View Full Version : Master Caster Catch Box - Need Solution

07-07-2014, 04:28 PM
Just installed new Master Caster 220V with Digital controller. It works great casting (which I had a few doubts about as I have been hand casting for almost 20 years and didn't quite believe that it could have the same level of consistency) and I have no problems with the Caster itself, but I definitively need ideas on how to catch the bullets. I have been using 2 boxes - one with a towel in it for bullets and another for sprues. I find that the bullets seem to get a lot of flat spots on them - I know I need to empty the bullet box more often, but I also wonder if I have them falling too far. My Caster is mounted to the top of a workbench with a hole cut through it for the sprues & bullets to fall through. The catch boxes are about 14 inches down on a sliding shelf. What drop distance does anyone have success with? What kind of box or other ideas do you other caster's use?

I appreciate anyone's help with this.


07-07-2014, 04:54 PM
I have a single hole under the caster and a aluminum ramp that directs the sprues to that hole. Some of the boolits may have a small dent but it hasn't effected performance or at least not that I could tell. If you are worried about the denting then let the lead cool more before you dump them

07-07-2014, 06:15 PM
Mine is in post 8 of this thread.


07-09-2014, 02:08 PM
Thanks for the response's - mine are definitely falling further than that and I will make some changes!

07-09-2014, 04:43 PM
Thanks for the response's - mine are definitely falling further than that and I will make some changes!

have a look at this video...you will see that i elevated my Master Caster about 5" IIRC and had a box made with a separate place for the sprues and cast bullets...in the bullet compartment i use a folded shop towel to cushion the short drop....


this was before Hatch developed the automation to my air assisted MC...


07-09-2014, 10:43 PM
Thanks for the response's - mine are definitely falling further than that and I will make some changes!

My machine is not a real master caster but one I built from photos of them. The basket is from the container store with a divider added.


07-09-2014, 11:32 PM
Mine get the occasional very small mark too, but being soft lead, not a lot you can do about it. I have two small ramps under mine, the projectile one is lined with toweling to help cushion the impact when it is released from the mold.

As stated, a 14" drop is quite considerable and will do some damage.

Good to hear you like your MC, they are a great machine, even better when automated :)

07-10-2014, 08:26 AM
I will snap some pictures later today of mine.

07-10-2014, 05:57 PM
Here are a few of mine, not all are easy to see though:

As mentioned already, the chute for the projectiles is lined with toweling to help protect them. They actually get more damage when i'm sifting out the sprues and drop one on the tiles.

07-13-2014, 05:39 AM

How did you go getting the master caster to OZ and getting the automating parts here?

07-13-2014, 06:04 AM
SpotHound - I got it off ebay a good 10 years ago off a fellow in Canada, I think it cost me $400 and $200 in freight. Back then, Magma were willing to ship here too, hopefully they still will. The issue is waiting till they have stock available.

As for parts, i had most of the main bits. The arduino that mine is powered with was bought off ebay for about $12. Air solenoids were sourced from a friend of my dads, so i got lucky with having the entire build run me about $50. The added time was the killer, but my time is cheap :) I believe you could get pretty well all the automation parts off ebay for the right price.

I was also lucky enough to have the gear to do the machining needed. My setup still has bugs, but so far it has about 20,000 projectiles under its belt.

07-14-2014, 07:34 PM
Yeah, magma want 1000 bucks plus shipping and at least 20 weeks wait at the moment.

The programming is beyond my abilities methinks.

07-14-2014, 07:56 PM
The 20 weeks sure is a killer, the price i don't believe was too horrible. With what i cast with mine, it has more than paid for its self. Not as fast as lee 6 cavity molds, but far less taxing on your body.

The code was beyond me too, i think i could have done it, but it would have taken a lot of work. Kayak1 was kind enough to help me with how to do it, plus his code that is far more complex than i ever could have done. If it wasn't for him, i'd never have even considered the setup i have now.

Hatch has made a good system on top of Wyman's base. He started with manual operation with using air solenoids, Hatch came up with the electronics to control it. If you do finally get one, have a look at what they did and work from there if you want to automate it down the line.

07-17-2014, 09:12 PM
Please take the timing Magma provides with a grain of salt. They told me 20 weeks when I was order my star it was closer to 8 weeks.

08-12-2014, 02:15 AM
I just ordered a Master Caster last week and they said it would be 6 weeks, maybe 5 weeks....can't wait.

08-12-2014, 07:44 AM
Good choice. I hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of the owners on the forum do.

08-14-2014, 11:32 PM
I have high hopes. I've just about hit the wall using gang molds. At my age it just wears my butt out. I'm no so much looking for faster as I am easier.

Here is a youtube vid of a guy that drops the boolets directly from the Master Caster into a bucket of water. That's exactly what I want to do. I have always water quenched my boolets.


Maybe I could mount it on an old commode. If they can make lawn art flower pots out of them....

08-19-2014, 11:22 PM
I like that video, might have changed the direction I went around 10 years ago.