View Full Version : Heads Up! - FYI - Pick Your Own Size Group Buy Custom Round Ball Molds 0.260-to-0.688

05-26-2014, 02:44 PM
There have been discussions for over a year on doing a group buy for multi-cavity round ball molds where everyone will get to pick their own custom size ball that they want/need for their application.

This is an incredible opertunity to obtain a high quality mold that makes a lot of balls fast in exactly the size you want at a price that is the same or less then it will cost you elsewhere to get just a single cavity round ball mold in a custom size. Not to mention that multi-cavity round ball molds that make a bunch of balls fast are harder to find and often expensive even in standard sizes.

This is opertunity is only going to be open for a short time, in the words of the custom mold maker who is doing the run for us:

. . . Once I make the molds you want I will then setup the mill of for something else and wont be able to do round balls till i set it up for RB agian. There is a lot of set up and testing that goes into getting the mill ready for custom round balls. So if our considering a custom sized round ball now is the time to get it.

Calling all muzzle-loader round ball shooting enthusiasts !!!

Ball sizes available are from 0.260” to 0.688”. Pick your own size. Anything you want in that range (one size per mold all cavities the same size). That should cover everything from very small bore cap and ball up to 69-caliber big bore guns. Unfortionatly Brown Bess 75-caliber boys your out of luck on this one his mold blocks can’t handle even bigger balls, at least not on this run.

Calling all shotgun round balls as slugs and buckshot loading and shooting enthusiasts !!!

For those shooting big round balls as slugs:
----- Ball sizes for ball in wad for 410-to-12ga. CAN DO !!!
----- Ball sizes for full bore naked ball in 410-to-16ga. CAN DO !!!
----- Ball sizes for ball in wad for 10ga or 8ga. can NOT do.
----- Ball sizes for full bore naked ball in 12ga.-to-4ga. can NOT do.

For those who want buckshot molds, he already makes OO, OOO, and Tri-Ball molds but if you want any other ball size for your buckshot and want to make more balls faster with a mold with more cavities now is the time! If you like the 0.311” Lee two cavity mold ball size for your buckshot you can get a six cavity round ball mold in that size in this run and make more balls faster. Or any other size you might like within the range he is offering in this group buy.

Get them while you can, the group buy is going down RIGHT NOW:
