View Full Version : Excel Spreadsheet

06-19-2014, 02:18 PM
Long time lurker here who finally decided to come out of the shadows and join the site. As a offering I present my excel spreadsheet for anyone to copy/use as their own template. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjIMQsdAFxOZdHo3UVBseHhHRUZjYWdxT29EaktVZ Gc&usp=sharing

The first sheet is the general reloading log. Most of the sheet is self explanatory. The prices of components in their various columns are pulled from the corresponding sheet, i.e. price of projectiles for 40SW is pulled from the sheet appropriately titled 40SW. Grains of powder are NOT pulled from anywhere and must be added in on the Reloading Log to populate the associated cells. I make a new row for a new batch by simply copy/pasting the rows. Also calculated is how much money I have saved (see spent on more components) by reloading. The numbers are based upon ammo costs in 2012 so it may or may not be a good indicator of actual costs.

The next sheet is appropriately entitled shooting log where as you can imagine I record when I shoot the rounds, which gun is used, AVE FPS, Standard Deviation, and any other pertinent information gleaned when shooting the rounds.

Next is the templates for the various calibers and a blank template. This is where cost information is obtained by the Reloading log. For quick reference purposes there is a cell for powder charge. I use this to get an idea of how much it will cost to load a given amount of rounds 1, 50, 100, and 1000 (I usually load in 100 round batches as you can see from my reloading log).

The Energy sheet is a sheet found online (I forgot where so I apologize for not being able to give credit where due) that calculates kinetic energy, power factor and other information. May or may not be useful to you. Lead alloy calculator is a wonderful sheet that I found by user Bumpo628 here on castbootlits. It lets you easily calculate alloy composition of your boolits as well as cost.

Lastly are two sheets that I added just to keep all of my information together. I have the S/N sheet where I keep the serial numbers of my guns in case they are ever stolen/the house burns down. The last sheet is where I keep my ammo/primer supplies listed for quick reference.

If anyone has any ideas on how I can improve the sheet I am open to ideas, I have built and adjusted the workbook as best as I can and I admit I am not an excel guru. Like I said if anyone wants to use any part or all of this please feel free to download a copy for yourself.


06-19-2014, 05:01 PM
Thank you for sharing. I downloaded the file and will probably incorporate it with my other documentation about my reloads.

06-19-2014, 08:08 PM
Very nice. Expanding the SN# to be used as fireams record log with purchase dates and prices would be helpful.

06-20-2014, 09:24 AM
Nice first post; Welcome