View Full Version : more questions :)

06-27-2014, 01:00 PM
ok just some more stuff I have been thinking about:

how many of you guys are finished with loobrisizing?
(I have Lee size dies and a 450, I plan on using the Lee sizers form now on)

If my Marlin 44mag ballard rifling, the barrel slugged at 430, does the addition of a powder coat jacket negate the need to cast at 431 or larger?

thanks gents!

06-27-2014, 05:04 PM
ok just some more stuff I have been thinking about:

how many of you guys are finished with loobrisizing?
(I have Lee size dies and a 450, I plan on using the Lee sizers form now on)

If my Marlin 44mag ballard rifling, the barrel slugged at 430, does the addition of a powder coat jacket negate the need to cast at 431 or larger?

thanks gents!

I sold my RCBS lubrisizer once I found PC and HI-TEK worked. I now use Lee sizer dies and can do thousands per night - MUCH faster than lubrisizing.

I just was able to reduce the size of my 9mm's by .001 (from an oversized .358" to .357") thanks to PC, but your mileage may vary, You'll have to try and see for yourself about the sizing.

06-27-2014, 05:16 PM
Sizing is not a "one size works for all" thing. You must know your guns and then experiment around with the most efficient size that works for your needs.
The generic size is only a starting place to keep "uniformed" (politically correct terminology!) people from trying to load a 40 S&W slug in a 45 LC revolver!!!!

What works for me may not work for you or anyone else on here.


06-28-2014, 11:39 AM
I still loobrisize. :D I got 6 of em!
I am gonna thin the herd a bit, but I won't get rid of them all until somebody either gets rid of rainy days, or comes here and builds me a garage. :cool:
The coatings are a wonderful thing, but I'm still doin' it in the yard!:lovebooli

I don't mind my molds dropping a thousandth or two over. I'm not going to start buying the molds without lube grooves and .002 undersized and commit to coatings only, because the regular grooved boolits size down so easily after a coating and one never knows when I'll get a different gun and come up a thousandth shy of what it needs.

06-28-2014, 11:46 AM
Just Lee push-thru here, my mould all drop oversized - except the nose which is undersized a couple thou. I can size out any alloy changes, coating thickness, whatever to solve chambering/accuracy problems.

07-01-2014, 01:03 PM
I'm 100% pc but I didn't have nearly as much $ invested in lubing. I'm thinking from here on out the only molds I buy will be without grooves.

07-01-2014, 06:04 PM
i only have 1 lyman 4500 and 7 sizers for it, but i will not commit to pc only. As messy as lube is, i still like the finished look of lead with lube. also i have a **** ton of ben's red to use up lol.

07-02-2014, 12:04 PM
I was a dedicated "pan luber" (For some reason I just didn't wanna get a die and nose punch for each bullet I cast and couldn't find a lubersizer I wanted). I've been PCing for a few months and have had some very good results so I'll prolly put my pans of lube away (I also like dip lubing my Ranch Dog .44 bullets), but I won't trash my "regular" lubing stuff...