View Full Version : Cost of Sight?

01-13-2008, 09:00 PM
Why is this SWISS PRODUCTS K-31 DIOPTER & FRONT SIGHT so expensive?:???:

Two versions of it, one is 299.99 the other 349.99

01-15-2008, 08:13 PM
No idea but happy birthday!


01-15-2008, 09:41 PM
It's Swiss. Priced a real SIG or a Rolex lately? I don't know if they think in Swiss francs or Euros, but they sure keep a close eye on the exchange rate.

01-16-2008, 02:34 AM
Because it is a beautifully made precision piece of machinery, and in addition,
the exchange rate between the dollar and swiss franc is not favorable for
us to buy stuff made over there. OTOH, our stuff is getting cheaper over there
so we should have more luck keeping our jobs here because we will be selling
more stuff over there. If you work in US manufacturing, be happy to have
the 'dollar collapsing', this is the way we will get more business and beat out
the European manufacturers.

Why is Chinese stuff so cheap? Because China intentionally keeps the exchange
rate on the ying-yang or whatevery they have artificially low, so we will buy
lots of their stuff and keep their people working.
