitting here thinking (I know, scary thought huh). It used to be many years ago that a man's word was his bond, and as many of you have been told by your father or grandfather, a man's word is all he has. I find that in this day and age, that this philosophy for the most part has been flushed down the proverbial crapper by a lot of folks. We are constantly seeing people scammed and lied to. What I am getting at here, and what I was trying to convey in the first post of this thread, I feel a bond here between members, I don't feel suspect about the people on this forum like I do on other fourms, I guess that is what I meant by being inspired. I just want you all to know that I still live by that philosophy and if I tell you I am going to do something then by gosh, I am going to do it. I want each and every one of you to know that although I can't offer a whole lot financially or knowledge about casting, I do have a little knowledge of reloading, I can and will be here to support you and this site in any way that I possibly can. I think that each person that supports this site should be very thankful that we have a place to go to where we can come together and share our knowledge and enjoyment of guns, reloading, casting, shooting, philosophy, and whatever else we choose to share, and no one is holding his hand out saying, no, no, you need to pay me before you get this information. I'm quite sure that the wealth of information on this site is worth more than gold to the folks that it relates to, and we share it freely and without reservation. I am sorry this post has been so long, but I guess the reason I am so happy to have found this site is that I became physically disabled last year, and this past year has been the toughest time in my life, I cannot do the things that I had been able to do my whole life, my enjoyment of hunting, shooting, fishing, and just my normal quality of life was taken from me. The reason for the original post was due to the welcome, and the inspiration that I have been given here to keep on going and find alternative hobbies to bring back my enjoyment and quality of life, and I am truly thankful to the staff and members of Cast Boolits .com. You guys are the best! Thanks for reading and listening to my ramblings...hopefully I didn't bore you to tears.

Ed Barrett
07-15-2014, 11:23 AM
99.99 percent great people!

07-15-2014, 02:29 PM
Wholeheartedly Agree... Very nice place to be a part of, Thank you All.

07-17-2014, 05:48 PM
Shameless bump to thank everyone!

07-17-2014, 05:54 PM
DeputyDog ru active or retired

07-17-2014, 06:23 PM
DeputyDog ru active or retired

I am retired sir, I had to retire for medical reasons. I really miss it. This is the new hobby I have taken up to make time pass. I am really looking forward to actually cast a bullet. I am slowly trying to get what I need to start.

07-17-2014, 07:23 PM
Welcome, you are at the right place.

07-17-2014, 07:33 PM
Definitely a great bunch of people.