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05-25-2014, 02:13 PM
Yesterday evening we spent the evening at the kids place, cooking out and generally enjoying life and the grandkids.
We left about 8.30 and had not gone far when I saw a kid somewhere around 10 years by himself old riding his bike with his rod and reel heading home from the slough. It brought back a flood of memories from my childhood and kind of warmed the soul, that some kids still get to enjoy life, just being a kid.

05-25-2014, 10:22 PM
That does bring back memories. Mom and dad started my brother and I on used 20" bikes, then when we got (barely) big enough Dad bought us each a brand new 26" Revelation's at Western Auto. I have no idea who actually made it, but I wore out several tires before I turned 16 and started driving legally.


05-25-2014, 11:17 PM
I saw a kid somewhere around 10 years by himself old riding his bike.... It brought back a flood of memories from my childhood and kind of warmed the soul, that some kids still get to enjoy life, just being a kid.

We used to roll up a newspaper, wrap it with electrical tape and play bike tag! When you were whapped with the paper, you were it!

05-25-2014, 11:26 PM
I don't remember ever playing tag or anything like that, but I disappeared many of weekends with my sleeping bag and either a fishing rod or shotgun across the handle bars. I kept my cooking utensiles hid out in the woods by the lake so I could travel light. lol

05-26-2014, 12:28 AM
Cooking utensils? I have baked many fish coated in clay from the river bed or bottom of the pond. By the time a half inch of clay was hardened, the fish was done. A little bit of salt from the give-away packets from the drive-in and we were eating pretty good.


05-26-2014, 01:37 AM
Done that quite a bit too, it was actually better than some of the ways we tried cooking rabbit, squirrels and ducks. Our most used cooking utinsel was tin foil. lol We had a comfortable camp stashed though even a little boones farm sometimes. lol We never had a tent though, and it rained quite a bit on the gulf coast. lol

41 mag fan
05-26-2014, 07:54 AM
Kids need to be kids...like we was back then. I used to ride a 10speed to a pond 5 miles away to fish...used to ride the same bike to the same pond with the shotgun across the handle bars to dove hunt also.