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View Full Version : I bought a Thermometer

06-09-2014, 09:16 PM
I ordered a new mold from NOE a couple of weeks ago, and at the checkout there was a picture of a thermometer. I never believed that I actually needed one, but thought why not? It's not that expensive, and I have read that the tools that Swede sells are top notch, so I ordered it. Now I have used it a couple of times, and I feel a little stupid because of what I learned from the thermometer!

1st, I found out that I was casting at about 725 degrees, nothing earth shattering there.

2cnd I found out that the guys that say they are getting good drops after just a couple of fills are not on some powerful medication. I used to fill the mold 50 times before I was getting good boolits. I hardly even looked at the boolits before I could open the sprue plate with my hand. What I should have understood was that I was starting to cast way to soon. The temp was barely to 600 degrees and I was filling the mold! That revelation made me feel dumb!![smilie=b:

Now I need to find time to go to the second hand store for another item that I did not believe I needed, a hot plate !!

I guess I can learn, it's just that sometimes the knowledge has to be installed with a club!! :groner:

06-09-2014, 09:26 PM
It's funny how we get set in our ways.

06-09-2014, 09:27 PM
The hot plate will really change your game. Once you know how to use it..... you'll be getting keepers on the first drop. :smile:

06-09-2014, 09:32 PM
You only regret paying for the thermometer once. Or twice if you drop the first one.

06-09-2014, 09:49 PM
Finding out about a thermometer and hot plate was a great game changer for me. As state above now I get good bullits on the first or second drop and I remember the days of the first 40+ that went right back in the pot. Good tip for newbies!

06-09-2014, 11:32 PM
Finding out about a thermometer and hot plate was a great game changer for me. As state above now I get good bullits on the first or second drop and I remember the days of the first 40+ that went right back in the pot. Good tip for newbies!

A great tip for the Bone Heads like me........

I just love hobbies like boolit casting, just when you think that you know something, some little thing happens to change your whole point of view!!

Old Caster
06-09-2014, 11:51 PM
The thermometer is just bout absolutely necessary when you are smelting so you don't accidently get the melt too high and induce zinc into your alloy. Another thing you will find for yourself is that some molds do their best at different temperatures.

06-10-2014, 12:27 AM
Mod42, another thing you may find helpful.
Let your pot get to a stable temp. before casting, I put my alloy ingot in the pot and turn the pot on high. Now that has melted I add more til it is full enough for the task at hand. When full I put thermometer in and adjust to the heat setting on pot to MY desired casting temp. I have found that some molds like it hot and some little cooler, you will find that number for Your molds. As you cast and there is less of the probe in the alloy and you will note the temp will start dropping. I think by letting the pot get to Your temp and stablize for a little time, that will lessen this effect. Others will do it different, some use a device, I Think it is called a PDI to control pot temp but this works for me and maybe for you to. Hope this will be helpful. Good casting

06-10-2014, 01:33 PM
A thermometer, hotplate and Colman stove helped me out soooooo much but then I'm new to casting. Still trying to get the Lee C309-180-R to fill out better. Alaskenguy said to crank the heat so went to 775 it helped but still not there, maybe 800 not sure.

06-10-2014, 03:55 PM
A thermometer, hotplate and Colman stove helped me out soooooo much but then I'm new to casting. Still trying to get the Lee C309-180-R to fill out better. Alaskenguy said to crank the heat so went to 775 it helped but still not there, maybe 800 not sure.

It might be your lead mixture (with the other metals) some mixtures fill out better. Do some research in the "Lead" section

06-10-2014, 08:43 PM
A thermometer, hotplate and Colman stove helped me out soooooo much but then I'm new to casting. Still trying to get the Lee C309-180-R to fill out better. Alaskenguy said to crank the heat so went to 775 it helped but still not there, maybe 800 not sure.

It might be your lead mixture (with the other metals) some mixtures fill out better. Do some research in the "Lead" section

Ya it's straight COWW so a little tin might help I'll try that next time I cast some.