View Full Version : Lyman Mag Dipper - Rewire

01-13-2008, 07:10 PM
Went out yesterday afternoon to do a little moulding and turned the pot and vent on in the Casting Shed. Went back in the house for some coffee while the lead melted.

Went back out 20 minutes later and the pot was COLD!!!!! Played with the thermostat a little (once before I had an issue with it), but the little orange light didn't come on.

Oh Well - the pot is about 17 years old and has seen a LOT of lead. There was a full pot of lead in there so today I tried to take out the cruicble to melt the lead out and wound up taking it all appart.

Primary wire is/was burnt through and a few more inches were hard and brittle. Spliced in a new piece of wire and put the pot back together and it works.

I do need take it back apart and do a re-wire on it, but I also want to replace the insulation that is in side of it.

The current insulation looks and feels like cotton, although I doubt that is what it is. But because of age it is hard and in clumps.

Anyone have an idea of what I could use to replace the insulation with?

Thanks for looking!


01-13-2008, 08:11 PM
I used a ceramic insulation on my home built lead pot

It looks aort of like cotton , fine white fiber
I got it from a HVAC supply house
