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05-21-2014, 08:01 PM
Just throwing this out there the way I sharpen up after a long winter is throwing out some old produce and shooting bugs. Anyone else?

05-21-2014, 09:07 PM
I assume you mean insects? Our hopper season has not started yet since the grass hoppers are not big enough yet. They hop on the targets and we consider them bonus points.

05-21-2014, 09:08 PM
Depending on the range, it would be difficult enough to see the old produce, never mind the bugs.

05-21-2014, 10:14 PM
10 points fer a hopper 20 fer a wasp 30,fer a fly 40 for a dragon on fly 100 for an ant ect setyour own points and shoot at small targets of opportunitie.

05-21-2014, 10:18 PM
I shot some wasps this afternoon.

Every year, they try to restart nesting in a couple of places on the eaves of our home. I load rice loads in 44 special and 45colt to blast them with and it is a lot of fun and helps to discourage them from restarting the nests.

05-21-2014, 10:30 PM
That's what I'm talking about, massive fire power take no gaff from the winged or multi legged swine!!!!!!!

05-21-2014, 10:51 PM
I shot some wasps this afternoon.

Every year, they try to restart nesting in a couple of places on the eaves of our home. I load rice loads in 44 special and 45colt to blast them with and it is a lot of fun and helps to discourage them from restarting the nests.mind sharing those load recipes?

05-21-2014, 11:03 PM
mind sharing those load recipes?

5grs powder with a thin paste board disc placed on top of powder and then fill brass with short-grained rice, leaving enough space at top for another thin paste board disc placed on top and covered with elmer's glue to hold the load in place.

Discs are cut from an empty cereal box...not really paste board, but more boardy than paper would be.

Take one side of the cereal box and place it on a piece of wood. Then use an old case and hammer to "die cut" the discs to size by placing the case mouth down and bumping it on the head to cut the disc...just use a nail to pick them out of the case when it is full. You can cut enough discs for about 15 rounds (30 discs) in about 2 minutes.

This may sound a little involved, but you can load a good supply of them in just a few minutes.

05-21-2014, 11:27 PM
When the grasshoppers grow up I've been known to use the Ruger MKIII with an Eotec, that's fun..............

05-22-2014, 09:08 AM
Yall should see the carpenter bee load thread.........

05-22-2014, 12:40 PM
some friends and I got some interesting (and a little exciting) wing shooting with 22 birdshot a few years ago when we discovered a hive of ground dwelling bees that objected to us shootining there.

05-22-2014, 01:26 PM
Hemiptera...all bugs are insects, not all insects are bugs. Like saying all guns are the same.

06-08-2014, 03:11 PM
5grs powder with a thin paste board disc placed on top of powder and then fill brass with short-grained rice, leaving enough space at top for another thin paste board disc placed on top and covered with elmer's glue to hold the load in place.

Discs are cut from an empty cereal box...not really paste board, but more boardy than paper would be.

Take one side of the cereal box and place it on a piece of wood. Then use an old case and hammer to "die cut" the discs to size by placing the case mouth down and bumping it on the head to cut the disc...just use a nail to pick them out of the case when it is full. You can cut enough discs for about 15 rounds (30 discs) in about 2 minutes.

This may sound a little involved, but you can load a good supply of them in just a few minutes.

thanks sir