View Full Version : Russian embargoe

05-10-2014, 09:29 PM
Mitchell Mausers is sending out notices that they have just been informed by the ATF that in the very near future President Obamma will be embargoeing all firearms from Russia. I would say that ammo and components will also be encluded although the notice that I received did not say so. The days of the 91 Nagant are probably done. It was nice while it lasted. james

lefty o
05-10-2014, 10:24 PM
while possible, i wouldnt trust one dang word put out my MM.

05-10-2014, 10:42 PM
The last time I looked Mitchell Mausers wasn`t the only place in town selling Nagants.Robert

05-13-2014, 10:53 AM
here in Canada, all the Nagants, SKS's, and SVT 40's are coming from the Ukraine, not Russia.

tomme boy
05-13-2014, 11:05 AM
We can not get any of these guns from Russia to begin with. It has to come from one of the satellite countries. Then they have to be in that country for a minimum of 10 years ( I think this time frame is right ). They are not a sporting arm. All of these guns and ammo are coming from outside of Russia. MM is just trying to scare the masses that do not have a clue.

mold maker
05-13-2014, 12:32 PM
Just a ruse to incite a panic buying spree. Probably next will be a drastic increase in price, "before they're all gone".

05-13-2014, 01:47 PM
While it could be true, you would think that the other big companies would post a notice on their front page if it was happening. I think MM is using it this to boost sales. Its not like they have done stupid stuff before

05-13-2014, 02:20 PM
I keep seeing this same 'rumor' lets call it what it is, in various places. Went to a gun show not long ago, guy had a sign on his AK ammo saying it was 'Banned' to justify his prices. Funny that he was the only one who knew about this ban.

Will Obama do some sort of ban, potentially he doesnt seem to have any other leverage. That would affect ammo since alot of it does seem to be made in Russia proper, Tula and Wolf come to mind.

C. Latch
05-13-2014, 02:35 PM
I don't trust MM. Having said that, I took steps to secure a supply of Tula primers in case of future uncertainties.

05-13-2014, 04:45 PM
I keep seeing this same 'rumor' lets call it what it is, in various places. Went to a gun show not long ago, guy had a sign on his AK ammo saying it was 'Banned' to justify his prices. Funny that he was the only one who knew about this ban.

Will Obama do some sort of ban, potentially he doesnt seem to have any other leverage. That would affect ammo since alot of it does seem to be made in Russia proper, Tula and Wolf come to mind.

Actually, military surplus 5.45x39 is banned from further import.

05-13-2014, 06:24 PM
HAHAHA. Sounds like a marketing ploy. Are there actually any Mosins left in Russia?

05-13-2014, 07:06 PM
Actually, military surplus 5.45x39 is banned from further import.

It's available if you just look around but non-corrosive ammo is pretty low-dollar too.

05-14-2014, 08:27 AM
Actually, military surplus 5.45x39 is banned from further import.

They banned that specific steel cored ammo as it could be used in a pistol. Some argued it didnt count as it wasn't 22cal and up according to the rules, but ATF issued a ruling and that was that. Not all the 5.45 was banned just the steel cored stuff, like they years ago with the x39 version.

I wonder if there are many mosins left in Russian warehouses. They tended to ship that kind of stuff off to satellite countries or freedom fighters.

And MM has always been way over priced. My brother in law bought a 'mauser' from them a good 10 yrs ago, came with the extra stuff, paid $400. I showed him mine, he was ticked when he realized I paid $100 for the exact same yugo M48. Yea his had a prettier stock, but wasnt a $300 one.

05-14-2014, 08:38 AM
Some of you guys I'd believe on certain issues............MM - - NO ! !

Anytime money is mixed into something , well you know the rest of the story.....


05-14-2014, 11:35 AM
I have no faith in MM either. I just posted this to let people know what was possible given the current state of affairs in Ukraine. As already pointed out, there are several people still selling the 91's at decent prices. Most of the "rumors" that I have heard come from wholesalers and most are saying that all the 91 snipers are in country and no more are coming. That's alright with me, I never wanted one anyway. Russia is expanding its territory again and Ukraine and Georgia are just its first victims. Others will follow. This president will do nothing to stop Russia but will use all resources and excuses to further his antigun agenda.

05-14-2014, 12:30 PM
My concern is the Tula Primers. We get them up here packaged as "Dominion" branded with a cute Maple Leaf on the package. Despite what I was told they work great in my revolvers, pistols and rifles.

Take Care


Larry Gibson
05-14-2014, 12:36 PM
Perhaps some of you have short memories; remember when Clinton banned importation of guns and ammo from China? I wouldn't be so quick to discount MM's word on a ban of guns/ammo from Russia as I've heard the same from other sources recently. If they are banning simple "VISA" transactions do you really think our duly elected anti-gun government will not ban importation of guns and ammo from Russia? Regardless of one's prejudice against certain businesses you should not let that prejudice sway common sense.

I am not saying one way or the other but I sure won't be surprised if it happens.

Larry Gibson

05-14-2014, 12:42 PM
Larry makes a good point. The problem you will have is once it goes into effect you will have a devil of a time reversing it eg Clinton's ban on Norinco products. For all the politics involved what it really is, is protectionism for US arms companies. The so called free enterprise system really works well when you ban importation of goods.

Take Care


05-14-2014, 08:12 PM
I think if Mr. Putin wanted to make Obama look like a fool he could respond to the embargo threat by refusing to take any more American and Europeans up to the International Space Station.

05-14-2014, 09:20 PM
I think if Mr. Putin wanted to make Obama look like a fool he could respond to the embargo threat by refusing to take any more American and Europeans up to the International Space Station.

That is what I wait to see if that will happened now.for all that is going on now it will be some thing to see what would happened if that where to happened

05-14-2014, 10:37 PM
I think if Mr. Putin wanted to make Obama look like a fool he could respond to the embargo threat by refusing to take any more American and Europeans up to the International Space Station.

Nothing in it for Putin to do so. All this is a argument over who has the biggest Willy. In the end nobody will care, Russia will have the Crimea, as they had for years before 1954 and we will all kiss and make up.

Take Care
