View Full Version : Jelly time?

07-13-2014, 10:24 AM
Can't wait on the Muscadine's to come off and make some jelly. Just did a batch of salsa from fresh tomatoes and it came off great.

07-13-2014, 10:26 AM
Blackberries are ready here put up some strawberry jam last month.

07-13-2014, 11:49 AM
Last year we canned ALOT of purple hulls, and ALOT of squash pickles. Can't beat homemade plum, or muscadine jelly though.


07-13-2014, 12:19 PM
I made the mistake of planting four cucumber vines, each one has decided to do the bumper crop thing. I been making pickles and relishes and giving more of them things away than you can shake a stick at. Made hot dog relish yesterday and have a batch of bread and butter pickles I need to remove from the canner right now.
Hope everyone's having a good harvest. Funny all this started years ago when I started making elderberry jelly.

07-15-2014, 09:45 PM
Boy it is a bumper year this year. My Father-in- Law ended up freezing 100 plus quarts of purple hull peas. My son and i finished doing 46 quarts last night. Gonna be some good eatin.

07-15-2014, 10:12 PM
Strawberries were on sale, made 19(was 20 but one got dumped on ice cram while it was warm...) half pints of jam. Local berries are hit and miss still.

07-17-2014, 02:39 AM
The strawberries I see in the store are still half yellow.....what happened to JUNE-bearing

07-17-2014, 08:40 PM
I've put up a case and a half of Bread & Butter pickles. About a week, I'll put up another case and a half of Kosher (hot!). Put up 6 strawberry jams today--(fake, made with figs--delicious!) Checked my hoard, and had plenty of figs from the past few years. Me and the d*** birds and squirrels have been having a war! Can't say I lost, can't say I won. Oh, well.

07-19-2014, 11:58 PM
I'm ready for fall so I can make some apple butter.

07-22-2014, 08:45 PM
We picked wild plums last Thursday and juiced them Sunday afternoon. We have 5 quarts of juice frozen, ready to make jelly on demand. We still have juice from last year, don't tell kids, grandkids, and great grandkids, that will make jelly for Christmas and birthdays. Maybe We can havee for ourselves. It doesn't look like there will be wild grapes, peaches, or apricots this years due to late freezes, but apples look like a bumper crop is coming.

Lance Boyle
08-26-2014, 09:31 PM
I'm doing quite well in the cucumber/pickle/relish category, I have 6 quarts of dill pickles, 4 quarts of bread and butter, 2 quarts and 4 pints of sweet pickle relish, and 3 pints of dill pickle relish.

I also put up 4 pints of blackberry jam (some of the last raspberries tossed in too), one didn't seal and is in the fridge.

My tomatoes are just coming on, I have early girls and big boys. I planted 6 of each and 12 san marzano romas. The big boys are delicious. I had 3 slices of semolina bread toasted, with a slice of the big boys, and a poached bantam egg on each this morning for breakfast. (I have 5 laying chickens and roo).

I want to make some sauce and some salsa.

My plants are toppling they're so heavy. I did a very poor job of pruning this year. I listened to a coworker that said he never prunes his tomatoes and gets more that way. I got a jungle. Next year I'm finishing the other half of the garden (digging off the topsoil and removing some cracked bedrock and backfilling with aged farm manure. I'll do less tomatoes, space them out better and I'll damn well prune them better next year!!!

Oh and I also froze 4 quart bags of rhubarb.

My broccoli is barely coming along and my cabbage never headed up. My green beans mostly did not come up, the couple that did produced well. Next year I would like more variety. I always due maters, cukes and lettuce.

08-26-2014, 10:12 PM
I have been freezing Roma's, my 5 plants are not producing well. Had to cool of weather most of the summer for the garden. Looking forward to honey crisp apples for eating and some local granny-smiths for pie filling, and just canned for eating. Looking for a nice crab apple source to make apple butter the way my mom did. Maybe make some applesauce too. My brussles sprouts fell victim to the grasshopper horde, turnips produced well, I need to figure out a way to store them. And my green beans just refuse to quit. Grasshoppers ate every leave and they just set more and keep producing more beans. Have at least 20 bags of them vacuum packed in the freezer.

Open to turnip recipes too. I grew these for the greens(have a bunch in the freezer from this spring) but even planted an inch apart I have 2-3 inch bulbs to deal with.

08-26-2014, 10:13 PM
Dont need any jelly this year as we did a LOT last year. This year all the fruits going to wine.
The gardens doing good. We're got alotta beans, onions, carrots, rhubarb and strawberries. Going to have LOTS of apples. Probly make them into sauce.
The potatoes aint as good this year for some reason. Hopefully we'll get 200lbs. Normal is 300-400lbs. That lasts all year and we replant the last ones. Lots of squash.

Hopefully winter holds off a bit. We had about 40* two mornings ago and fresh snow on the peaks. Winters coming.:(

Lloyd Smale
08-27-2014, 08:08 AM
been collecting rasberrys for a while and now the blackberrys are ripening. I mix them all together and make my jelly.

08-27-2014, 05:21 PM
The cucumber vines are finally starting to wind down ( thank you dear Lord) I will never have to buy sweet pickles, dill pickles or pickle relish for the rest of my life.
Been putting up tomatoes and now eggplant are producing. Made some good salsa with Ball Fiesta Salsa mix, and have a case of jars put up for winter.
After the vegetables it will be jelly making time, have been getting requests for grape, apple and elderberry...my favorite. Planted a crab apple tree, going to try crab apple jelly one day. I wonder if they taste like crab? I've never tasted one.

MT Gianni
08-27-2014, 10:08 PM
Mary, When we lived in Grace ID, [5700'ele and -40 most winters] we would overwinter carrots with a good covering of straw. If we wanted some it was spread off the foot of straw and dig them up. It should work as well for turnips.

08-27-2014, 10:21 PM
Mary you can make sauer Reuben from your turnips. You make it the same as you would sauerkraut but you use shredded turnips instead.
No further refrigeration needed that way.
We will be making lots of sauerkraut soon as our cold crops, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli produced very well in our new mountain location. Root crops did well also. Will be doing a bunch of pickled beets.

08-28-2014, 01:29 AM
Will try the turnip kraut, I love sauerkraut so if it is anything close that it will get used up. Found a recipe that is fridge storage, I will can it using standard kraut canning instructions for shelf storage.

MT Gianni these are way up pushed out fo the ground because of crowding so I don't think the straw trick will work. Plus where that garden patch is the wind would shred hay bales...