View Full Version : Loaded question time RE: 4064

05-24-2014, 12:55 PM
Just aquiered 2 1 lb cans of Du Pont 4064. Upon closer inspection they looked to have a little orang"ish" dust in the powder when being poured the powder was still the normal greyish color with no acrid acid smell barely any perceivable smell at all. I emptied a whole can onto a sheet of clean white printer paper and did not see any rusty brown grains. There was however some discouloration of the cans interior itself. When poured back to the original tin, just a faint amount of dust was present on the paper. My question, and everyone knows what is coming. Should this be considered safe for disposal in small metered lots , or mass disposal in the flower garden? A little help please!

05-24-2014, 01:37 PM

05-24-2014, 02:02 PM
Thanks, Kinda what I thought ! Seems a shame to toss away 3 full lbs of powder! But hardly worth risking life and limb over the $30.00 I gave for them.

05-25-2014, 11:21 PM
Just went throughout the same thing with an older can of 4895.
I hated to toss it, but bad is bad.