View Full Version : WOW the hazerd of making BP charcoal

06-09-2014, 02:00 PM
My what a deal I ran into today.Many of you know I make and sell black willow
charcoal to some on the form for making good black powder.Well I have run
low, because of all the rain in east Okla.

I have two orders from form members.It rained this morning AGAIN, but has stopped
for a while.Anyway I went & cut some from a big black willow tree
in the forest.

I loaded the big logs in my atv side by side & took them home to debark & slit
for cooking.When I started debarking scorpions started crawling out from every
where.I jumped back & yelled.I had one on my neck.

God, I hope you guys enjoy this batch of charcoal.Geeezzzzzzzzzzzz;)


06-09-2014, 02:10 PM

06-09-2014, 04:46 PM
Scorpions in OK, I thought you had to go farther west and south to find them critters.


06-09-2014, 05:28 PM
See that proves it... black powder is dangerous! :kidding:

06-09-2014, 05:42 PM
Hum, I wonder if scorpions might make good charcoal for BP? ;)

06-09-2014, 10:21 PM
Hum, I wonder if scorpions might make good charcoal for BP? ;)

These will.Ha Ha Fly

06-09-2014, 10:23 PM
Are you making charcoal from green wood? I didn't know that scorpions lived in trees. I'm in Northern Arkansas and I find them all of the time under rocks or pieces of wood. Last year we found a few in the house in the fall. I think I need to spray a little more this year.

06-09-2014, 11:06 PM
North central Oklahoma has scorpions. Used to find them regularly in the warehouse I worked in years ago. I'd tape them to the interior office window with clear packing tape so the office staff could see them.

06-10-2014, 12:01 AM
Venomous black powder, that's a new one fer me.

06-10-2014, 12:31 AM
Oh good nothing but the best. And I will enjoy it :) We have a lot of scorpions around here but I have never had that happen. And I have gotten a lot of fire wood.


God, I hope you guys enjoy this batch of charcoal.Geeezzzzzzzzzzzz;)


06-10-2014, 12:37 AM
That powder should have a sting in its tail.

06-10-2014, 06:11 AM
My what a deal I ran into today.Many of you know I make and sell black willow
charcoal to some on the form for making good black powder.Well I have run
low, because of all the rain in east Okla.

I have two orders from form members.It rained this morning AGAIN, but has stopped
for a while.Anyway I went & cut some from a big black willow tree
in the forest.

I loaded the big logs in my atv side by side & took them home to debark & slit
for cooking.When I started debarking scorpions started crawling out from every
where.I jumped back & yelled.I had one on my neck.

God, I hope you guys enjoy this batch of charcoal.Geeezzzzzzzzzzzz;)


Here in Colorado we have Bark Scrabble Scorpions, about three inches and light brown in color.
You should make "Survivalist Black Powder Black Willow charcoal" and provide barbecued scorpions with each large order with a "Sir charge" included.
"Sir I have to charge you more! These critters make it dangerous to collect the black willow wood!"

06-10-2014, 08:11 AM
Well, If the corp. which produces "Diamondback" BP in the former Elephant BP facility can name it that, i.e., DB, then why not call yours "Scorpion" or "Scorpios" if you prefer Greek? Haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting one of those Fly, and that's OK by me. Stinkbugs we got, but not those biting things.

Leslie Sapp
06-10-2014, 02:31 PM
I didn't know that scorpions lived in trees.

One little known fact about living in Florida is that if if, while camping, you build a fire under the right live oak, it'll rain scorpions! Don't ask me how I know.:eek:

06-13-2014, 11:01 AM
Good Morning
I cannot vouch for OK scorpions but the light brown ones I find in the Arequipa area deserts have no taste at all. I have eating only light browns as there are supposed to be some dark brown scorpions but I never see any.
Yes I do severe the "stabber" off first, pop it in my mouth and chew away. All I have read states they are a good source of protein. Never caused any sickness or strange feelings. No matter how many I have chewed down it seems I have not dented the population in any way.
Mike in ILLinois

06-14-2014, 11:56 AM
:evil: tree~~Good thing you weren't stung. Have no experience with them there litt'l pincer bugs. But I'll bet my S/S check two or three stings could make a person mighty sick. Oh BTW. I wouldn't cut another limb off that same tree for awhile.[smilie=f:

mold maker
06-14-2014, 02:06 PM
Was the tree mature and hollow, or were the bugs under/in the bark?
I've found ants and such, but we don't have those stinging bugs here.

06-14-2014, 04:26 PM
Under the bark.

06-14-2014, 04:35 PM
While I lived in Texas it was common to find scorpions under the bark of dead trees. I woke up one night while staying at grandma's needing to go to the outhouse and stepped on a scorpion with bare feet. Needless to say, my alarm woke the whole house! It stung quite fiercely and gave me new respect for the little arthropods but I didn't get sick. To this day I don't put on boots without giving them a good rap on a hard surface to see if anything is dislodged!

06-19-2014, 07:03 AM
While stationed at Schofield Barracks,Hi.Not only were their scorpions,we had centipede's about 10" long and would bite.You could always count on the screams on a newbie in the late night.

06-19-2014, 07:19 AM
Got stung last year picking up a deer stand that we left over the winter. Those boys pack a whallup. I lost feeling in my arm. Those big red wasps we have in the south......multiply by three.

06-19-2014, 10:28 AM
Lived in Florida for 15 years and kind of got used to the little brown scorpions we had there. Seems like I got stung seveal times a week when I was working construction. Dang things were under everthing. Feel about like a honeybee sting, just a good cussing feeling. But didn't know there where scorpions as far north as Oklahoma and Arkansas would of thought winters would be to cold. I got 2lbs of fly's "Scorpion Blend" black willow charcoal, should have extra sting in the powder I'm going to make from it. Again thanks fly!

06-19-2014, 10:59 AM
Jim better check & make sure I cooked hot enough to kill,em (wink).


06-24-2014, 09:03 AM
I learned something new today! Scorpions in OK? Never knew that they existed there. We go through your fair state on the way to AZ and back. We have two small dogs and in AZ, we have to watch for them - especially with the dogs being curious and sniffing the ground, etc. (along with watching for the rattlers). Glad you spotted them before you got stung!

06-24-2014, 11:52 AM
Well we have rattlers also.I lost my Lab to one two years back.
