View Full Version : Anyone try 45/70 Contender handgun and Black?

07-04-2014, 04:35 PM
A buddy has a 45/70 contender 14" ported barrel he don't want and I was wondering how that would work with Black. I use BP in my trapdoors and a roller so I have various moulds and cases. I really wouldn't care to shoot smokeless in a 45/70 handgun!! But, thinkin Black would be a hoot. Assuming a lot of unburnt powder in such a short barrel, and those ports plugging up, wondering what velocity and accuracy I could expect. Prolly try either my favorite Lee 405 hollow base or an older 350gr Gould. Not sure what barrel twist rate is. Think its worth it? Anyone else try something similar? Ant thoughts/concerns appreciated.

blackpowder man
07-04-2014, 11:19 PM
I shot some 500 grain boolits with bp out of a 24" encore. Reminded me of a 12 guage turkey barrel I also had for the encore. If it was mine I'm sure I would try it. I had a smith .460 with the compensator and when I first got it my father said "you're not planning on loading that with black powder are you".

07-05-2014, 06:16 PM
Sounds like big, dirty, noisy fun!

07-05-2014, 08:08 PM
yeah it does sound like fun doesn't it? wondering if I started with 40gr or so, what type of filler to use to eliminate air gap..or do I just go for it and load 60-70grs or so...it'd be a handful I'm sure

07-06-2014, 01:52 PM
Hello Bee,

i've shot plenty of BP out of my 14" ported 45-70 contender. I can't remember the exact load but it was at least a full case of Goex, Elephant or Swiss 1 1/2F and a 500 grain Lyman Goverment round nose. Recoil wasn't as bad as most smokless loads and the Flame Smoke Stink factor was stunning. The ports never clogged either.


07-06-2014, 05:26 PM
i had a marlin 444 with those nasty lil holes in front and when i shot blackpowder thru her ... thos lil holes would stay clear as well. cleaning was a snap as i took a 17 brush and in a bucket ... ran it thru each hole a few times and walla ... clean as a whistle.

i would admire seeing the shot from a contender 14 inch barrel with a 45-70 case full of 2F powder pushing a 300 to 350 grain boolit. bet that would be stunning at night.

id say get it and have a ball. person could always add 2.5 inch of extension to make a legal length carbine for a last resort.