View Full Version : HELP-Buckmark firing pin

05-15-2014, 02:22 PM
HELP! I need a firing pin for my pre-2000 Browning Buckmark!
Nobody has one, even Browning said they don't make them anymore !
Anybody......... please help! Where can I get one ?


05-17-2014, 08:46 AM
Check Numrich

05-17-2014, 11:37 AM
Well, I hate it for you because that's a real hard part to find. However, you could just make one from scratch with a file and a hand drill?
Get the picture off Numrich sight:

Download the picture to your computer and import it into a photo editing program.
Down/up size the picture and print it. Compare the printed photo to the remains of your old firing pin and keep monkying with it till it's exactly the same size as your old part.
Print a whole page of images axactly that size.
Take a new piece of tool steel the same thickness as your firing pin (you can usually buy what you need from McMaster Carr: http://www.mcmaster.com/#standard-steel-sheets/=s07jiq
Clean the piece of steel with acetone and use superglue to paste one of the images on the steel. Be sure to soak up the paper pretty well, as this will make the paper waterproof and if you keep it cool while you are grinding, hacksawing, and drilling, you can cut right to the line and get something usable.
I use this trick as a last resort when all I have to go on is a picture on the internet and somebodies fond memories of a usable gun. You printed a whole sheet of those images in case you jack something up.
There's always some fitting involved, so plan on it, and leave extra material at key points so you can file it in just right.
I have gotten out of a jam several times this way.
Hope this helps.

05-17-2014, 01:13 PM
I like the "make it yourself" idea. Won't that firing pin need to be hardened after he's done?

05-17-2014, 05:27 PM
I like the "make it yourself" idea. Won't that firing pin need to be hardened after he's done?

Depends on the firearm you're making it for (forces involved) and the steel you're making it from. I've made firing pins from everything from cold rolled steel to drill rod. For softer steels, one just has to know how to case harden. Used to be a product called Kasenit, but apparently it's no longer manufactured for some reason. But there are similar products out on the market now. Not sure how they work, as I still have a good bit of my last container of Kasenit left.