View Full Version : anyone clean up a 760 Remington trigger?

07-08-2014, 12:38 PM
I have this 760 that has a creepy mushy pull and then a softish breaking point. It is ok for hunting but after shooting alot on the bench the trigger with the blasted recoil is driving me nuts! Every time I have looked at the trigger groub in these guns I am thankful I don't need to get into them, but now I must! If you have actual expierence with these I sure would appreciate the info and if you all say let them alone I still might do it! Need a rubber booty for this stock also- dang those metal and hard plastic butt ends.

07-08-2014, 09:06 PM
Just did a quick search online, as I was curious about it. Found this: http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/product/7-870 Make sure you read the reviews.

John Boy
07-08-2014, 09:22 PM
That Timney is for an 870 - not a 760

07-08-2014, 09:32 PM
I did the trigger on my 7600 and helped my son with his 760. IIRC, I found a lighter spring at the local hardware store, carefully reduced the sear/trigger engagement, and polished the mating surfaces. It made a huge difference and I now have a crisp, light trigger. Usual disclaimers apply: test and go slowly.

07-08-2014, 10:29 PM
870 & 760/7600 share the same trigger group. KLR gave you the straight dope on fixing it. Instead of finding a lighter spring i cut mine a bit at a time.

Alan in Vermont
07-08-2014, 10:33 PM
That Timney is for an 870 - not a 760

You should have read the whole thing, not just the title line.

Will also work on the following Remington models: 74, 742, 7400, 750, 76, 760, 760, 7600, 7615, 878,1100 and 11-87.

07-09-2014, 07:39 AM
OK, that timney trigger part sure makes sence. I took this one apart and it appears sometime it got wet and some of the parts are blemished from rust, it is a 1958 model and it is scarey accurate with the bad trigger. The best I can get this is it gives kinda like a 2 stage trigger and isn't bad but I know it should be differant. I didn't hone anything yet just cleaned all the parts. I really like the idea of that timney part!

07-09-2014, 07:45 AM
That Timney is for an 870 - not a 760

Yes, but if you read further down, it says it will also work on the following Remington models: 74, 742, 7400, 750, 76, 760, 760, 7600, 7615, 878,1100 and 11-87.

07-09-2014, 09:28 AM
Ok, I took the trigger assembly apart. All bearing areas on the trigger that ride against the safety were smashed or peened. Some sucker either had the worst case of buck fever or simply sat yanking on the trigger all day long to peen it that bad. I cleaned up all bearing areas and honed the sear and hammer lightly and putting it back I found another interesting tidbit. The clip latched in hard and the reason was the hammer pin was drifted slightly to the side allowing the one side of magazine latch to start binding. Put it all back and still has a 2 stage pull BUT it BREAKS like a piece of glass and thats all I need! In the 7 0's I sighted dozens of these in for hunters and it is amazing how often the magazine latch was funky but that was not my job, only sight it in.

07-09-2014, 03:09 PM
I sighted dozens of these in for hunters and it is amazing how often the magazine latch was funky but that was not my job, only sight it in.

Same experience here with the magazine latches. Had many people who know I fiddle with guns come up to me and say 'hey when I fire my remmy the magazine falls out'. Usually the spring has just come out of place. Glad to hear you got it figured out and working. I've dissembled a few of those myself (while watching along with the AGI video usually...lol) and usually find a little work on the bearing surfaces and you are gtg.

Congrats on your project success!

07-09-2014, 03:29 PM
If you get stumped along the way I have J B Woods take down and reassembly on the gun if you need it.

07-15-2014, 07:29 PM
Order you a Limbsaver recoil pad and it will greatly help the kicking issues that you are having. I put one on my Rem. Mod. 6 270 cal and tamed it right down. you might have to get the grind to fit if you want to have a close fit. You can call Sims Vibrations Laboratory and they will help you find what you need. they are good people.