View Full Version : Anybody Ever Done This?

Bent Ramrod
01-08-2008, 11:20 PM
So I walked into the gun store today to pick up my Christmas present, a Cimarron Uberti SAA Clone in .32-20 with the 7-1/2" barrel and the Old Style frame and bullseye ejector. The proprietress finished explaining the safety management of an autoloading pistol to a prospective customer and said "Hi! Come to pick it up?"

"Naah, I've changed my mind," I replied. "Over the last 10 days, I've cooled down and come to the realization that I don't want the darned thing after all." Then the store erupted with a pretty good approximation of a hyena convention. All three of us.

What got me is I said it deadpan serious, but I didn't get to either the lady behind the counter or to the customer, who was a total stranger. Not for one second. So I would guess that nobody, but nobody, has ever let this Waiting Period thing dissuade them from purchasing a handgun. Has anybody ever heard of such a thing actually happening? I mean, short of finding something was not as advertised, or that one was suddenly unexpectedly financially challenged for one reason or another.

01-08-2008, 11:23 PM
No, the 10 day waiting period is almost too much to bear. I doubt very many of us have backed out after that.


MT Gianni
01-09-2008, 12:02 AM
Waiting period! We don't need no stinking waiting period!

01-09-2008, 12:44 AM
Up here in Canada, we don't really have a waiting period...as such.

The only delay we have to deal with is waiting for the registration to go through. It used to take a loooong time, but they've gotten a lot more efficient. The AR-15 (SP1...WOO HOO!!!)I just got went through in 3 days!!! I think that's a new record for me.

Of course, out here on the West Coast, the Chief Firearms Officer is a reasonable person. Transfers tend to get approved fairly quickly. The CFO's back east in liberal-lefty-land(Ontario) generally take a while (weeks) to approve transfers.

...and, no, the wait has never stopped me from purchasing any gun.


01-09-2008, 01:17 AM
As Gianna said, here in Montana it happens quick. The last one I bought was approved while I stood there BSing with the counter guy.....maybe 20 minutes.

01-09-2008, 01:17 AM
One factor might be that the gun shop owner already has your money, which he may or may not return, with or without a fight...
Another consideration is that the state has about, what ?, $40 in registration fees which will most definitely not be refunded. Not too many people are going to renege under those circumstances.

01-09-2008, 01:30 AM
I'm doubly lucky to live in Nevada where checks are instant-30 minutes or less. I say double lucky because I have never had to be checked. My CCW card exempts me from even the "instant" check. Back in the bad old days of CA residence, after thirty days I was at the gun store early and salivating. I never backed out of a gun deal.

Rick N Bama
01-09-2008, 07:38 AM
Cripes!!!! If it takes the clerk more than 5 minutes to get my approval here I begin to get nervous! Find the gun (any gun), pays your cash & walk out in 10 minutes or less unless you just want to hang around & BS some more. If we had a 10 day waiting period I think I would have to visit it every day 'til I walked out with it in my hands.


square butte
01-09-2008, 09:35 AM
You guys from Montana are makin me homesick. My wife grew up there and i spent 23 years in the Flathead valley workin for the US forest service. If we ever become indepedently wealthy we might return (judgeing from what we see of curent property values) - Sigh. What has happened to propoperty taxes in the last 8 years that we've been gone? At least the gun laws here in Vermont are quite similar to those in Montana. No waiting here either and no permit required for concealed - but we are pretty much surrounded by anti gun states.

The Double D
01-09-2008, 09:58 AM
Waiting period.... I bought a gun here in Aug 2006, I get it March 2008 when I leave the country.

01-09-2008, 12:03 PM
I wait ~10 days on UPS. Getting the gun out of the store takes minutes.

01-09-2008, 12:07 PM
Tried the 10 day waiting period once during my years in the PRC, hated it. Now that I have escaped to Idaho it takes 30 min max.

01-09-2008, 01:40 PM
Alaska has no waiting period, just the NICS check. However, most of my guns are bought private sale, FTF.

01-09-2008, 02:32 PM
No waiting period in GA, only NICS check which CCW license exempts you from. Usually takes me 5-10 minutes to go in, buy the gun, and hit the door. One more reason I ain't movin' ta Californee! :-D

01-09-2008, 10:56 PM
You guys from Montana are makin me homesick. My wife grew up there and i spent 23 years in the Flathead valley workin for the US forest service. If we ever become indepedently wealthy we might return (judgeing from what we see of curent property values) - Sigh. What has happened to propoperty taxes in the last 8 years that we've been gone? At least the gun laws here in Vermont are quite similar to those in Montana. No waiting here either and no permit required for concealed - but we are pretty much surrounded by anti gun states. Tom

Tom, I'm in the Flathead, and taxes are higher than a tall squaws' ass.

I imagine you knew Jim Vandenburg? He's a member of one of our shooting clubs up here.

Bent Ramrod
01-09-2008, 11:26 PM
I miss the old days in Arizona where you just bought the things and took them home like any other commodity. This is the PRC, the land of social enlightenment, and, as Jeff Cooper once commented, what they've done to this place would make a stone weep.

I wanted to test it out with a friend at a range over in Ventura this weekend but she thinks it was closed down due to "concerns" about noise and lead poisoning. The general level of passive-aggressive victimhood that the ruling elite in this state achieve is downright professional in its seamless smoothness. Until they call the shots for the rest of us, they will never be Truly Free.:violin:

Two more years and hopefully I can retire and eke out my declining years in an unconcerned, uncaring state whose denizens have real lives of their own and aren't so concerned with how to co-opt mine. The posts on this thread give me hope that there'll still be a few of them left. Thanks, guys.

01-09-2008, 11:47 PM
Never took over 5 minutes here in Ky

01-10-2008, 03:08 PM
Unlucky enough to live in NY, although my county is not too bad, took 3 months to get the pistol permit, wait a week or so for the judge to sign the coupon and mail it to you so you can take it to the shop and pick up your handgun. Same with private sales, put down deposit take paperwork to Sheriff, wait for judge to sign and when coupon come in the mail pick it up.
I talked to a guy in another county who said he has to get a lawyer to get additions put on his permit, otherwise the judge just lets it sit on his desk forever.

01-10-2008, 09:40 PM
Corvette 8N,

What part of NY are you in?

01-11-2008, 01:26 AM
I'm halfway through a 10-day waiting period right now, a Mosin Nagant M44 that caught my eye the other day. I live with the wait by likening it to foreplay. . .

To be honest though, I always stop by once or twice during the wait to handle my new guns while the Government is going through their paces.

01-11-2008, 08:09 AM
LET-CA, not foreplay. More like dating a pr@$#k-tease. How can y'all stand it over there on the left coast?

Anyway, best of luck on getting a good'un.

01-11-2008, 11:36 AM
Prior to the insta-check I put a gun on lay away at an out of town store then came back the following month to pick it up. After paying it off the clerk told me I would have to pick it up the following week. I told him to call the manager who I looked squarely in the eye and told "I already waited a month before picking this gun up what the hell difference is another 5 days going to make" He pondered for a minute, Said " that doesn't make sense does it ?" and let me walk out the door with it.