View Full Version : Imr 4895

06-30-2014, 10:31 PM
Was just looking on gunbot and saw 8# of 4895 for $185 plus haz mat.

07-01-2014, 01:39 AM
This is crazyness. That is at least $50.00 over priced.

07-01-2014, 01:43 AM

Petrol & Powder
07-01-2014, 08:01 AM
That's a little over $23/lb., which is admittedly steep. However, if 4895 isn't available where you live that would be a way to get 8# and only pay 1 Hazmat fee + shipping. Even if you could combine that order with something else you would end up with extremely expensive rifle powder. I would pass at that price.

4895 is my preferred rifle powder and fortunately, it is still available around here. I'd rather occasionally pay a bit of a premium for a single pound than to lay out that kind of cash for 8#'s + Hazmat, + shipping.

07-01-2014, 09:34 AM
$154 at powder valley, if they had any in stock, that is. Then, if you pay shipping/hazmat on one 8lb jug, you are going to be in the neighborhood of $200 once you get it.

07-01-2014, 09:40 AM
Count yourselves lucky! IMR 4759, made in Canada shipped south , repackaged, and if there is any available to be exported after the feeding frenzy that is the US market . "Worth" $40.00 a lb tax in ?

07-01-2014, 09:53 AM
This is crazyness. That is at least $50.00 over priced.

Supply and demand.

DR Owl Creek
07-01-2014, 10:45 AM
I'm still waiting for prices to drop beforebuy any.

07-01-2014, 04:20 PM
Don't you know, this is the "new normal" and prices will never come back down?

That's what I've been told recently, loudly and repeatedly because I dared question that wisdom.

07-01-2014, 04:32 PM
I don't believe in this new normal stuff. Don't even buy gas for my truck till I see $0.82.9 per gal again!

07-02-2014, 11:21 AM
Speaking of the new normal; last year folks were panicking and AR-type rifles were selling north of $2k. It's interesting to note that this is the new normal for those kind of rifles, and the prices for them have still not come back even close to what they where. :)

07-02-2014, 09:53 PM
I don't know why anyone would want one of the AR-type rifles. I carried one for 3 years and they are ugly.

Love Life
07-02-2014, 09:57 PM
Buy it when you can. I'd rather complain to my buddies at the range about paying a little more instead of sitting on the couch complaining about not having 'splody powder.

You should see what a keg of Bullseye costs on Gunbroker....

However; at the end of the day it is all up to the person with the wallet on whether they'll buy or not. Makes no matter to me as I'll be on the range.

07-03-2014, 01:28 AM
Yes, you are right. If I really needed some powder right now I would buy some at whatever it cost. A couple hours of overtime will buy me a lot of powder.

I may be getting low, but I'm not out and I'm not desperate. Powder is also not a necessity for me. I have other priorities in life that are far, far ahead of going to the range. I'm sure I don't do anywhere near the shooting or reloading that some of you all do.

My point was only much the same as Wilco put it: Supply and demand. If demand falls while supply remains high, prices will come back down, same as gas for your truck. A quick look at inflation charts for the last few decades tells me that we probably won't be seeing 82 cents per gallon again though. :)

Dean D.
07-03-2014, 03:46 AM
Time will tell but I think supply and demand will prevail eventually. On an interesting note, the LGS that I do most of my shopping at has been limiting powder purchases to 2 lbs. per customer per day ever since the latest panic started.

This last Monday I stopped by to check things out and found a new sign over the powder section: "Purchase all the powder you want". Now that was refreshing to see! I still only walked out with 2 one pound cans of Titegroup @ $19.95 each, grumbling about lack of funds to buy more.... LOL

Airman Basic
07-03-2014, 05:30 AM
Time will tell but I think supply and demand will prevail eventually....
Hope you're right but I'm afraid the demand will never go down much until national politics skews to the right, or shooters just give up, and this whole situation becomes the new normal. :cbpour:

07-03-2014, 05:30 AM
This is crazyness. That is at least $50.00 over priced.

In what world do you live in? Powder Valley's prices have never been reality by me. Powder has been $20-$25 a pound for years. I paid $200 for an 8# jug of 4895 a few months back. I was upset that there was no price break for the jug. But I have 8#s of 4895 to shoot up so I'm not complaining. I should actually buy another jug. Time to stop by that store again :)

Stephen Cohen
07-03-2014, 05:38 AM
Its made in Australia and we would pay close to $400AU
for that much, we pay through the nose so you guys get it cheaper.

07-03-2014, 11:16 AM
Its made in Australia and we would pay close to $400AU
for that much, we pay through the nose so you guys get it cheaper.

No, you pay thru the nose so your govt. can keep the guns in check. The fact that your govt. also encourages your producers to export everything they can to keep the OZ$ strong might also have something to do with it. Now if we could just get more 'roo hide here as cheaply as your powder! ;)

Stephen Cohen
07-03-2014, 05:59 PM
Surculus you sure have our government pegged right. If it was in my power I would give you half the roos we have, and we would still have too many.