View Full Version : Everything is junk...

07-07-2014, 10:41 AM
Ever get into one of those ruts where everything you touch turns to çrap?
I'm there. Been there longer than I realized. Can't get a couple rifles to shoot no matter what I do. Today I fired up the lead pot and cannot get my brand new mold I was just bragging about to cast ANYTHING that even looks like a boolit. So, I broke out molds that have always worked before and I dumped the pot and refilled it with alloy I have used in the past with great results. All garbage. I couldn't produce a good boolit right now if I paid one of you guys to do it for me.
My jeep is eating half a radiator full of water in less than an hour of driving but has no leaks, no water in the oil and no steam from the tail pipe.
My best friend (dog) is down in his back hips and won't eat.

I half expect my ipad to çrap out before I finish posting this.
Most of y'all don't really know me but I have a very nasty and childish temper. I'm 'bout to start tearing up stuff on purpose.

07-07-2014, 10:44 AM
And how would that help?

Love Life
07-07-2014, 10:46 AM

07-07-2014, 10:46 AM
What you are going through is what we like to call life. Sometimes, you get to be the doorstop for a bit.
If everything is going like crud, it is always best to stop, step back, and take a break.
As for your Jeep, I may have some insight on that. Does your Jeep use the pink coolant or the old style green stuff?
I learned recently that when oil mixes with the newer pick coolant, it turns into a heavy black sludge, not the usual creamy coffee color we dinosaurs are used to.
Drain the oil and see if black pudding comes out of the crankcase. If so, congratulations, your day just got a little more challenging. I just went through this some months ago with my silverado.

And finally,
My rule of thumb is that if I am struggling to do something, and it continues to turn out to be garbage, the odds are on I am doing something wrong.

07-07-2014, 11:12 AM
Meh, the jeep is actually not even a jeep. It's a '61 M151.

If all this came on recently I'd chalk it up to life throwing curve balls, but it's been last year or two compounding slowly.

07-07-2014, 11:13 AM
And how would that help?

Therapy. I've always found the cleansing power of fire to be relaxing. LOL!!!!:kidding:

07-07-2014, 11:22 AM
It is times like this that make me think your idea of dumping the excess and hitting the road makes sense.

07-07-2014, 11:24 AM
Think we have all been there at some point or another. I was trying to cast some 8mm bullets this weekend from a cheap and easy Lee mold and usually the two cavity molds are slow but just poop out decent bullets. Took me half an hour to get them to drop round, filled, and without wrinkles. Drove me nuts. Cars? They all act stupid at points where you already have enough stress on your plate.

Hope your dog pulls through though. That's the one that would be stressing me.

07-07-2014, 11:29 AM
Oh, and I know it doesn't fix anything but yeah, sometimes smashing something with a hammer sure makes ya feel better. Just have presence of mind that it's not something smashed you will later regret.

Jack Ripper
07-07-2014, 11:30 AM
You need a trip to the range, unleash some aggression on some targets. That always makes me feel better.

07-07-2014, 11:31 AM
It is times like this that make me think your idea of dumping the excess and hitting the road makes sense.

Ohh brother. My wife is about to be really aggregated by me and she dont even know it yet. I've been begging her for years to cut loose of everything and find greener pastures. With the exception of her and my dog, The last five years or so has brought me to the point I hate everything I come into contact with. Death comes too soon as it is, it's senseless to waste it fighting loosing battles. It's time for something else. I don't wanna be that old guy sitting on his porch lamenting a wasted life.

Love Life
07-07-2014, 11:31 AM
Go to the nearest lake spot with a good set of sunglasses and check out the ladies.

Jack Ripper
07-07-2014, 11:33 AM
Your day can't be any worse than mine. I was informed I no longer have a job this morning. Thats okay though, The paychecks was getting later and later.

07-07-2014, 11:41 AM
Go to the nearest lake spot with a good set of sunglasses and check out the ladies.

What LL said.
Sitting on the edge of the water contemplating the universe with good scenery is very calming.

07-07-2014, 11:43 AM
Dean, at least the Dr. hasn't informed you that you have cancer.

I've been there, done that.

07-07-2014, 11:51 AM
Dean, at least the Dr. hasn't informed you that you have cancer.

I've been there, done that.

That's because I don't go to no doctor. Both my grandfathers had prostate cancer....last I heard my father is fighting it too. Guess what I have to look forward too?

07-07-2014, 12:04 PM
That's because I don't go to no doctor. Both my grandfathers had prostate cancer....last I heard my father is fighting it too. Guess what I have to look forward too?

It's much easier to catch/cure these days. A good bet is that 75% of men over 70 die WITH prostate cancer, not from it. PM your way

07-07-2014, 12:18 PM
That's because I don't go to no doctor. Both my grandfathers had prostate cancer....last I heard my father is fighting it too. Guess what I have to look forward too?
Then I would defiantly have yearly check-ups. There are painless and if detected early are usually cured.

I'm cancer free now for 15 years.

Not going to a Dr. Is like driving with your eyes closed, IMO.

07-07-2014, 12:22 PM
Hey welcome to life! no one promised you or me a rose garden if you think you are the only one just walk around your neighborhood.

07-07-2014, 12:27 PM
I am going to guess that you are in your forties. This is a very common "event", and you can get through it. Just do some down time and "zen out" and if that means new pastures then so be it. In your 50s gravity takes a hold of your life, and everything you touch hits the ground and you have to bend over and pick up **** all day!!
As far as the cancer, start RIGHT NOW taking 5k units of vitamin c, and 2k of sawpalmetto. I am serious, this works, and is another thing our "gvt" has hidden from us as cancer is avoidable, but there is too much money in it.
I wish you a better day, cause I enjoy reading your posts.

07-07-2014, 12:28 PM
Same boat partner since we bought this little farm 2 years ago everything that I've looked at has broke caught on fire or depreciated in value by half. Last casting session was also a dismal failure. Thought maybe there was zinc in it not even my two ranch dogs would throw good boolits. Like you I mean everything where me and the wife really felt like we were being treated by God or attacked by the devil. I felt it was my fault and almost moved out for a bit to protect the wife and little girl. That bad. We called the devil out, cast him out in Jesus name and it definitely helped. We were and are on the path to a more righteous life and the devil will throw up road blocks. And sometimes we just have bovine humis for luck. Hang in there. Double down and do not forget the power of prayer!!!! You have a huge family here to call on for help.

07-07-2014, 06:00 PM
You listen to me, hold tight, I will be out on Saturday.

07-07-2014, 06:39 PM
Take a deep breath. Take a walk and just be. Don't worry about anything, just look around for the beauty and forget everything. Tomorrow is another day. Remember that no matter how bad you have it, a lot of folks have it way worse. We have all been there and experienced being overwhelmed. Remember you are still on the right side of the grass and your extended family is here. Good luck.


07-07-2014, 07:15 PM
Buhahah happens to me all the time.

Uncle Murphy comes to visit and my day goes down the crapper.

07-07-2014, 07:34 PM
Same thing with my dog. Back hips gave out, 8 yrs. old, "arthritis" said the Doc. Seen it before, seen it a lot, Vet said 2 weeks-2 months. She made it a month. Quit eating, quit drinking, quit pooping.
Last day, I think she knew, hopped up 1 step in the house. We were both there. She slumped down, head on paws. I laid down beside her, later she flipped over on side, and I fell asleep. To a kick in the rump, the wife said "Hey I don't think she's breathing."
And that was that. Anybody says dogs dont have emotions is a fool. Just wanted to be with us when she went. Havent cried that hard in years. Still miss that stupid mutt!

07-07-2014, 08:05 PM
Take a deep breath. Take a walk and just be. Don't worry about anything, just look around for the beauty and forget everything. Tomorrow is another day. Remember that no matter how bad you have it, a lot of folks have it way worse. We have all been there and experienced being overwhelmed. Remember you are still on the right side of the grass and your extended family is here. Good luck.


I've walked away and taken so many deep breaths in the last five years I've got holes in my shoes and Oxygen poisoning.

07-07-2014, 11:20 PM
Gee, I cut through the speedo cable, put a right hand twist tack cable in an English car, put main bearings in backwards, put gas in the crankcase of the mower, etc. get used to it. That's life.

07-08-2014, 01:13 AM
Think of how lucky you are to be healthy. Some of the members here are fighting losing a limb to diabetes, or have collapsed discs all up and down the spine, or have major heart problems. They keep their head up and life goes on.

07-08-2014, 01:34 AM
If it's any consolation, I was working on a little 3.5hp briggs and stratton engine today. Just about the simplest engines in the small engine world to work on and I couldn't figure it out.

All it takes is fuel, fire, and air to make one run. I had all 3 and couldn't get it to fire off. Pulled the carb apart 4 times, pulled and reinstalled the head and made sure it was torque right, tried 4 different plugs, pulled the cover off and replaced the magnetron...nada

Had to walk away, tried it again about an hour later, ssdd. Wife came outside and saw me irritable, she asked what was wrong and I colorfully explained it to her and she walked over and pulled the rope and the sob fired right up.

Some days you're the bug, other days you're the windshield...

07-08-2014, 01:55 AM
I have those years where every time I step forward I take two backward. I just keep a list of things that need fixin, and I get to it when I get to it. One thing at a time.

07-08-2014, 02:04 AM
Step one,Take on a Project,build a Rifle,absorb yourself into the intricacies of the job.Do it right and be proud of your skill.We all experience the culmination of things hitting the fan,look adversity in the eye and say it aint going to win.Then take a look at those who are less fortunate than you and be glad you are there for them.Then step by step repair and rebuild all those things that are bugging you.Do it one step at a time and say "another one bites the dust" each time you succeed.

Wayne Smith
07-08-2014, 07:57 AM
When I had those days I'd drop everything and take a board out to the shop with a hand plane. All I did was make shavings and listen to the zing of the blade. Relaxing for me, and if it was a piece of pine he smell is calming as well. The shavings make great tinder. My point is find something simple to do that is mindless and let your mind get lost in it for a while.

07-08-2014, 08:35 AM
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me,
I think I'll go eat worms!
Big fat juicy ones,
Eensie weensy squeensy ones,
See how they wiggle and squirm!Down goes the first one, down goes the second one,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm!
Up comes the first one, up comes the second one,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm!I bite off the heads, and suck out the juice,
And throw the skins away!
Nobody knows how fat I grow,
On worms three times a day!Nobody likes me, everybody hates me,
I think I'll go eat worms!
Big fat juicy ones,
Eensie weensy squeensy ones,
See how they wiggle and squirm!

This song was originally posted at:

07-08-2014, 08:40 AM
As suggested above, go shooting ! A bad day at the Range beats any day dealing with "stuff".

07-08-2014, 08:51 AM
Enjoy life, even the crappy parts.
A crappy day alive is much better than the alternative, at least you have tomorrow to look forward to....

07-08-2014, 09:00 AM
I have to agree with the advice to go shooting. It is a lot more enjoyable if you have a friend with you. Shoot a couple of shots and then jaw for a while. Shoot some more.... jaw some more... That sure takes a load off my shoulders. Of course, it helps that my wife is my best friend and we do enjoy our visits to the range....

07-08-2014, 09:22 AM
The trick is to ignore the fact that you've lost half a thumb, your back and your neck are jacked, causing migraines and associated problems, your blood pressure is in the 200's and you're likely to stroke out at any minute, you cant tolerate temps over 75* without pouring sweat, shortness of breath, and nausea. Then ignore the fact that you cant work a normal job and your income has taken a nose dive which you were essentially unprepared for. The trick is to ignore all of that and pay attention to the moments in your day when things go right.

Oh. Wait a minute. Thats me. Never mind, I've got too much to deal with to pay any attention to you,,,,.:bigsmyl2:

Hang in there brother, it ain't forever, it never is,,,,

country gent
07-08-2014, 10:13 AM
Okay lets stop and think a little Kick back throw your feet up read a magazine or a good book. Walk away and relax take a break. Come back with a fresh mind and start over from scratch. I learned at work when having a bad day I could keep struggling and getting farther behind until I scrapped the job or I could walk away have a cold pop shoot the bull and relax and listen normally I came back to the job and things went alot better. To try to help put things in perspective for you. In MArch 2002 my wife ( 18 years and constant companion) was killed in a car accident. Sheriff and prosecutors would hardly talk to me about it. I was still working had 3 children 2 teenagers one pre teen to help thru this also. They had to attend school with the person who hit and killed thier mother. Novemeber of 2002 I was diagnosed with Multiple Schlrocis and shortly after started the injections to help control it. I have fought this since and I mean fought I dont give in to anything until it is completely neccesary. I am now fully disabled and while I can no longer work in my trade as a tool and die maker, I still am mobile and do alot. I have constant numbness in legs and hands, right eyes vision is affected along with some other issues. I was going to the Opening shot cerimonies yesterday at Camp Perry for the opening of this years nationals and got 6 miles from home when the Bird overheated. The thermostat housing s end broke out. So now Im here with the beast to drive, waiting to hear from the garage what the cars going to need to fix it. and getting ready to give myself my injection. Its not the problems but how you deal with them.

07-08-2014, 11:19 AM
Reading this makes me feel acutely that we live in a fallen world. The rain falls on all of us and pours harder on some. I doubt any of the posts were what Dean was looking for. I enjoyed reading about his .35 Remington and how well it shot. A harmony of Boolit and gun. When I see a quadriplegic I know my lot is better, but their affliction does not build me up, it makes me aware of how much this planet can blow. The angst of a life not yet lived, and the prospect that you may never get there is where he is at. I think he would benefit from dumping all the excess stuff that weighs us down, hitting the road and doing some traveling and shooting and after he is done with that, settle down again. Just my opinion. If he does so, I would be living vicariously through him and others who are out there traveling, on the road again.

I don't think looking at "chicks" or smelling the roses is the anecdote he needs.

07-08-2014, 11:38 AM
Reading this makes me feel acutely that we live in a fallen world. The rain falls on all of us and pours harder on some. I doubt any of the posts were what Dean was looking for. I enjoyed reading about his .35 Remington and how well it shot. A harmony of Boolit and gun. When I see a quadriplegic I know my lot is better, but their affliction does not build me up, it makes me aware of how much this planet can blow. The angst of a life not yet lived, and the prospect that you may never get there is where he is at. I think he would benefit from dumping all the excess stuff that weighs us down, hitting the road and doing some traveling and shooting and after he is done with that, settle down again. Just my opinion. If he does so, I would be living vicariously through him and others who are out there traveling, on the road again.

I don't think looking at "chicks" or smelling the roses is the anecdote he needs.

It may not seem so with all the infantile whining I've embarrassed myself with lately but, I AM easy to please. Contentment is not an expensive and lifelong endeavor for me. I don't feel its asking for much for a dam rifle to shoot an inch at 50 and 100 yards using a cast bullet with enough velocity to cleanly take White tail deer at those ranges. I don't WANT to shoot past those distances and certainly won't hunt past that. As silly as it seems I would like for that to be a .308 Winchester. I am one of the paranoid nuts who believe our society will not last as it sits currently and the ubiquitous 308 is an easy to feed caliber in more meager and difficult times.
The .35 Remington you mentioned was one of the best shooting rifles I have ever owned and I sold it. I got an offer that was nearly twice what I paid for it and availability of brass was frustrating. I certainly miss it. We never had a single argument.

As far as looking at the chicks, well, you can have every woman on earth save one. I have no use for any of them save one. I've been married to the same woman for almost 15 years and I've known her since 2nd grade. Matter of fact, I'm looking at our marriage certificate she framed and hung on the wall...next to it is our second grade class photo. She's sitting in a little chair smiling, I'm sitting on the floor at her feet. My rightful place. LOL!

07-08-2014, 11:51 AM
Trust me, your life will seem grand after reading:

Unbroken, by: Laura Hillenbrand


Hell, I Was There, by: Elmer Keith


If you already have, then go visit a VA Hospital.

Safe travels to you.

Be Well... If we have our health, we have everything!

07-08-2014, 11:52 AM
The Ranch Dog 165 grain or even the 170 versions from Tom at accurate or the 165 grain from NOE work real good in a .308. I like the .308 for many reasons including the fact that it is "ubiquitous" Mine is a Handi Rifle and the RD 165 works well, but I don't push them. Good deer medicine.

country gent
07-08-2014, 12:24 PM
My 308 / 7.62X51 are a pair of M1A/M14s built identical to each other. And a Garand rebarreld with a douglas 308 barrel. The M1As are match rifle and Its back up or spare. Niether has left me wanting as far as reliability or accuracy. Both are capable of sub X ring accuracy out past 600yds. I have shot them to 1000 in matches. The 308 is a wonderful cartridge and ussually performs very well in a variety of platforms. From semi auto to bolt action. A family member has a win model 88 ( I think) it a modern style lever action one piece stock box magazine. Shooots great but is on the light side for extended group shooting. Ive never read Unbroken but own a copy of Elmer Kieths HELL I WAS THERE and it is interesting reading and is quite spell binding. My Grandmother was born some where around 1899 -1901 we arnt sure in Oklahoma and lived there for awhile growing up, before the familys moving to northwest Ohio.

07-08-2014, 12:45 PM
If it's any consolation, I was working on a little 3.5hp briggs and stratton engine today. Just about the simplest engines in the small engine world to work on and I couldn't figure it out.

All it takes is fuel, fire, and air to make one run. I had all 3 and couldn't get it to fire off. Pulled the carb apart 4 times, pulled and reinstalled the head and made sure it was torque right, tried 4 different plugs, pulled the cover off and replaced the magnetron...nada

Had to walk away, tried it again about an hour later, ssdd. Wife came outside and saw me irritable, she asked what was wrong and I colorfully explained it to her and she walked over and pulled the rope and the sob fired right up.

Some days you're the bug, other days you're the windshield...

I purchased a Hundai 2000 generator at a yard sale - the starting rope was missing. The owner said it had only been used once for about 8 hours and then it would not start.
He wore out the rope trying to start it.
I paid $50.00 for the thing - took it home, figured out how install a new starting rope - reassembled, cleaned the plug, put fresh gas in it, and pulled the start rope. It fired and turned over about 3 times then died. Pulled the plug, no spark, cleaned the plug, weak spark. Bought a new plug for $4.00, fat blue spark. Installed it, pulled the rope and it was running after the first compression.

Then I went to start my lawn mower, it would start and run for 30 seconds then die. Cleaned the air cleaner, cleaned the plug, - it would run for 30 seconds then die. Grabbed a new plug and the thing starts and runs great.
I have had 5 small engine plugs from different engines fail on me this spring, all had a hairline crack in the porcelain. Go figure.

07-08-2014, 07:26 PM
I had this 59 Ford that kept dumping water just like you described . $8 radiator cap fixed her right up.
X1 spent us to death like twice in 2 yr here $800 take home just barely covered her overdrafts and every dime of the gravy money went to cover 1 bill or another. We parted ways and damned if my dog didn't up and die Thanksgiving Friday just 2 months later. Just weeks before the final melt down our oldest boy blew a tire and converted a perfectly good pick-up into scrap metal, the transmission in the 2nd car let go and I found out there had been no house payment made in 2 months.
Thank God I had my health when the restraining order came ........and the extention following the letter I couldn't legally go to work. The judge told me to go to work. Later I secured copies of the complaints and basicly she was complaning about her actions. Life has a way of coming back around and she's been bit a dozen times. I spent 7 yrs w/a truely amazing woman whom just got bored w/me I guess . I've 6 payments left on her, I owe really nothing beyond that now and I just got a new dog .

Check the heater hoses if equipt . I had a Chrysler that was playing that song turned out to be a pin hole that was dead in an airflow channel and dripped behind the exhaust manifold on to the headpipe flange and off the stud onto the pipe. I had to actually catch it in the act to find it.

07-08-2014, 07:40 PM
Thanks Harter66. I think I will replace the radiator cap. It's cheap. As for the heater hoses....she ain't got not heater.
Helluva good air conditioner though!!

07-08-2014, 07:57 PM
That's a sweet lil' cheriot !

Those 2 were the only water leaks I've had that didn't spot.

I bet those lubra-gremlins fixed your moulds up for ya. I worked in a place 1 time that had a vent quirk .It took over a yr to figure it out ,the pneumatic tool oil would get in a draft if a particular offic door was open and settle on 1 particular composite mould set......... so they'd throw away the 1st set of $1200 parts ......
I bet you have an ooze or draft to close to your moulds.

07-08-2014, 10:57 PM
Dangit, Dean ! You got a good woman, a cool ride, and a coupla guns, you live in what is still the best country there is - you'd be the envy of at least 90% of the men on this planet just for those alone. In a little while it'll be tomorrow, new sunrise, new day. Hope it's a good one !

07-08-2014, 11:08 PM
Yep! Rifle won't shoot straight, old lady is nagging and the jeep constantly needs fixin'.


07-08-2014, 11:11 PM
Yep! Rifle won't shoot straight, old lady is nagging and the jeep constantly needs fixin'.


And which one is the easiest to fix?[smilie=b:[smilie=b:[smilie=b:

07-08-2014, 11:12 PM
The jeep. And you can't hardly find parts for that thing!

07-08-2014, 11:16 PM
First, tackle the Sweetie Problem....If no success, get rid of the Jeep and buy a Ford. Rifle is easy, search the forums here for advice, take it from there. #1 Sweetie problem 1st!

07-08-2014, 11:25 PM
First, tackle the Sweetie Problem....If no success, get rid of the Jeep and buy a Ford. Rifle is easy, search the forums here for advice, take it from there. #1 Sweetie problem 1st!

Jokes on you brother! That IS a Ford. It's not even a jeep. It's an M151A2. Made by Ford and later taken over by AM General. It's just easier to call it a jeep in casual conversation than look like an *** over explaining things. HahaHaHa!!!!

07-08-2014, 11:25 PM
dean, last house I had whenever I had to do some home repairs was a teaching house. Was taking down a brick planter cause it was falling apart. turned around and was missed by the wooden wall between our house and the neighbor's. Guy's wife comes out and starts ******** about the fence. So after all the bricks were sorted and cleaned yours truly was out there with a hilti gun breaking up the old concrete the fence posts were set in. I did replace the fence. Then another old wood planter had to be replaced. Just glad the proch roof didn't fall down. And believe you me I did a lot of looking over my shoulder while taking the planter down. Frank

07-08-2014, 11:38 PM
So...you have a "miscellaneous motors". Everyone had a hand in making a "Jeep". I had a 1961 International Scout...aka Irrational Motors, International Cornbinder. Each time I went to the Napa Store, I had to tell the guy what number was on the axle housing or whatever. Always took 2-trips at least. Now-a-days, you will be talking to a younger person who is maybe not so experienced or that well paid. If you want to drive the unusual, you have to learn about it. To drive a vintage Jeep is going to cost as much as taking a vintage car of any brand out on the road. Hence, my comment on " Getting a Ford". No offense intended and I wish you the best of luck buddy. Women are the hard one to figure out! If you get that one figured out, let us all know..

07-08-2014, 11:53 PM
If'n I had a "jeep" like that I'd go fix it and go fer a cruise down to the lgs to trade off the rifle and take the woman out for dinner. Problems solved.

07-08-2014, 11:56 PM
The .35 Remington you mentioned was one of the best shooting rifles I have ever owned and I sold it. I got an offer that was nearly twice what I paid for it and availability of brass was frustrating. I certainly miss it. We never had a single argument.

Sounds like you need to look into making a 358 WCF - you can use the molds you used for the 35 Remington - Make the brass out of 308 cases - And I'll bet you get the group sizes you want without much trouble.

Nice M151A2, I thought they destroyed all of those and none was supposed to be sold surplus to civilians. Something about the independent 4 wheel suspension being dangerous or something - I like the CJ Jeeps - but you have to watch those too as Willie's bought parts from assorted sources - the nice part was my Odd Fire V-6 took a GM Distributor cap so I could get a window for adjusting points instead of taking the darn cap off and on a bunch.

07-08-2014, 11:57 PM
Your day can't be any worse than mine. I was informed I no longer have a job this morning. Thats okay though, The paychecks was getting later and later.

Wow, you did have a bad day didn't ya. Hopefully you'll find a job and enjoy it for more pay and you can visit your old place of work and brag on it.

07-09-2014, 12:05 AM
So...you have a "miscellaneous motors". Everyone had a hand in making a "Jeep". I had a 1961 International Scout...aka Irrational Motors, International Cornbinder. Each time I went to the Napa Store, I had to tell the guy what number was on the axle housing or whatever. Always took 2-trips at least. Now-a-days, you will be talking to a younger person who is maybe not so experienced or that well paid. If you want to drive the unusual, you have to learn about it. To drive a vintage Jeep is going to cost as much as taking a vintage car of any brand out on the road. Hence, my comment on " Getting a Ford". No offense intended and I wish you the best of luck buddy. Women are the hard one to figure out! If you get that one figured out, let us all know..

Oh jeez brother! Don't get me started. I went to Autozone to get a set of points. I told the kid I needed a set of points for 345v8 '71 international Travelall. He says "uhh, who makes that?" I repeated myself. International. He looks at me and says "No, I mean who made it...you know Ford, Chevy Dodge???"
I said sweet Mary mother of God is there anyone here maybe 40 years old or more that I can have an intelligent conversation with?

He got the manager. Me and manager laughed at him. I left with my points 10 minutes later.

07-09-2014, 01:53 AM
Words of Interest
Number 4.
Life Gets Tedious Don't It?
Or in the vernacular:- Life Gets Tee-jus Don't It
Written and composed by in 1948 by Carson Robinson

The sun comes up 'n the sun goes down,
The hands on the clock keep goin' around;
I just get up 'n it's time to lay down,
Life gets tee-jus don't it?

My shoes untied, but I don't care,
I ain't figuring on goin' nowhere;
I'd have to wash and comb my hair;
And that's just wasted effort.

The water in the well's gettin' lower and lower,
Can't take a' bath for six months or more;
But I've heard it said and it's true I'm sure,
That too much bathin' will weaken yer.

I open the door and the flies swarm in,
Shut the door and I'm sweating again;
And in the process I cracked my shin,
Just one darn thing after another.

You know that old brown mule, he must be sick,
I jabbed him in the rump with a pin on a stick;
He humped his back but he wouldn't kick,
There's something cockeyed somewhere.

A mouse a-chawing at the pantry door,
He's been at it for a month or more;
When he gets through there, he's sure going to be sore,
There ain't a darn thing in there.

Hound dog howling so forlorn,
Laziest dog that ever was born;
He's howlin' 'cause he's sitting on a thorn,
Just too tired to move over.

Tin roof leaks and the chimney leans,
There's a hole in the seat of my old blue jeans
I've ate the' last of the pork and beans,
Just can't depend on nothin'.

The cows gone dry and hens won't lay,
Fish quit biting last Saturday;
Troubles pile up day by day,
Now I'm getting dandruff.

Grief and misery, pains and woes,
Debts in' taxes in' so it goes;
And I think I'm getting a cold in the nose,
Life gets tasteless don't it?

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