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View Full Version : Casting in NJ??

01-17-2008, 04:43 AM
With the rise in price for lead I'm thinking about casting my own bullets. I've been doing some research and think I've got the idea ... for the most part anyway.

Well i was talking to someone today about it and he brought up a good point that melting lead in my backyard might violate some EPA law or something .... especially the smelting (if I'm using that term right) of scrap lead.

Does anyone know if there's any type of laws that might prevent me from doing this??

Anyone from NJ cast thier own??

01-17-2008, 10:22 AM
You are in the liberal north east, and who knows what locals have come up with. That said, I doubt that there would be anything shy of a commercial operation of smelting that would be prohibited. If it were me, I would just stay low key, make no big production out of it and go ahead.

Wayne Smith
01-17-2008, 01:22 PM
My wife works for DEQ - Department of Environmental Quality, Commonwealth of Virginia, as a senior geologist. She is very aware of how I dispose of slag and such, but no environmental impact as far as the state is concerned. She would know!

Uncle R.
01-17-2008, 03:19 PM
In this day and age I just assume that everything's illegal - and it's usually not far from the truth. Certainly if "they" want to shut you down they'll find something you've done wrong. Ultimately when everything's illegal the real question is not "What's the law?" but rather "What can you get away with?" This brings us to Uncle R's Rule Number Three...
"You can get away with almost anything as long as you don't p_$$ off or frighten your neighbors."
So - how well do you get along with the neighbors?

Morgan Astorbilt
01-17-2008, 07:33 PM
Just don't ask any questions an don't advertise. It's when people ask if there's a law against something, that makes some people think "No, but maybe there should be". That's part of how we've come to this state of affairs.

01-17-2008, 09:36 PM
The only problem about doing it without asking first & trying to get away with it is that if you get caught the "I din't know" defense never works. but it's always worth a shot :twisted:

"You can get away with almost anything as long as you don't p_$$ off or frighten your neighbors."
So - how well do you get along with the neighbors?

Well actually the people on the one side of me I don't like very much ... mainly cause they have too many loud parties almost every weekend in the summer. But I think they don't own the place either, just rent. On the other side of me is renters as well ... I live in a very large renting area :roll: Think I'm one of the few left that actually own ... well the bank owns technically for the next 20+ years.

I hate NJ cause of all the stupid laws up here, not to mention the stupid people. But in this case it might work out for me .... I live in an area where people really don't pay attention to each other. So I doubt anyone would even notice except for the smell.

With a 100% increase in price for lead loads it's worth trying. I use an indoor range for pistol and most of the time I'm there alone. So I plan on bringing a bucket & shovel with me and scoopin up some of the lead at the backstop. Only thing in there other then lead is sand & broken up metal jackets (I haven't seen a intact round in there yet). So it's basically free lead ..... continue snagging the brass as well and all's I pay for is primers & powder.

I started reloading a year ago to save $$$ ... might as well take it to the next level.