View Full Version : Project smoker pit

05-25-2014, 06:20 PM
I just had to share this project. I am not the welder on this pit as my 15 year old grandson and his metal shop class did this this school year. The Metal shop program at Spring Hill High school is blessed with an excellent instructor and 7 freshmen spent the best part of a school year on this project along with learning basic welding and metal skills. Six boys passed their structural certification test in their first year of trying. I was the "consultant" on this as we have built 12-15 trailer pits in the last 45 years or so. I also supplied all the materials and parts for the project. I am proud of my grandson and his class and wrote the instrucers principal a letter stating my appreciation of a great job by his teacher. I taught welding on the college level in the 70's and I know a good job when I see one Notice they put SHHS on the door weights and a panther on the stack. 106023106025

I cooked lunch for the boys on Friday and will cook goat, brisket and sausage for my oldest grandson's high school graduation this Saturday. Will feed 75 or so.
I am through bragging now.

05-25-2014, 08:17 PM
The young man did a good job, will it get sold for the school or you keep it?

05-25-2014, 09:11 PM
Very cool. I like seeing kids getting involved with projects like this.

05-25-2014, 09:51 PM
I am keeping this one. The industrial arts teachers know that it is theirs to use at any time. I own 1/2 interest in 2 other pits and never have one at home. We cook for large groups often and just for the family. I calculate I can put 22 briskets on this pit.

I had 80% of the materials in my "spare parts repository", but still have some money in it.

05-25-2014, 10:50 PM
Don't reckon it is bragging when it is fact.

Just sayin!

05-25-2014, 11:47 PM
Brag all you want. I think you helped them in finding a good decent paying job as well as some of them getting the certifications. I went to a vocational high school and then enlisted in the navy right after graduating. This was back in '64 and a lot of companies wouldn't hire HS grads because of the draft and the VN war. They didn't want to train them and then get drafted. Frank

05-26-2014, 08:10 PM
What a great project bear! That's a great outfit! I used to teach Industrial Arts (many years ago) and you are t be commended on your support and encouragement to those fine students for helping provide them with an experience they will never forget. I'm sure they are very prould of it and they have every right to be!

Thanks for posting the nice photos - and enjoy that grandson's graduation! I'm sure no one will go hungry!

05-26-2014, 08:23 PM
Working on that project is an experience they won't forget. I took a welding class when I was in the Army, and loved it.

05-27-2014, 11:22 AM
Now I have to figure out a project to support for next year when they will get into machining--lathes, mills both manual and CAD controlled as well as a Cad/cam plasma table. I know he needs to build a steam engine just because I know how much you learn from machining one. I only got to take one year of machining in high school, but I built a steam engine. It seems that many of the students have parents that will not furnish materials for shop projects. I will help all I can and I have access to "drops" from a large steel fab plant.

05-28-2014, 07:55 AM
Now I have to figure out a project to support for next year when they will get into machining

Automated bullet caster?


I have enough projects I could keep a high school crew busy for a decade. The hard part would be picking out the ones that they would enjoy. The above one I would have liked back in high school.