View Full Version : 303 and cast...finally

06-22-2014, 12:23 PM
I have finally got my 303 shooting respectably with cast. About 1 1/4 inches at 50 yds (6 shots). Still minute of deer at 100. My load, 311041 sized to 314. For some reason my mold drops boolits at 315 to 316 with 50/50 COWW/PB. I used 18 grns 2400, and CCI LR primers. Near as I can figure, it's probably running around 1650 fps. Next I'll try running it a little faster, and start looking into a heavier boolit. I'd like to have enough energy for heavier game as sometimes depending on what tags I draw, deer and elk seasons might overlap. Well the journey continues.

06-22-2014, 12:47 PM
Awesome Gunny...

Would love over to see a pic of the 303... Did you sportized it???


06-22-2014, 02:08 PM
I am a "Technoninny" . Mabey I can talk the kid into helping me figure out how to post pics. Yes it is sporterized. It was so completely "Bubba'd" when I slapped down the $75.00 I had to do something with it. The stock had been hacked, the barrel had been shortened and had some kind of front sight put on and had the rear sight buggered up. But the poor thing was crying out for help, so... I gave it a home. I bought it before I started casting for rifles. It shot J-words well enough, and after reading and learning on this site, I decided that I'd have alot more fun with it if I got it shooting cast. Evetually (money allowing) I hope to have it capable of taking elk sized critters.

Awesome Gunny...

Would love over to see a pic of the 303... Did you sportized it???
